When the black card slipped out of Si Yi's hands and landed at the table of the gambling staff, it was not only the gambling staff, but also the students from the rich family and the rich second generation around who saw it. They were all stunned on the spot!

They are not mistaken!

Si Yi just put a tick next to the name "Wei Lin", which means to bet on Wei Lin.

A billion dollars!

That's six billion yuan!

In this era, this sum of money, worth enough to rank on the national rich list!

You should know that no matter how rich the second generation is, it's up to the sky to have a monthly allowance!

But the handsome man in the uniform of the Royal College, who won't accept any refutation, is a billion dollars!?

This is simply a strange thing!

"You... You, you..." the gambling staff stared at the round dead fish eyes, stuttered at Si Yi, then paused, he took a deep breath, then continued:

"you really have... No, you really need to use a billion dollars... To make and bet!"

The gambling staff thought Si Yi was crazy!

He's ruined his fortune to make a bet!

And bet on a girl!

Crazy, crazy!

Fencing competition in the Royal College, has a full history of 50 years, there is no record of girls winning the championship!

And he, even to put a billion dollars, this outsider can not even imagine the huge money, a breath of pressure on the girl!

The chance of losing is not so big!

And after the bet, when the game is over and the bet is wrong, it's equivalent to a whole billion dollars, all of which will be wasted!

"Can't bet?" After hearing the hesitation of the gambler, Si Yi frowned and was obviously upset.

"No, no, no! This is a large amount. I'll ask the superior for advice before I make a decision! You, please wait! " The staff quickly called him on the spot.

But in a few minutes they got a response.

"The head has agreed! What's your surname? " The staff got a response and rushed to Si Yi in a respectful tone.

Unexpectedly, Si Yi ignored him and left a bland word, then turned around and left:

"a million dollars, please transfer it into this black card."

He means that the girl named "Wei Lin" is not the champion in this fencing competition!

All the people in the room were shocked by Si Yi's words. They couldn't calm down for a long time.

At that time, the culprit who provoked the scene of chaos, Si Yi has left here.


there are three statues in the fencing field of fencing competition.

On the eve of the competition, the students of Yunjian and his party who participated in this year's fencing competition were invited to stand in the fencing field side by side and listen to the host introduce the three statues of great men representing the history of fencing in front of the whole school's teachers and students:

"one of the three statues is John, the president who founded our royal Imperial College in the last century.

"The tall man statue is the fencing genius of the last century who graduated from our royal Imperial College. His fencing talent swept the world. He once took the position of the world's first fencing champion. For 20 years, no one could shake his chief position until his death!

"The owner of the statue is boyace, a famous female fencer in the last century. She is more famous in the fencing field than the male statue fencer! She is a legend in fencing! No one can surpass since ancient times!

"See the foil in her hand? It's said that as long as you have it, you will never lose in fencing competition!

"And the owner of the statue, the legendary fencer boyace, lost the legendary flower sword with the owner of the legendary one who won the fencing competition after a shipwreck. Since then, no one has seen the legendary flower sword..."