Of course, Shan Zihao has not heard of fox hunting organizations.

Fox hunting organization is a thief organization, but there is another difference, that is, fox hunting organization is different from dark soul organization and ancient mercenary killing group.

Large organizations such as the dark soul group and the ancient mercenary killing group will cause a sensation once they appear.

Even organizations such as the dark soul organization and the ancient mercenary killing regiment are often published in the large international newspapers and magazines of M country, and have been listed as the absolutely invincible existence by many business politicians.

But fox hunting organizations are different. Few people know about fox hunting organizations on the road. However, only those collectors who like to collect and collect antiques can find out the whereabouts of fox hunting organizations.

Because fox hunting organization only does stealing, and its people only steal.

And fox hunting organizations never publicize, but in the international community it is occupied a place.

All in all, people who know fox hunting organizations must have a great influence and position in the world.

In other words, if you don't have power and strength, you don't want to know the existence of fox hunting organizations at all.

Therefore, Yunjian is not afraid to speak directly to fox hunting organizations in front of danzihao.

If at the beginning Peter was afraid of cloud paper, then at the moment Peter is full of expectation for cloud paper.

He is very looking forward to Yunjian's help to break away from the control of fox hunting organization, and it can be seen that Yunjian robbed things from his famous thief.

Yunjian is definitely not a person who is short of money, so Peter agreed to Yunjian at the first time.

"Well." Yun Jian seems to have known for a long time that Pete would agree with her. She just nodded.

Two seconds later, she spoke to Pete in fluent Hindi: "two days later, you go to the ancient mercenary group to report, find the snake lizard of the ancient mercenary group, which is said to be said by Yunjian."

Yun Jian turns to speak to Peter in Hindi. Her suddenly changed language makes the list standing next to her silly.

Then Yunjian has been transferred back to Chinese: "I believe you can find its address." It refers to the ancient mercenary killing regiment.

Cloud paper chuckles, her smile with a touch of elusive sweetness.

Pitt obviously understands Hindi, and Yunjian's purpose of speaking Hindi is to make Pitt understand alone.

And the fundamental purpose of Yunjian is not to let Shan Zihao understand that sentence.

However, after Yunjian finished that sentence, Dan Zihao couldn't figure it out for a moment. Looking at the communication between Yunjian and Pete, he finally couldn't help it. Then he asked Yunjian, "what language did you just say? How can't I understand you? "

Yun Jian glances at the man standing beside her, and now she remembers that there is such a character as Shan Zihao around her.

Seeing the list, Hao asked himself, Yunjian just glanced at him slightly, and then answered three words lightly: "Hindi."

Yunjian is too lazy to reply to the list even if he has one more word.

Then cloud paper again transferred the eyes to Pete.

But Peter was stupefied for several seconds.

The old mercenaries? Looking for a snake lizard? What's the identity of Yunjian?

It's also because Peter is slow enough, so he didn't recognize the interest for a while.

"Good." Pete nodded and nodded to Yunjian.

"Then you are busy. I went to see my brother's game." Said Yun Jian.

"Well..." Pete didn't feel the sense of being poached by Yunjian at all. He still thinks about the relationship between Yunjian and the ancient mercenary regiment.

At this time, Yunjian has pulled Ning Lanlan to the match field.