The short old bachelor who was killed by Si Yi just now has the surname of Wang. People in the village call him Wang bachelor.

Wang bachelor is not the first old man in Luocun.

There are more bachelor men in Luocun than those who can marry a wife and have children.

What's the reason? There is a reason.

Luocun has been a poor village since ancient times. Since ancient times, there has been a drought in this area. The farmers can't afford it, and there is little rain in rainy days. There is little rain in four seasons.

And Luo village's old ancestor inheritance - son preference.

It is absolutely different for most families in Luocun to have boys and girls.

Give birth to a boy. It's for the aged.

Give birth to a girl, the water thrown out by the married daughter.

So we all say that daughter is a loss.

Luo village is such a feudal place.

As time goes by, Luo village has developed a habit that every family must have a son before they can give up.

This has led to an indirect problem - in Luo village, there are too many fewer girls than boys.

So that there was only one girl out of three or four boys.

Originally, Luo village was poor. It was basically impossible to marry a daughter-in-law from outside. However, the proportion of men and women in Luo village has been out of balance for a long time. Until now, there are few girls in Luo village.

Even the girls in Luocun will marry outside.

So what should these boys do when they grow up? The result is to fight for a lifetime as a bachelor!

The patriarchal old ladies in the village will gather together, and some will even chirp and scold Luo village for being so excellent. The women outside will not marry into Luo village.

But they completely forgot. You value men over women in Luocun. Can the married daughter-in-law have a good life?

When these old women think more of men than women, they also ignore a fundamental question: are you a man or a woman!

When the feudal tradition passed down from generation to generation, this group of stupid people did not realize this at all, which directly led to the current situation - Luo Village bachelor flying all over the world.

Like Wang bachelor, there is a large group of women who can't touch a finger in their whole life.

When these people came together, they began to worship the son as their brother.

The dozen people who rushed in with hoes at the door were all the old bachelors in the village, and all of them were Wang's brothers.

This group of people also ranked their own size, called the eldest, the second, the third, and even, they also nicknamed their own group of people's team, called "singles League".

This group of people also like to talk about things with righteousness. Before, a group of people in the village carried Wang bachelor out to this group of people who are brothers and sisters with Wang bachelor.

This is not, this group of people immediately hold hoe and come here to find something.

These old bachelors are all family members, so they have nothing to worry about. In Luocun, they are also the kind of people who are driven by cows. They dare to do anything.

A group of people came to Liu Tiejia's yard.

Standing at the front is an old man who is 1.8 meters tall. He is called Tiger brother. It is said that he is still a gangster on Xinshi road.

Tiger brother is the eldest brother of the group, but he is not a bachelor himself.

The reason why tiger is so arrogant is that he is a member of the black market gang in Xinshi and still has some status.

When Liu Ziyun saw tiger, his face turned pale green: "Tiger... Tiger? Why are you here? "