All of a sudden, Lin Wei said something that surprised everyone in the room.

Even Yunjian, who stood in the distance and squinted at the girl in the huge cage fighting with the lion but didn't say a word, blinked.

Lin Wei's words are really not surprising.

If snow Hawk is here, it's estimated that he will burst into laughter.

Not long ago, snow Eagle asked when Lin Wei would find a woman to inherit his family. Today, Lin Wei went to this girl and said directly to her, "would you like to marry me and have a baby for me?".

It's not so easy to marry a wife!

Lin Wei has no requirements for his other half. He went to the girl just now. He just saw the girl's behavior fit his appetite and tried to be strong.

For Lin Wei, as long as his partner doesn't cheat, he won't find other women except the other side. He doesn't have the sex of love, just simply passing on his family.

What's more, he's twenty-five years old. It's time to carry on the family.

Just now, I saw that the girl met her requirements, so Lin Wei came and said something like that.

In the distance, Yunjian blinked and held his chest.

The group of special soldiers from all over the world standing nearby, as well as the head of the hunting school and chief instructor of the school, Miguel, were stunned.

But I saw that there was a battle with the lion. Now I was paralyzed on the ground and hurt all over. The girl who was not gorgeous also looked up because of the battle with the lion. She was pulled up by Lin Wei and looked at Lin Wei with her astonished eyes.

The young girl is very beautiful. She has a pair of sky blue eyes. Her facial features are correct and very thin. When she shows it to people at first sight, she will have a sense of protection.

Especially the girl's indomitable eyes, as if in order to survive, can do their best.

The girl's appearance is the same as that of the people of Z country. The only difference is probably that pair of sky blue eyes.

However, this pair of sky blue eyes is extremely beautiful. Different beautiful pupils, this pair of pure sky blue eyes, have a natural and fresh beauty.

189, come out soon! Just now you survived from the lion's mouth. You did well. What Lord Lin Wei said is a joke! Have you ever looked at yourself? How can a person like you deserve Lord Lin Wei! "

Before Jamil spoke, one of the men standing next to Jamil shouted at the girl over there.

189 is the number and name of the girl.

The man next to Jamil is buddy.

The girl is trained by Buddy himself, and buddy has been peeping at the girl's beauty for a long time, and before that, he couldn't find the chance to start with her.

Buddy had planned to wait for the chance that the girl would be sent out of the hunting school in these days to take possession of the girl.

But I didn't expect Lin Wei would stand up and say such things to the girl! So buddy says it now!

In hunting school, the status of students is not high!

Especially, people like girls who have been caught here and trained for more than ten years or several years have a lower status than dogs!

At buddy's words, the girl trembled, but did not go to buddy's side.

The girl is not stupid. She obviously knows that buddy doesn't mean well to her.

Seeing this, buddy scolded and drew a long whip from his waist to go to the girl's side: "I fuck you, even I don't listen to you? People look at you pitifully, Lord Lin Wei. Are you still on your nose? "

This woman is still a baby. She hasn't touched her yet! Buddy thought.

But for Lin Wei, buddy's strength is not as good as that of others. Naturally, he is respectful and looks for other reasons to get back.

"I... I will! As long as you take me out of here, I will do anything! " The girl was obviously afraid of buddy. She suddenly knelt down to Lin Wei and grabbed her hand.

"Fuck you, woman watch, it's against you..." buddy saw this and rushed to the other side.

There's a steep slope here. The steep slope is a huge cage. Buddy passed Yunjian, just about to jump down the flat slope. Yunjian suddenly extended his foot, kicked buddy in the back, and kicked buddy directly down the steep slope.

Badi didn't respond. He was kicked down the steep slope by Yunjian directly. He was like a frog and couldn't stand up for half a day.

After all, it's a hunting school. It's buddy's place. Seeing that Yunjian doesn't restrain itself, everyone around is scared.

But listen to the voice of cloud paper, indifference rings: "sorry, I didn't mean to."

After that, buddy, who had been in pain for a long time and couldn't stand up, and all the people immediately heard Yunjian's words that made buddy almost spit blood: "I mean it."