The 17th headless homicide victim!

headless homicide!

the voice from Yunjian's mouth made everyone's pupils glare.

In particular, with the help of cloud paper, he wiped out the strange and cruel skills of ten living people with a blade.

Hongjie, yuantianqi, and the box were sitting, waiting with a dirty face for the big bosses who were allowed to do whatever they wanted after Sri was injected with drugs, all huddled in the corner of the box.

It looks like I can't wait to get into the corner of the box and let myself go.

"None Headless murder You, who are you and who... "

Yuantianqi's eyes became dead fish's eyes. She stared at Yunjian and her face was pale.

2019 is a network technology society.

In this era, a small amount of things have happened, which may be introduced into the network and explode overnight.

Generally speaking, it's just a small thing that can spread all over the world quickly.

The dozens of headless murders happened in Longmen City, which could not even be investigated by the police with modern technology, had already spread all over the country, making numerous netizens suspicious.

At the moment, the murderer of the headless murders stood in front of all the people and killed ten red sisters at one go

The audience was naturally frightened beyond words.

But this is not even more shocking.

"Brake, brake and brake God!" Different from the concerns of Hongjie, yuantianqi and others, one of the big bosses finally reacted and breathed loudly.

"It's the number one international secret service agent who reported the death three years ago After the big boss exclaimed, another big boss curled up in the corner immediately responded and was scared out of his wits.

Who is chashen! It has been popular in the field of killer agents for decades. It's the myth that the fame is enough to scare people!

A king who has already died, and who once had the world's highest peak and could not be reached by all! Suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

This sense of horror, not at the scene of people, is absolutely incomprehensible.

"We didn't see anything! Nothing! We have no enemies with you! Please raise your hand! We can give you anything you want! Please let us go! "

In the box, the oldest one, the most powerful and powerful boss of a group, suddenly climbed to Yunjian from the corner of the box like a beast, and then fell down in front of Yunjian.

This boss is the one who wants to take advantage of the opportunity to eat Shiyuan tofu when she first enters the box.

It used to be more beautiful, but now it's more embarrassing.

"Yes, yes, we have no quarrel with you, you..." red sister pulled apart a smile that was worse than crying, and just wanted to speak to Yunjian.

"Ma... Ma!" There was a tremor, a little tremor in the tone. I couldn't believe it, but the voice was ecstatic and suddenly sounded.

All of us, at this moment, turn our eyes to the speaker.

However, she saw a flying swoop of the kite and threw herself into Yun Jian's arms, crying and Howling: "Mom! I miss your mother so much! "

It's called chashen, mom!?

So is Kite?

But just look at the appearance of chashen, it seems that he is only nineteen years old! What's the matter!

Just as Yunjian gently attached her head to the head of Siyuan and rubbed it lightly, she raised it slightly under her feet and stepped on the top of it to rush to the head of the boss who begged for mercy.

Almost a second, she stepped on the boss's head and kicked to the right.

Just listen to "kazam". At the speed that the boss can't respond at all, he directly sent the boss to hell with his strange footwork.


This scene, for Yunjian, is like skillful cooking with fried rice, but in the eyes of all people, it startles everyone's fear.

At the same time, cloud paper caresses Si Yuan's head, grins, and draws a light smile that makes everyone enter the prison of death:

"next, whose turn is it?"