When I realized that the man who just tripped me was my own father, I even wanted to die.

"Father? Father, why do you trip me? You see, my clothes are stained with mud... "

although the fashion has lived for so many years, and Si Yi has grown an eight image face, he and Si Yi are very different in character.

Si Yi is the kind of person who is too cold to approach and talk with at a glance.

He will not speak lightly of anyone except his beloved woman.

Although the fashion has grown a handsome face that is exactly the same as Si Yi's, and even the appearance of Leng Bing has been inherited in place, he is totally different from Si Yi. He is the kind of person who likes to talk funny and funny.

When I realized that it was my father who tripped me, I was stunned.

When he was finished, he immediately played coquettish.

But the coquetry of the vogue, in exchange for Si Yi's harsh words: "roll away."

Naturally, Xingfeng knew his father. He pulled at the corners of his mouth, and finally turned around and ran away.


the next morning.

Mo Bufan, vice president of Martial Arts Association, grabbed his scalp and slept in his big single bed. He turned over.

Although the single bed is large, mobufan sleeps on the edge of the single bed, and this one turns over, and people directly fall to the ground.

"Ouch!" Mobufan howled.

After howling, the consciousness gradually became clear.

"Hiss - why do I seem... To have a terrible dream? What kind of dream is it? Why can't I remember... Hiss - in my dream, there seems to be cloud paper? "

Mo Bufan grabs his scalp and mumbles to himself.

Mumble mumble, he stood up, dressed, thinking that this is a dream, simply do not think about it.

After breakfast, I took a car from home to school.

As soon as I entered the classroom, I heard a lot of students talking about it.

Leading the discussion was Cai Huiling, who had a dispute with Yunjian in the University.

"How could that little hoof appear in my dream! I really saw a ghost! I don't want that little bitch in my dream! And it seems that...

"she is the number one brake God in the list of international agents! What is the boss of the ancient slaying mercenary regiment? In my dream, I seem to dream that there are some people who claim to be members of the ancient slaying mercenary regiment and stand behind the little cheap hooves.

"Poof, I wonder that she still appears in my dream in such a posture. She thinks she is a transformer and a warrior in armor!"


CAI Huiling is talking to some girls who don't know about her dreams yesterday, laughing and ridiculing.

Mo Bufan grabs his head and walks past Cai Huiling.

Strange, her dream, how does he seem to have done it?

But mobufan didn't think much.

"Look, here comes the transformer and the armor warrior!" Cai Huiling pointed to the stairs with a sarcastic tone.

But I saw a face moistened by a man, a girl with a full chest and a slender body, coming here.

Yunjian is just passing here.

Listen to Cai Huiling's taunts, Yunjian is just a hook of red arc. When passing by Cai Huiling, they smile at Cai Huiling.

This smile made Cai Huiling laugh at Yunjian more hip-hop, and shouted at Yunjian's back:

"Hey! You're a transformer, aren't you! "

A wry smile.

But just after Cai Huiling said that, she suddenly saw a butterfly knife on Yunjian's hand that had nothing to hold.

This is nothing.

But looking at the shape of the butterfly knife, Cai Huiling suddenly recalled a picture on his forehead.

It's the scene that Yunjian merges the three artifact into a butterfly hilt...

when Cai Huiling comes back to her senses, she suddenly screams out in fear, leaving a group of girls around her at a loss to listen to her jokes about Yunjian:

"ah! That is! That is! That dream is not a dream! It's true! It's true! ......”