Yunjian is extremely disgusted with Yu's threatening voice despite her appearance as a teacher.

So she just said this to Miss Yu in front of Zhu Huili and her classmates who had not left in time after class.

Hearing this, Zhu Huili was shocked, and the students in the class who had not left in time were also shocked.

In response, the naughty boys who had not yet left all gathered together and talked in a low voice.

"Oh, I'll go. Our class's Yunjian is still working with the old class!"

"Too fierce! Even we didn't dare to work with the old class easily. The old class threatened her, and she actually threatened the old class in turn! Tut, this little girl is beautiful, with big chest and big butt. I didn't expect she would hang like this! "

"The president of Wushu Club is different!"


the conversation sound of this group of boys is almost the same as that of mosquitoes.

The old class teacher Yu didn't hear it. Yunjian's ears are easy to use. She heard it clearly, but she didn't pay attention to it.

Teacher Yu, who is standing opposite to Yunjian, is stunned by what Yunjian said.

Then Miss Yu suddenly remembered that when the teachers had a meeting last time, the headmaster and other teachers left and left her alone to tell a classmate named Yunjian in their class in the future to take care of her.

Mr. Yu had already forgotten this. Just after hearing what Yunjian said, she had a ringing in her ear and immediately recalled it.

Is there any terrible life experience of Yunjian?

Thinking of this, Miss Yu was afraid for a while.

If that's the case, she can't be bothered:

"good! Yunjian student, the teacher promised you that the teacher is not such a bad speaker. You said clearly and the teacher agreed directly.

"I don't need any reason for you to ask for leave in school, but I need to tell me before you ask for leave. I need to know that you are safe!"

After all, students in school, if something goes wrong the teacher is also responsible.

If no one can be found, the parents will make trouble to the school.

Cloud paper is not unreasonable people, natural nod: "yes."

"I will go to the gate of Jiangcheng Normal University at one o'clock in the morning and remember to take my luggage with me. A teacher will stand there and count the number of people with the registration form. I can sign up in the past, and then I will follow the army."

After seeing Yunjian's promise, Mr. Yu said the plan to Yunjian.

In exchange, Yunjian said, "well."


the next day, 1 p.m.

No more than one minute, no sooner than one minute, Yunjian appears at the gate of Jiangcheng Normal University.

Far away, beside a registered teacher, there are more than 20 college students.

In this way, these twenty college students are obviously students of Jiangcheng Normal University.

This activity was originally held by Jiangcheng Normal University, so there are four more students from other schools and only one or two less.

Yunjian goes forward.

"School, name." The registered teacher glanced up at Yunjian and asked.

"Jiangcheng University of Electronic Science and technology, Yunjian." She replied quietly.

The number of registered teachers will record the data immediately.

"Oh, it's a legend of Jiangcheng University of Electronic Science and technology. It's the Yunjian who took over the martial arts club and won the admiration of song University of Oriental University as a freshman!"

Xu Shiyun Jian's reputation is too loud. Some girls in normal university immediately recognize him.

"Say, until a few days ago, the school grass of song university next door didn't go to school. It seems that something happened at home?"

The girl's voice is rising and falling, and no one has to pay attention to the meaning of Yunjian.

To this, cloud paper newspaper name, will insert both hands into trouser bag, didn't care.

"It's you! Do you also want to go to the countryside to teach! "

After about five minutes standing beside Yunjian, there comes a very beautiful and gorgeous girl in front.

Girls see cloud paper, Mou son a bright, come to surprise way.

This is Liang Xiumin, the daughter of Xiao laoliang from GE Junjian, who came to visit Ge Junjian with his wife and daughter last time.

The young lady who was born and raised.

After the tour, Yunjian and Liang Xiumin came to Jiangcheng by car from Longmen city. At that time, Liang Xiumin invited Yunjian to play in her school with a red face, and then ran away.

Yunjian still remembers that she is a girl whose heart is not right, whose appearance seems to be bad for people and whose heart is pure.

In a word, Yunjian has a good impression on Liang Xiumin.

At this time, Liang Xiumin said hello to herself, and Yunjian replied, "well."