The suspension bridge is 100 meters long. From the edge cliff of the two mountains, the strong suspension bridge is hung high in the middle of the two mountains, 600 meters without any precautions, by using huge and strong iron chains and some special materials.

There are some small suspension bridges, which are suspended on the water surface, and the suspension bridge is only about half a meter from the water surface.

Even if there is a violent flowing Lake underneath, a suspension bridge is hung from both sides of the lake, and ordinary people walk through the suspension bridge corridor on the lake, their faces will turn blue with fear.

Because people walk on the suspension bridge, there are at least dozens of people standing on the suspension bridge. In order to increase the stimulation, some people will hold the handrail in their hands, and they will step on and swing severely at their feet.

At this time, even if you imagine yourself falling into the lake, you will be flustered and trembling.

Not to mention that Yunjian is standing on a suspension bridge at a height of 600 meters.

If this falls, it will be a dead end!

And the defensive measures of the suspension bridge are generally very firm, which should have 100% safety, but its chain will suddenly break, this kind of thing, no one can imagine!

The suspension bridge is broken, but there are at least a hundred people on it! So many people, even if the staff members on one side hold the iron chain, do not have the strength to support the people down the mountain to come to the rescue.

In this case, it is usually inevitable to die.

And at the moment when everyone thought it was over and scared to death.

Yunjian suddenly turned over and stepped on the thin railing of the suspension bridge, like a circus performing on a steel wire. She walked on the railing used as a handrail when people walked on the suspension bridge, not only didn't fall down!

On the contrary, she ran at a gallop speed to the cliff of the suspension bridge where the iron chain was broken!

The corridor of the suspension bridge is full of people. The only way to get to the cliff is to walk on the railing.

But in addition to cloud paper, ordinary people can't even stand on the railings, even the circus acrobats walking the steel wire king, it's estimated that they can't do this in such an occasion!

"Look! That little girl! She... She she she actually! Unexpectedly......

the staff at the side suddenly saw Yunjian stepping on the rail of the suspension bridge and running to this side at a speed that human flesh and eyes could not see clearly. They were frightened and shouted loudly.

"My God! What is she going to do! We are going to fall... We are really going to fall. Who is the woman who killed thousands of knives! Mom, please help me... "

the tourists who hold the handrail of the suspension bridge tightly and dare not move even a moment are pale with fear after seeing Yunjian.

"Stop her! The chain is unstable! She ran on the railing of the suspension bridge again. We couldn't hold the chain! Come on! Stop her! "

Fortunately, the chain is slowly loose, just before the staff react, they have been holding the chain.

The rest did not get on the suspension bridge, and the passengers with loving heart also ran up to help the staff to hold the chain together.

But there are nearly a hundred people on the suspension bridge. The strength of their chains is not enough, and they could not last much time.

In particular, Yunjian is still running on the railing of the suspension bridge, which is simply exerting pressure on them.

"Come on! Stop her! We can't hold on! Has the engineer repairing the chain come to the mountain yet!!! "

A staff member with the crowd pulled the chain that had been completely broken in his hand, exhausted all his strength, even the veins on his neck were protruding, and he shouted hoarsely with all his strength.

All the people holding the broken iron chain are doing their best.

It's not all bad people in the world. These people who reach for help have no relatives with the people who are trapped on the suspension bridge. However, they reach out to help and cling to the iron chain.

Their feet, in a little bit to the edge of the cliff move.

They can let go so that they can be safe, but they are still trying their best.

Come on... I can't hold it!

Just at the moment when everyone thought that people on the suspension bridge would be thrown off the cliff like a kite with broken line!

Yunjian has been standing on the ground easily. She walked quickly to the place where the iron chain was broken. Without saying anything, she took the tool that was prepared to be here again. She rubbed the broken place with the tool, and three or two times she ran in the defective part of the iron chain intact.

In less than a minute, the series of steps was completed successfully.

At this time, the staff and tourists, including those who were on the suspension bridge and even scolded Yunjian for exerting pressure on the people, were stunned.

Stare on the spot!

Three minutes later, the staff member just took the lead, and after the reaction came back, chaoyunjian screamed out:

"you! Are you the top engineer in the world!? For the construction of this suspension bridge, ordinary engineers can't repair it so quickly.

"The suspension bridge was built by the top international engineers. Around us, Mr. kenani has the ability to repair the current problems."May I have your name, please?"