After this picture of human organs is unfolded, there is a person of this length, and the human organs in the picture are from head to foot according to the proportion of human beings.

It can be said that the whole body structure can be shown in this organ structure chart.

Several people in Chu Ning watched Yunjian take out a folded paper from his trouser bag, and then spread out the folded structure of human organs. For a while, they just felt puzzled.

"This picture represents the composition of human organs and the distribution of bones." At the same time, Yunjian made a sound. She raised her eyes and saw people looking at her with eyes that she didn't know. Then she said, "I bought this picture from the roadside."

"Now, get back to business." Yunjian takes this picture of human organs and leads the people to a small round stone table. She unfolds the picture. She points to the picture and opens her mouth to the people: "before learning any killing move, you must understand the composition of human body!

"Kill move, it's a move to kill, quick, accurate, cruel and disabled!

"It's like a formal killer. He wants to kill a person. If he doesn't know the composition of the human body, what can he do when he stabs a knife into the heart of the other person and finds that he stabbed it in the wrong way?

" there's no way. If he stabbed it in the wrong way and the other person hasn't died completely, then the person who died will be him! Because he didn't understand the composition of human body, he died. That's right! "

Yun Jian's sharp eyes glanced at all of them, and she clearly caught some of their fright.

What she said may be heavier in their ears.

But in the world of killer agents, this is the way to survive!

I have no ability to do anything wrong. I'm dead! That's right!

"I don't mean that you should all become killer agents. But at least you have to understand the physical structure of the opponent when you are fighting.

"You only need to catch people's weakness, then you can win with one move!

"So today, you have to memorize this structural map of human organs! In my head! I don't have time for you to memorize it slowly. I'll give you three hours. If you can't recite it in three hours, don't blame me! "

Yun Jian said all of these in one breath, and then she converged the angle of arc that she could see was slightly raised. Her face was more serious than ever.

During her speech, the other six people, including Ge Junjian, were listening very carefully.

After that, Yunjian took out five structural drawings of human organs from his trouser bag, and handed them to six people of Chu Ning with this one on the small stone table. Ge Junjian didn't, because she didn't think that GE Junjian would also come to see him train chuning.

These pictures were all bought by the street vendor.

After listening to Yunjian's words, six people of Chu Ning, including Jiang Weiwei, who is strong enough, have taken the human organ map and started to remember it.

The only way to print a picture in your mind is to memorize, and then memorize! This is quite different from the way of writing.

but Chu Lei's six people were awesome. In three hours, the human organ structure map was written down by them.

Yunjian checked it. Except for Chu Nannan, who was still a little bit indecipherable, the rest of the people had written down the composition of the human body.

After a few people made a note of the structure of the human body, Yunjian took out the red pen from his trouser pocket and drew several red circles in several places with a red pen on the structure of the human organ in chuning.

She closed the pen cover, and then opened her mouth: "these are the softest places of people. When fighting with the opponent, remember to firmly grasp this point and attack the opponent's soft spots!"