The night is very lonely. The cicadas and insects are mixed together, adding some color to the night.

Inside the wooden house, it's beautiful for a while.

At night, the stars are thick.

When the world was quiet in the wooden house, two twinkling stars in the sky collided with each other and sent out twinkling light.

Caitang, who is embraced by Siming, has not yet been able to respond. He has actually married and become a real woman.

After a long silence, Caitang thought Siming was asleep.

She felt that her body was sticky, probably because of the unspeakable relationship between the two talents not long ago. She moved her body. Caitang just wanted to quietly open Siming's arm around her waist and sneak out for a bath.

But suddenly I heard a male voice over my head: "sleep."

Caitang's breath tightened. She thought he was asleep.

After a furtive sigh of relief, Caitang turns her body gently and sleeps.


the next morning, Caitang just got up and saw Siming sitting at the end of the bed.

When she thought of what happened last night, she blushed, just thought of a voice, but suddenly heard the voice of sming sitting at the end of the bed:

"you are safe in the village, and you will have a good life in the future."

He stood up.

"If one day I can come back safely, I will take you away." Siming is still indifferent.

He does have some good feelings for Caitang.

But in the final analysis, the two people know each other for about a month.

But emotion can be cultivated.

But he can't take her now.

He still has a big job to do.

He did not forget, for a moment dare not forget to come here.

"You, you going?" Caitang listens to Siming's words, stands straight and stares at a pair of beautiful pupils.

"You, if you want to leave, can you take me with you, I..." Caitang asked before sming could make a voice.

"No way." Sming frowned and refused decisively.

"Why? I can wash clothes for you. I can be very good. Don't leave me... "Caitang thought that Siming was going to leave, so she blinked and was afraid.

"I will not leave you behind. I will never lose you.

"But if you go with me, you will be killed at any time. Maybe you will live a life of fear every day. Maybe you will never come back to the village again.

"So I can't take you."

Sming speaks to Caitang in a solemn voice.

He thought Caitang would be afraid after hearing this.

"I'm not afraid!" Caitang's big eyes sparkled with a kind of light called self-confidence. She was very calm and blurted out the words.

Speaking down, Caitang is afraid of being unconvinced and continues to speak:

"I've married you, and I'm your man. I really don't know your past, your past, but I'd like to know you.

"I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid to die. Even if there's any danger, I'll spend it with you."

Girl words with irresistible firmness.

Sming's heart suddenly quivered.

It has to be said that what Caitang said just now, Siming was moved.

But he still echoed, "but I'm afraid."

After two seconds of silence, a voice suddenly came out:

"I'm afraid that you will die because of me. I don't want to see the sacrifice again. You know, darling, wait for me to come back here.

"I swear to you, I will come back, you will be my wife all my life, unique!"