At the door stood the men who came to help.

The men Ge Junjian sent for the dowry were all brothers in the army.

The men have entered the house.

There is a lot of discussion outside the house. There are some men from the same village who come to help. These men usually like to smoke a cigarette and sit at the door of their home to read the newspaper when they finish their work.

There is no outstanding talent, but the newspapers read a lot, and sometimes you can see all kinds of famous cars printed in the newspapers and so on.

And cars like Rolls Royce and super sports cars, these guys have seen them in the newspapers, but they have never seen a real car.

So they didn't recognize it at first sight.

In 1999, what year was it?

This is a time when the economy is still striving to develop. It is a time when some people can only use motorcycles to send the bride to the bridegroom's house when they get married.

When the rich get married and invite two wedding cars, they are still the kind of cars like Volkswagen and Santana. The price is affordable, but today in 1999, there are few people who can afford such cars.

If you have no money, you can drive a motorcycle or a tractor to get the bride married.

That's pretty good.

I'm really poor. I can't even afford a motorcycle or a tractor. So I registered a marriage certificate. I can't afford a banquet. I just drag it until my child has grown up and saved enough money.

So this line of 18 wedding cars, and the most front is a Rolls Royce, followed by a series of super sports cars, but these men who came to help in the doorway were scared of cigarettes on the ground.

Eighteen wedding cars! It's amazing!

Eighteen wedding cars, in addition to the front of the Rolls Royce seat, the back of the 17 supercars!

Such a lineup, put in 1999 is definitely not surprised and lamented that the other side has money so simple.

It's a scary rhythm!

The big men talking at the door are so scared that their hearts are almost stopped breathing.

And standing in the room, Yunjian and others heard the movement outside.

"Xiaojian... Here? Is this Qin Yirou holds Yunjian's hand. Her makeup face looks very beautiful.

"Yirou, what's the matter Qin Yirou just asked with Yunjian's hand, and Dong Ruan's voice came from upstairs.

Qin Yirou just put on makeup, Dong Ruan hurriedly arrived here from Longmen City, and then she also went up to let civet cat put on a makeup.

Dong Ruan is today's main bridesmaid.

It should be said that according to the local custom, bridesmaids need unmarried women to serve as bridesmaids, but it is Qin Yirou's own meaning to let Dong Ruan serve as her main bridesmaid.

As soon as Dong Ruan Gang appeared, her rather enchanting face was put on makeup by civet cat, and Qin Yirou's age was reduced by 20 years.

There was another wild surprise for the people present.

This also shows that civet cat's makeup technology is really superb!

"Mom, maybe they're here. I'll have a look." Cloud paper squinted, then patted Qin Yirou's hand and went outside.

See cloud paper out of Yang Xiaochun this group of women, including many people here are scrambling to follow out.

At this moment, everyone walked out of the house and saw 18 decorated wedding cars parked at the gate.

These wedding cars are unheard of by everyone present.

Hearing that all the big men outside the door were shouting, several women didn't know what the cars were worth shouting about.

Yang Xiaochun even came to several men and asked, "what did you just call it? There are so many cars, it's really beautiful. These cars are also beautiful. But can I borrow such cars? What a fuss! "

In fact, Yang Xiaochun's heart has been alarmed.

"You're a woman who knows shit! Look at the front one. The name of this car is Rolls Royce. For this car, the lowest model needs at least five million yuan! Five million! We don't have this Rolls Royce in Longmen! "