"Hunting school is not something you young people want to go to, and you must sign a life and death certificate before entering hunting school! Do you know what it is?

"Signing the life and death certificate indicates that once entering the school, no matter what kind of casualty accident happens, the consequences will be borne by the students themselves!

"During training, you may die at any time! Die! Are you not afraid! "

After Mu Rui's reaction, he obviously didn't believe what Yun Jian said. He forgot his previous words for a while, but spoke to Yun Jian one after another in a very excited tone.

Being able to enter and graduate from the hunting school is a great honor for the special forces of all countries.

Murray is also proud to be qualified to go to a hunting school for further study.

But then suddenly a young girl stood in front of her and said to herself that she would go to the hunting school too. In addition to her unbelief, Murray also felt extremely upset that there was no glory in her eyes, which was brought by Yunjian.

So when talking to Yunjian, Mu Rui's tone is quite excited and some of the meaning of hating Yunjian is in it.

Mu Rui said so many things to make Yunjian leave and recognize himself!

Hunting school is not for anyone who wants to enter!

Who doesn't think they are qualified to enter!

When Murray thought that the life and death in his mouth could frighten Yunjian back, he saw Yunjian curving and laughing.

Next second, I saw her smile and cold eyes: "I know more about hunting school than you. As for the state of life and death, if you want your strength to go against this day, and you don't put life and death aside, you don't deserve to say this! "

Yun Jian's voice doesn't sound loud, but it's simply called Mu Rui and everyone around her thinks that her voice is so loud.

People around were shocked by Yunjian's words.

"Don't make it as if you've actually been to a hunting school. You're just a teenager! I know so much! With ability, you......

Mu Rou now takes off the soft and weak camouflage just now, and is interrupted by others just half of the conversation.

"Hahaha! This little girl is very interesting! I love listening! " I saw a man in military uniform in the distance, who was in his seventies.

The old man was followed by several people, all dressed in military uniforms.

At the moment, Mu Shuang, who was just running out, is walking this way holding the old man's hand.

Needless to say, this old man is muying's current grandfather, muying's old man.

"Grandpa, look at my brother. He knows how to bully people!" Mu Shuang grabs Mu Laozi's hand and shakes it twice, playing coquettish quietly. Then she points to Mu Rui and says to Mu Laozi.

"Hahaha! Little girl, you said that everything about the hunting school is better than my grandson ARI. Have you ever been to the hunting school? " Old man Mu smiled kindly at Mu Shuang, then turned his eyes to Yunjian and laughed twice before opening his mouth.

Mu Rui is the grandson of mu.

Yun Jian squints slightly. The old man is not as simple as he looks.

"Well." From his throat came a muffled voice.

"Little girl, standing in front of you are the first Mu Laozi sent to the hunting school for further study as a special soldier in our country Z!

"He, however, was the only one who graduated from the hunting school successfully! It is also the first student graduated from hunting school in our country Z! Even chanes, the headmaster of the hunting school, keeps in touch with Mu Laozi! "

One of the people standing behind the old man Mu said loudly to Yunjian that his words were full of glory and show off.

Even the old man Mu was infected by the atmosphere, and there was a trace of pride in his heart.

However, just at this time, she saw Yunjian standing in front of the crowd suddenly wipe her lips. She looked straight at the old man mu. Speak quietly:

"the old chap in chanez is still alive? Well, I thought the top killers were enough to kill him. "