Everyone was surprised. No one thought that Yunjian would give LV Lanhua a hand!

After all, granddaughter's beating grandma will be scolded for being unfilial. Even in the words of the countryside, such a tough girl can't get married in the future!

One of the older women slapped LV Lanhua on the ground as soon as Yunjian slapped her hand. When she scolded Yunjian, she ran to help LV Lanhua:

"Ouch! What granddaughter! In front of everyone's face to drive grandma out of the house, it's even if you still slap your grandma! Look, ouch, here... The dentures have all fallen out! "

The aunt said as she helped LV orchid up.

Aunt thought that LV Lanhua was telling the truth, so she scolded Yunjian and made a sound.

With what LV Lanhua said, we all think that Yunjian is the wrong side.

"Grandma, I'll call you grandma again today. That's because you used to treat me really well! Yes! You are good to me! But you ask yourself, my mother and my sister, are you really good to them! "

Just when LV Lan Hua turned right and wrong into black and white, and empty said that Qin Yirou and Yun Jian were wrong, Yun Yi couldn't really see it anymore, so he spoke out.

As soon as Yunyi makes a sound, the long tongued women who help LV Lanhua talk all stop their tongues and look at Yunyi.

But Yun Yi continued to say:

"when my mother divorced my father, my father's leg should not be broken, right? Those two rooms in my hometown were built by my mother's hard work and ten years' savings. When I got divorced, my mother left with my sister and me without taking any money.

"Dad gambled for more than ten years and stole the money mom had saved hard to return to the casino. When did he care about us? When did you care about my mother?

"At the beginning of school last year, Dad gambled again. When he lost the bet, he let out the usury. The usurer came to my house and made up my sister's mind. Where are you at this time? Where's dad?

"My mother can accept all these, but what did dad do with the money he won from gambling? He not only mixed with the little three, but also took all the money from his family to the little three!

"My mother never sorry Dad! It's all dad's fault! He gambles on his own, and he deserves to lose his legs! "

Yun Yi holds his fist and roars out the last sentence with a complex expression.

Yunyi doesn't want to say that Yungang is not. After all, it's his father. But under such circumstances, Yunyi can't help it.

Today is Qin Yirou's birthday. Lu Lanhua has chosen such a day to cause trouble. What is not pure hearted?

Listen to Yunyi's words, the long tongued women around him stop talking for a moment.

Yun Yi then turned his eyes to LV Lanhua. He was very angry and shouted at LV Lanhua: "if my sister slapped me just now, I'd rather stab you to death than throw you a slap!"! My mother has been working for your family all her life! But what did she get?

"What did your Yuns do to my mother and my sister? Now that we have money, we want to come to our house, don't we? I'll tell you, my mother and my sister have me on top now! You want to make trouble, no way! "

When Yun Yi said this, his bones rattled.

It's anger that only experienced people can show.

All the people around looked silly, especially the long tongued women who just said that Yunjian was not.

Even LV orchid was speechless.

No one thought that Yunyi, who is always obedient and polite to see everyone, and whose academic performance is so excellent, had said so in order to protect Qin Yirou and Yunjian.

Even cloud paper on one side was shocked. Her brother had such a side.