This group of ruffians and hooligans have already played many circles here and flirted with many beauties.

So it's not a coincidence to see Yunjian several people today. He brings his brothers to flirt with Yunjian.

It's just that he's here waiting to flirt.

Seeing this strange man, who was full of rogue breath, came to flirt with his sister. Yunyi frowned. Then he protected the blue glaze behind him and blocked the man and Yunjian.

"Excuse me, please." Yun Yi did not think of the positive conflict, so he began to frown.

"Who is your boy?" The leading rogue man reached out his fists and smashed them against each other, making a clicking sound between the bones, pretending to fight fiercely and looking up at Yunyi.

After the rogue men's costume has made a move, he still needs to glance at the cloud paper standing behind Yunyi with his spare light.

He felt that he had just smashed his fists with his hands, and there was a cackle among the bones, which was very handsome.

So the rogue man wants to see the reaction of Yunjian.

The rogue man knows that his looks are pretty. He thinks that after ordinary women look at their looks and tattoos on their bare chests, they will feel that they are very powerful and powerful, and then they hook up with women.

A woman is willing to talk to herself.

But when the rogue man saw the cloud paper not far away, but saw that she was not moved at all, and was not attracted by the cool look he just pretended to be.

Rogue man's self-esteem is very damaged. This is just when he wants to do something more to show his ability.

"Catch them all and seal up the sea!" All of a sudden, a male voice with a foreign language pronunciation sounded bleakly.

Yun Jian's eyes narrowed suddenly. The male voice was German.

Cloud paper just eyes a squint, see not far away suddenly ran into a group of underground black market dressed up people.

This group of people ran in, and within a short time, they ran inside and outside the place. At the same time, a dozen people rushed to try to suppress the cloud paper.

Blue glaze eyes flash, she didn't think that the thing she said at the beginning was really met by them.

"Sister Jian, it seems that this is where their arms are traded." The blue glaze is close to Yunjian and whispers to her.

Yun Jian thought that there were so many things on the seashore in Ningshi. He would never let himself meet them. But he did not expect that he would meet them.

In a short time, a dozen people rushed to tie up the cloud paper. Yunjian didn't struggle.

There were also people tied around trying to scream, but immediately people from both sides of the arms trade covered their mouths with black tape.

Rogue men just pretended to be cool and handsome in front of Yunjian, but now they are shocked.

They haven't seen such a terrible formation! Black market people! That's all real gangsters!

The reason why Yunjian doesn't struggle is that as long as these people finish the arms trade, they will release all the innocent people around them.

Now I don't let people go because I'm afraid these people will go out and talk.

As long as the deal is over, it's too late for anyone who wants to disrupt the arms deal to get the news.

Sure enough, within a short time, a party of people came out of the streets of Ningshi.

On the other hand, people and horses came down from a large cruise ship which appeared a little later at the seaside.

Both sides, officially began the arms trade.

Then when the two sides met, they saw a man in his twenties who was coming down from the cruise ship looking at a younger man. Yunjian's eyes narrowed.

What a coincidence? It's him?

To sum up, they are old friends of the past.