After Yunjian reports the signal, the phone is silent for a few seconds, and a low and strange female voice rings: "what's the instruction?"

Yunjian listens to the voice and knows that this person is Dianne, the intelligence group leader of her ancient mercenary killing regiment.

Diane is the leader of the ancient mercenary regiment, and the intelligence team she leads is always accurate.

Many business tycoons in the world have bought information from Diane at a high price, which has risen to hundreds of millions of dollars. The bidders only want to buy an exact information.

In the financial income of the ancient mercenary killing regiment, the intelligence group takes a place.

It's also led by Diane, the head of the intelligence team.

"Check a person for me..." Yunjian transferred its location and the process of the incident to the past in English.

In a moment Diane found the information and informed her.

In fact, as long as Yunjian said the just string of whispers, Diane already knew that Yunjian was her superior.

But the intelligence team has always been secretive, and never asked about this kind of thing. They only search for information, but tell each other.

Until cloud paper cut off the phone and handed it back to Zhang Shaofeng, Zhang Shaofeng and Ling Yichen were still in a daze.

They couldn't understand Yunjian at all. They only knew what she called a foreigner and what they were talking about in English.

But at this critical moment, what does she call a foreigner to do?

but seeing that Yunjian has moved forward, they hurry to keep up with her.

Cloud paper slightly curved her lips. She reached out her hand and pulled the scattered hair behind her ears, saying: "they drove away Xinyi with the license plate number of long a.50855."

"How do you know the license plate number?" Ling Yichen screams.

Yunjian just made a phone call. How could she find out the license plate number of the other party?

this is not scientific!

They were surprised and frightened.

Yunjian just smiles.

Members of the intelligence group of the ancient mercenary killing regiment are distributed all over the world, and the number of personnel is countless.

That is to say, it's very likely that an acquaintance of yours, all from the intelligence organization of the ancient mercenary killing regiment, is hiding in the city or between cities.

And his job is to search for changing information all the time.

What's more, the intelligence team not only relies on human resources to collect intelligence, they can use any electronic products, or even enter the range of system hacker search and location in the shortest time through mobile phones.

However, ordinary vehicles in the exclusion area will eventually get the result.

"Now we only know the license plate number, how to find Xinyi?" Zhang Shaofeng asked the key.

Yun Jian squints and turns her head sideways. The girl's eyebrows move. In a cold voice, she says, "through the license plate number, I'm afraid that the address of the other party can't be found?"

according to the license plate number, ordinary people can't find the owner's home address.

But the public security organs of some departments can find it.

But don't forget there's another kind of person - hackers.

Yunjian himself is a hacker.

She is proficient in computer programs and assassination bombings.

However, the home address of the owner of the license plate number does not need to be checked by Yunjian. Diane has already told her.

However, these cloud notes did not explain to Zhang Shaofeng and Ling Yichen, and they are not suitable for explanation now.

"Where is Xinyi now?" Zhang Shaofeng just wants to know this now.

Yunjian takes the lead in her long and beautiful legs. Then she pauses and says, "the best casino."

The best casino is the first casino in Longmen City, and also the darkest and most horrible underground black market in the eyes of the common people.