"But yunjian'er, for you, you are a real show!"

In the last sentence, Chu Ning said in a very low voice. After that, Chu Ning showed his big front teeth and laughed twice.

All around are candidates waiting for auditions. Now they can't recite lines because they are afraid of their own nervousness. Everyone is reciting lines crazily.

Some people are even so nervous that they tremble all over, even their teeth and lips.

The last sentence of Chu Ning is very light. No one around to listen to it or hear it. But it was impartially introduced to Dong Lijie, the team of Tyrannosaurus Rex and the team of the ox who had been listening for a long time and wanted to hear what role Yun Jian chose.

"What kind of performance? I think she confused the killer with us! The killer pays attention to the killing moves, and really takes himself as the bottom card? Don't look at your virtue! "

Dong Lijie hummed a scornful "ha" from her nose. She glanced sideways at Yunjian and made a mockery with words that only three special teams could hear.

"The old woman wants you to take care of it! I don't think you even recited the lines. You should worry about yourself! " Chu Nan is worthy of facing Chu Ning all the time. After hearing Dong Lijie's words, he glanced at Dong Lijie with contempt on his face and retaliated rudely.

"Old woman? Who does the old woman say! " Dong Lijie stood up directly.

"Who should be the one!" Chu shrugged to the South and answered.

"You..." Dong Lijie stood up angry at Chu's words to the South and wanted to start.

"Please come on stage on the 60th." At this time, the staff in charge of the playing order shouted.

Dong Lijie's other number plate is No. 60.

Dong Lijie listened to this and gave Yunjian a provocative look before taking the stage.

Who knows? Before she joined the special team, she had read the performance department? I was also honored to receive the guidance of the world-class master of performance department!

So acting, naturally.

On stage, Dong Lijie introduced herself to the fake identities made up by the former army, and then began to perform.

Dong Lijie's role is a female match whose attendance is not particularly high.

From looks, looks, looks and sounds, people can not find a flaw.

Even Mr. Milland, who has been drooping and never smiled since the beginning of the audition, grinned, clapped and said in English that he gave the highest evaluation: "OK!"

This has greatly satisfied Dong Lijie's vanity.

After stepping down.

"That's great! It's really yours! " Just after Dong Lijie stepped down, a female member of their best team boasted to Dong Lijie.

"It's nothing." Dong Lijie raised her head with a certain grace and glanced at Yunjian again with contempt.

Cloud paper completely ignored.

"Please come on stage on the 66th." Up to the front of the serial number, the voice of the staff sounded again, the people back to God.

Yunjian is on stage now.

The words "Odysseus" appear in a large screen on the side, which means that Odysseus is the role of Yunjian in the audition.

At first glance, the role of Yunjian audition was Odysseus, and all the audience were stunned.

After all, Odysseus is the most difficult and difficult character of all.

Odysseus appears in many movies, but Odysseus has the least lines. Every time he appears, he must show everything with his eyes.

And that look, from inside to outside, must make people feel that she is a cold-blooded killer.

Odysseus's audition has been tried by two people before.

The lines are all the same. The scene is a battlefield of fire and smoke. Odysseus stepped on a large body, raised his head slowly and said a word "kill" to his men.

The two of Odysseus had no feeling at all.

At the moment, Yunjian came to the stage, which made people curious.

At that time, Yunjian was already standing in front of several judges.

People think that Yunjian will introduce herself first, but they don't know that Yunjian is bowing her head, which makes people feel that she is afraid to go to the stage.

But when Yunjian people came to the center of the stage, her fear changed!

She red arc micro Yang, as if a place in the knife and gun blood killing killer, slowly raised eyes, sharp raised.

That pair of eyes seems to have red blood, which makes all the judges and the audience on the scene tense.

The playful half smile made everyone on the scene creepy.

At this time, the girl suddenly smoothed the half smile. She raised her head, like a king, as if she stepped on thousands of skeletons. That simple, flat, with words that make people jump, stood out like this:
