Wang Qiaoyu doesn't believe that Yunjian has been to Fuji haunted house. After all, Fuji haunted house is recognized as the world's first haunted house.

In general, it requires not only financial resources, but also courage to explore such a large-scale fixed place haunted house as Fuji haunted house.

Perhaps Sasakawa hospital is horrible enough, and it is also recognized as the most horrible mobile haunted house, but it is mobile after all, and the scenes are all temporarily created.

But Fuji haunted house is different.

Fuji emergency haunted house adopts a deserted local hospital, and the background is also in the hospital, but the difference is that Fuji emergency haunted house chooses a deserted hospital as its background, and its theme is also a hospital. The illusion created in reality is naturally different from that built temporarily by Sasakawa hospital.

Every year, there are people who are scared to death in Fuji's haunted houses. However, many people are willing to take risks.

No matter how dare Yunjian go first, just say the financial resources. After all, Fuji's haunted house is abroad. It doesn't look like a rich man at all.

So just now Zhang Qiaoyu dared to talk to Yunjian in this tone.

"It doesn't matter if I've been there. What's important is that I know now. You certainly haven't been there." In the dark, Yunjian holds the flashlight, her arc angle rises slightly, and she makes a smile.

Yun Jian's words are very deep, and listen carefully. Isn't that to say that Wang Qiaoyu didn't see it?

Wang Qiaoyu is the kind of girl who doesn't study hard in school, follows a group of small gangsters in the society, goes out with boys all day, smokes and drinks, and feels like she is the most powerful girl in the world.

So as soon as Yunjian said this, Wang Qiaoyu said angrily: "you......

" are you dying! Do you know who I am? My brother works in the Falcon Hall of the first gang in Longmen city. He's a gangster! Give me some fun! Otherwise, I want you to look good! "

Wang Qiaoyu immediately threatened Yunjian to make a sound.

Wang Qiaoyu's brother is not her own brother, it can be said that she is a brother in the society.

This kind of close relationship is very popular among Wang Qiaoyu.

"Wang Qiaoyu! I won't invite you to play with us again! " Before Yunjian could reply, Zhou dongxun was furious with Wang Qiaoyu.

He managed to hold on to the three Yunjian and go with them, but Wang Qiaoyu was the only one. What if the three Yunjian refused to go with them?

Wang Qiaoyu was so roared by Zhou dongxun that she closed her mouth now.

Wang Qiaoyu wants to pursue Zhou dongxun, so Zhou dongxun's words are deadly to her.

However, Wang Qiaoyu is more disgusted with cloud paper in his heart.

At this time, several people have already walked a long way to a new theme room.

The new theme room is the morgue. As soon as we get here, Wang Qiaoyu and others who were talking about just now are tense and dare not go forward.

Although I know it's a ghost house, I'm still afraid.

I saw three beds appeared in front of the crowd. On the bed, I saw three people lying separately, each covered with a piece of white cloth.

The background is full of horrible pictures. It's frightening to shine a flashlight.

They were so frightened that they stopped and dared not go forward.

Because no one knows what those three beds are.

In addition, there is no light here, so we can only rely on this flashlight to illuminate the four sides.

"Let's go... Let's go! Follow me, I'll go! " Zhou dongxun trembled and said this sentence. He looked aside and just said to Yun Jian, "don't be afraid, just follow me..."

he turned around and disappeared.

"Ah she..." Wang Qiaoyu's voice came from the side.

At this time, Zhou dongxun just turned around and looked straight ahead, but when did not know, Yunjian had quietly walked past, she walked past and opened the white cloth on one of the beds covering the body, which scared the people present to be pale -