As soon as Yun Jian said this, all the people in the room stared at him with astonishment, and his eyes beat hard.

What did she say?

When she was in the killer business?

Can say such words, that is, on behalf of cloud paper is the killer agent, has also been in the killer agent industry!

Then her real identity is......

"little boy, are you 18 years old! Just you, who's been with me longer than in the killer agent world? I've been in the world of killers for 30 years! In terms of experience and strength, I will certainly not be weaker than you! "

"Miss Yang" listened to Yunjian's words, and didn't wait for the audience to be shocked, they shouted back to Yunjian.

This is also rampant, but the words contain confidence that outsiders can not learn.

In Mr. Yang's view, Yunjian is only an 18-year-old girl at most. In his words, it's that before the hair has grown up, you dare to say something like "when I was in the killer agent industry, you didn't know what it was".

"Wei Lin, don't be capricious. We can't interfere in this matter any more! Come back soon! Leave it to the police! "

Luo Jiajun saw Yunjian standing in front of "teacher Yang", for fear that Yunjian would be hurt by "teacher Yang", he quickly opened his mouth, trying to call back Yunjian standing not far away.

"Yes! Come back as soon as possible. You're a forensic wizard! The moment you find the killer, you're done! I have contacted the armed police force of PLO city. I believe that the armed police force will come here soon to help us find the murderer! You don't have to interfere in the next thing! "

Zhou team and Luo Jiajun also use the same tone to rush cloud paper.

In fact, Yunjian's words that he is also a member of the secret service killer world are just a false statement of deliberately bluffing "Miss Yang" in the eyes of Zhou team and Luo Jiajun and others.

Seeing that the situation is not right now, Yunjian dare to speak to "Miss Yang" in such a tone. If Yunjian doesn't retreat next second, he will surely die at that moment.

"Miss Yang" suddenly cackled and laughed twice.

"Lin Jiaoyue, the bitch who refused to be my woman, even scolded me as a social scum, saying that sooner or later I would be doomed to hell, tut, you see, that's her fate!

"But you little boy dare to talk to me in such a tone... Do you want to end up like Lin Jiaoyue's cheap hooves?"

"Teacher Yang" said two sentences, the tone is slow, there is a kind of leisurely and lazy meaning.

Speaking of this, "Mr. Yang" looked sideways at Yunjian, then continued to speak in front of the audience:

"tut! I can't bear to kill you, but

"Mr. Yang" said this, and suddenly he paused deeply. His black eyes were staring at the ground.

The next second, he did not continue to speak. After he paused, Mr. Yang suddenly raised his eyes, which had been staring at the ground. At that moment, others were like a flash of lightning, flashing towards the cloud paper.

At the same time, Mr. Yang bent his gesture into a very standard eagle claw and stretched it out towards the neck of Yunjian.

At the same time, a kind of almost gloomy words suddenly sounded: "but you'd better die!"

the sudden strike of "Miss Yang" made everyone in the audience not anxious to turn around.

Luo Jiajun and others saw this, and their eyes gave a heavy meal, even their breath stopped at the same moment!

it's over! It's late!

the cloud paper is over!

that fast killer move! It's really impossible to parry a person who hasn't been in the world of killer agents for more than ten years!

but just when people thought the cloud paper was over, they only saw cloud paper at the moment when "teacher Yang" put his hand For a moment, there was not a bit of fluster on his face, but a cold smile.

The next second, however, they suddenly saw a scene that made their pupils zoom and shocked them to open their mouth -