Little girl Si Yuan, little guy Ming Si and Zhou Yiran grew up together.

Because the three were born early, and they were about the same age.

When the four leaders of the dark soul organization, except Adam, had just landed, the little girl, the little guy and Zhou Yiran could all go to play soy sauce.

Maybe because Yunjian has been to the future world and saw that Siyuan was bullied, she was asked by Yunjian to practice together since she was a child.

Although there is no excessive demand, there is no lack of suffering.

Zhou Yiran and the little guy Siming are directly thrown into the Amazon forest by Siyi, day and night with poisonous snakes and beasts.

Although the three grew up together, Zhou Yiran and Si Ming spent more time together than Si Yuan.

The three grew up together. However, when she was seven years old, she could see Zhou Yiran and her brother Siming only three months in a year.

This is naturally because for the rest of the nine months, Zhou Yiran and Siming were both left in the Amazon forest.

When Si Yuan was 14 years old, she was already like the original Yunjian. Because she defeated the mysterious man and changed the future history, she was always under the protection of her parents.

This year, she just came home from junior high school with her schoolbag on her back.

She hasn't seen Zhou Yiran and Si Ming for five months.

Shaking two ponytails, she walked out of the school gate. As soon as she left, she saw her brother Siming and Zhou Yiran.

Siming's appearance is similar to that of Si Yi. There is a trace of beauty in his beauty that all things in the world have lost color because of him. But compared with Si Yi, Siming's appearance is a bit wild.

The 14-year-old Siming is already 1.75 meters tall.

Zhou Yiran, who is three or four years older than Si Yuan and Si Ming, is one meter and eighty-two meters tall.

Both of them are very handsome. Standing there, they can attract the love of countless women without any reason.

When Si Yuan just walked out of the school, she was still holding a pink envelope in her hand. At this time, she saw two people. She hid the envelope behind her and ran to it.

"Brother! Brother Yiran! " The kite cried sweetly.

"Why, what does our little kite hide!" At this time, Siming suddenly took the envelope from the back of Si Yuan, with a bad smile on his face.

"Brother! Pay me back! Pay me back! " The envelope was taken away by Siming. Siming's face turned red. She used cloud paper to teach herself how to take the envelope away by Siming.

This self-defense skill can't be used by ordinary people, but it's nothing for sming.

One side of SMI turned his hand and opened the envelope. He read it with a bad smile on his face:

"Zhu Zehao, my classmate, your handsome outline has been reflected in my heart. I adore you. I adore you since you cleaned me. Would you please contact me...

" hahaha! Si Yuan, you are also in secret love. Write a love letter! Ha ha, I'm so happy! "

Sming raised the letter high and laughed.

"Give it back to me! Give it back to me! " The kite is not angry.

Zhou Yiran heard the moment when Si Yuan wrote a love letter to the boy next to her, her eyes moved.

Taking advantage of his height, he snatched the envelope from Siming. In front of Siming and Siming, he tore the love letter directly...

and then listened to Zhou Yiran sneer: "a bunch of waste paper, ah."

Si Yuan and Si Ming: "...


Si Ming and Zhou Yiran have been back for two weeks.

This day, Zhou Yiran just got up to go to the morning exercise. When passing by Siyuan's boudoir, she was suddenly huddled behind the door and attracted the attention of Siyuan, who only showed one eye.

"Brother Yiran, can you come here for a moment..." Si Yuan looks at Zhou Yiran with a face of dying eyes.

"Well?" Zhou Yiran passed.

However, seeing Si Yuan's bleeding hands stretching out from her back, her face was white with fear, and she opened her mouth to Zhou Yiran with a face of fear:

"Yiran brother, I seem to be dying. What can I do? My thigh has been bleeding since I woke up in the morning. I can't find the wound for a long time. Can you help me see if I'm dying..."