The sudden appearance of Leng Mei startled all the people present.

At the moment, Leng Mei is wearing a tight black leather suit and leather pants. Her perfect body shows incisively and vividly. Anyone who sees her so enchanting and sexy is attracted by her attention.

Even women are attracted by cold charm, let alone men.

Seeing Leng Mei stop at the gate and enter, she is not taboo at all and threatens to spit out what she said.

When all the people react, Leng Mei is the woman who publicized the words just now. Everyone is shocked!

All the people present are ordinary residents of Xinjiang town, farmers or workers of construction sites and factories. Even a visit to Longmen city is not frequent, and even requires careful calculation.

Listening to Leng Mei's words, everyone was surprised.

"What are you doing?" Just around, people couldn't figure out how Yunjian could know this woman. Suddenly, Yunjian over there hugged her chest and looked at Leng Mei.

She, obviously, knew this woman who said killing was so easy!

All the people around were eating crazily. Even LV Feiyan, Li Xiangyi and others, including Lin Mengyu, were surprised.

"Green glaze and mindfulness let me come here to hide for a few days. Don't give me up!" Leng Mei goes to Yunjian and says something very lazily.

"I don't hire you to be lazy." Cloud paper squints, she didn't see the cold charm, but embrace the chest and stand in place.

The blood doll organization has now turned to her, so at the same time, it means that all the killers or agents who stay in the blood doll organization will be paid employment money.

Some killers or agents trained by the ancient mercenary regiment have an agreement, and they will be released when the agreement expires.

If these killers or agents are willing to stay in the ancient slaying mercenary regiment, the ancient slaying mercenary regiment will hire them at a reasonable price.

This is the hire money.

For so many years, Leng Mei has organized the blood doll, and the agreement has long expired.

That is to say, Leng Mei is organized by the blood doll, and she has money to take when she has nothing to eat.

Now the blood doll organization has given cloud paper. Leng Mei is lazy and doesn't work. She still gets the money, and the salary is not low.

"I'll take a few days off. I need to be so fussy. The leader didn't care about me before..." Leng Mei said.

Before emperor Lin, he really didn't care about Lengmei. Even if Lengmei was lazy for a year, Emperor Lin didn't say that she was not.

"Next time." Cloud paper lips, her red arc a hook, gently exit.

"Halle Halle." Leng Mei is relieved.

It's good. There's a place to hide.

The dialogue between Yunjian and Lengmei is heard in the ears of all the people around, but it's in the clouds.

What "I hire you"? What leader?

What is all this and what?

There was a moment of confusion for everyone.

"Yunjian, what the hell are you doing? It's no use pretending you're good! I'm a rare talent in a thousand years! Master said that even if you practice your skills since childhood, you can't beat me! It's also futile to move the rescuers!

"Ha ha, what a mess! Don't really laugh! "

Hearing the words of Leng Mei and Yun Jian, Lin Mengyu couldn't touch her head for a while. She smiled coldly, then looked at Yun Jian and sneered.

"That's it. What are you talking about! I really think I'm good! I'm so happy! Mengyu, we stand for you! "

There was a female classmate of Yunjian who followed Lin Mengyu's buttocks and hissed at Yunjian.

However, when people around felt that the words just said by Yun Jian and Leng Mei were pretending, Leng Mei suddenly split a bench in front of her.

The bench was broken by her hand!

Then she pointed at the cloud paper in front of the crowd and sneered:

"do you know who she is! Do not think that she is the supreme top strong! All of you here don't even have a finger! "