"Pa!" Yunjian threw the cobra's body on the ground, took a tissue out of his trouser belt and tried to wipe it.

This move is even more bizarre in the eyes of Yuan Junjun and others, who can't help shivering a little bit.

At the moment, Yunjian looks like the cowardly slug.

Now she seems to be a devil who comes out of hell and kills people without blinking.

This is the first experience of Yuan Junjun and others.

From the beginning to the end, Yunjian was not loaded. As an agent in her previous life, she killed countless people, trampled on countless bodies and became the only survivor.

When she was organized to practice in the early years, she, together with hundreds of people within her, was organized to throw them into the wild forest of an island without giving them anything.

To die or to live depends on one's ability.

This wild forest is full of poisonous scorpions, snakes, insects and beasts. If you are not careful, you will die.

For a whole year, she stayed on this wild forest Island, coexisted with the scorpion beast, survived and became one of the survivors.

So against this cobra, she's got it.

The snake's deadly position is seven inches, the heart position.

These, cloud paper all know like the palm of one's hand.

"Xiaojian You, you... " LV Feiyan looked at Yunjian, and she couldn't believe that she could open her beautiful eyes and murmured, and her feet unconsciously stepped back two steps.

Is this still her good friend Xiaojian?

now Xiaojian, a person kills a poisonous snake, which is the same Xiaojian who was afraid to escape even when he saw a cockroach?

Yunjian doesn't know if LV Feiyan is suspicious, but she can feel LV Feiyan's fear of her just move.

There was a fear of alienation.

Yun Jian picked up his eyebrows and looked at LV Feiyan and said in a cold voice, "are you afraid of me?"

"no, no! I don't have it. I just LV Feiyan shook her head hurriedly, but was interrupted by Yunjian.

"Not everyone is willing to be weak. I used to be weak and incompetent, but I will be like this in the future. " Yun Jian looks at LV Feiyan and opens his mouth word by word.

Then she added, "if you're afraid, don't come to me in the future."

It is not her cold-blooded ruthlessness, but the environment of her previous life that makes her today.

And one day I will return to the environment of my previous life, because my brother's Revenge has not been avenged!

If LV Feiyan chooses to alienate herself now, it should be a good thing.

"No!" LV Feiyan suddenly steps forward, grabs Yunjian's hand with great strength, and looks at Yunjian with firm eyes. "Xiaojian, no matter what you become, you are my good friend, all my life, I was just a little surprised."

Seeing LV Feiyan looking at himself with firm eyes, Yunjian finally nodded.

After all, LV Feiyan is just an ordinary junior high school girl. It's right that she killed cobra in a cruel way. It's normal that LV Feiyan can't accept it for a while.

However, LV Feiyan plans to make deep acquaintance with her after seeing her cruel side, which is beyond Yunjian's expectation.

After that, Yuan Junjun and others watched Yunjian and LV Feiyan leave together, but they did not dare to speak out to stop them.

Even at the beginning, Shuli, who was very fierce and had a good temper with yiguzi, dared not fart any more, and let Yunjian leave.

Bully soft and afraid of hard. It's people like Shuli.