But at present, there are quite a lot of people arrested.

Yunjian can preliminarily conclude that they are now being locked in a large truck.

She was surrounded by dozens of young girls and men, but not many.

The truck is airtight on all sides, leaving only a few vent holes, so as not to suffocate many fainting boys and girls in the airtight space.

The voices of the conversation just now were obviously from the outside of the truck.

The big truck was closed around, and the voice of conversation came from outside, but she could hear it clearly.

After a while, the sound outside the truck stopped for a few seconds, and a voice came out:

"hurry up! Let's go let's go! If you don't leave, you will be found! Is the back door locked? This shipment is very important! In the future, it will work for our organization! "

Men are compared to goods in their mouth.

After a while, the big truck moved.

No one was awake around. Yunjian stood up silently and walked to a plastic wall where he could barely see the outside. He squinted at the outside with a dim light.

The truck is driving on a very bumpy road, which few people usually walk on. The road is surrounded by mud, and large stones are piled up together, which makes the walking very uneven.

Sitting in a big truck, Yunjian can feel the turbulence around.

Around are faint past people, she can not stand in place to walk around, but between the eyes is flashing a sharp luster.

Of course, she can escape. Even if she let go of the young men and girls who were caught together with her innocently, it would be easy to do so according to her strength.

But Yunjian won't do it because the killer organization is too weird.

Normal killer organizations train professional killers. They usually abduct and train very young children.

And once in the killer organization, the chance to survive is not even 0.1%.

Therefore, if you have children at home, you must pay close attention to them! Once lost, it's just called "every day should not be, call the ground is not working".

Cloud paper is strange, just at this point.

Why should this killer organization catch teenage girls who are in the flower season?

Is it necessary to brainwash and cultivate a puppet?

So this time, she has to go.

"Here's an important news. At the same time on the same day in Donglin City, northern province, there were ten cases of missing young men and girls..."

in the driver's seat of the truck, the driver was driving, and a simple male voice came from the radio on the car.

After hearing the important news on the radio, the driver turned off the radio in a guilty mood.

Yun Jian could hear the man sitting next to the driver in the passenger's seat cursing when the radio was turned off: "fuck, hurry up! Everything is easy to say when you leave the country! "

After a while of silence, the driver's stupid voice rang out: "it's time to pass the drug effect, what if they wake up..."

"wake up when they wake up! Don't worry about them. They are locked in the back. Even if they wake up, they will make trouble! The sound insulation of this truck is good! "


after that, the driver in the front seat of the truck and the man in the front seat of the copilot never said a word again.

If it wasn't for Yunjian's amazing ear power, it would be impossible to hear the voice of the driver and the man in the front seat of the truck.

After about 15 minutes, someone around woke up.

"This... Where is this!" After scanning for four weeks, the first girl to wake up screamed.

This scream can wake up people around us.

Yun Jian squinted and pretended to wake up with the others.

"I... Where are we? Are we kidnapped by the collective! Wuwuwu, will we die? I want my mother, I want to go home... "

the light of the truck is not enough, so I can only vaguely feel the presence of the other party. After the response of the people, a voice of mourning spread out.

With a flash of cloud paper's eyes, she could hear that the owner of the voice was Xiang Jiayi who had been surrounded by others before.