This is the case with underground killers and agents.

You can never guess what they are thinking.

Kill when you say.

In the last second, they can also stimulate you with strange words that make you afraid. In the next second, they can suddenly change the illusion they first gave you, rush up and directly kill you.

It's like Chiling.

After a glance at the other 19 secret service killers, Chiling was almost at a speed that human flesh could not see clearly. She stood on the side of the cloud paper, surrounded the cloud paper, and attacked at the same time.

The killer who is the fastest to reach Yunjian is stepping on the big rock on the side, rotating 360 ° in the air, flying directly in front of Yunjian, holding a dagger at the temple of Yunjian to attack with the speed of lightning and thunder.

The top killers and agents usually don't use guns.

Firearms are only suitable for long-range attack. The characters with very strong strength are fighting against each other. Generally, daggers are used as weapons suitable for close attack.

Because standing in the distance shooting opponents, can not do the other side.


The first assassin who attacked cloud paper stabbed his temple.

Immediately following the other three agents, they followed the killer and followed him at a speed 0.5 seconds slower than that of the killer. They attacked Yunjian's neck, heart and abdomen with deadly moves.

There are acupoints all over a person's body. As long as you master these, you can grasp this person's acupoints from any place, and the other person will be like the whole body's acupoints being strangled, unable to move.

These twenty secret service killers are not such simple characters as low-level killers and high-level killers.

They are the most formal, the most traditional killing training, the top figures in the killer agent world!

No one can provoke a strong existence!

They know more about killing moves and techniques than Yunjian!

They are not much slower than Yunjian!

These 20 people are the most powerful people in the world.

The three agents followed the assassin to launch a deadly strike.

One after another, the assassin agents in the rear followed the first four to make a good formation.

It can be said that this is a dead chess game!

To the left, to the right, to the front, to the back, you are all dead.

At least in the eyes of Liu Fenfen, Su Xuan and Su ya, Yunjian is completely finished this time!

Having defeated these 20 people does not mean that she is powerful.

Because in those days, no one saw how the God of the temple defeated these twenty people. Those who saw them all went to hell.

"She's done!"

Suya was afraid that she would see the bloody picture. She covered her eyes with fear and only showed a little slit. She wanted to see the frightening picture curiously.

But when everyone thought that Yunjian was going to die, she saw that Yunjian, who had been standing in the same place and didn't even look at it, held the blade of the killer who first stabbed at her temple with one hand.

The blade was firmly held in her hand with a gap of 0.1mm.

Almost at the same moment when she reached for the blade that the killer hit her, she raised her legs high, wrapped the heels of her flat shoes around the wrist that the three agents stabbed at her neck, heart and abdomen.

Kick the three agents aside with just the heel.

The rest of the killer agents saw it and didn't even jump their eyelids.

Before Yunjian kills the four killer agents, the other 16 killer agents attack Yunjian again.

"Don't let her take the weapon! Go! Set up our formation! Today, even if you die again, you should be ashamed before the snow and kill the God! "