As soon as the golden light poured down, it had not only the magical power to block the space covered by the golden light, but also the heavy pressure. As long as a person is a little weaker, let alone when the golden bowl falls, the golden light alone can hold him, and then he will be squeezed by the golden light and die.

"The golden bowl of swallowing the sea!" Soft water Princess see this, first eyes show the color of shock, then turn to the color of ecstasy.

The golden bowl of swallowing the sea, the magic weapon of the East Palace of the four seas palace, is much more powerful than the Yin snake and black wind whip used by Princess shuirou. Only Ao Tian, the leader of the East Palace of the four seas palace, is qualified to use these magic weapons. Now the golden bowl of swallowing the sea is in the hands of Ao Ren. It is obvious that Ao Tian has the idea of passing the throne to Ao Ren.

The golden bowl of swallowing the sea can become the magic weapon of the East Palace of the four seas palace. It is naturally powerful. When the golden light pours down, it not only makes Liu Lang's real yuan mana stagnate like mud and hard to operate, but also makes him bear a huge mountain. His whole body is so crushed that his bones are clattering, and there is a tendency to break up.

"What kind of magic weapon is it? How powerful is it?" Liu Lang's heart was startled. He didn't dare to be slighted. With a roar, he shook his body again, showing the law of heaven and earth.

Almost at the same time, he had already had a golden sword in his hand. He raised it difficultly and cleaved to the golden bowl of swallowing sea under the hood.

Just the golden light pouring down was so fierce that Liu Lang did not dare to let the golden bowl cover him.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!" The golden Baxian sword made a harsh sound when it passed through the golden light, just like the golden stone.

Not only that, Jin Guang was attacked by Jin Baxian Dao, and immediately had a reaction. It not only became more and more dazzling, but also became more and more like a tide. Like a turbulent sea tide, Jin Guang kept rushing away at Jin Baxian Dao, which was chopping towards Jin Wan, trying to beat it down.

At the same time, with the fall of the golden bowl, the golden light became heavier and heavier, which made Liu Lang's arms muscles burst up, and huge sweat drops came out from his forehead, falling one after another, hitting the sea and splashing waves.

Princess shuirou naturally understood how terrible Liu Lang's strength was. When she saw that he could not break the golden light and block the castration of the golden bowl when he raised the golden Baxian sword, she could not help but show a trace of hatred in her eyes. At the same time, she was shocked by the great power of the golden bowl.

Princess shuirou was shocked. In fact, aoren was even more shocked.

This golden bowl of swallowing sea is the treasure of the four seas palace and the east palace. It is a magic weapon handed down from the ancient dragon palace. It is said that if this magic weapon is brought into full play, the whole waters of the world can be collected in this bowl. His father Ao Tian, the leader of Donghai palace, doted on him the most. He was determined to make him the leader of Donghai palace and the leader of the world. That's why he passed on the treasure of Zhengong to him in advance. Originally, the treasure of the town palace could only be passed to aoren when he officially ascended the position of the leader of the east palace.

Of course, aoren's strength is not small either. He broke through the body of a giant dragon and became an immortal. He was already a top expert in Sihai palace. Aotian just dared to pass on the treasure of the town palace to him.

Now aoren has the treasure of Zhengong, and its actual combat effectiveness is equivalent to jumping from the realm of Xianqi to the realm of Xianlu. That is to say, at this time, if Ao Jian really exerted his immortal power to fully control the golden bowl of swallowing the sea, his actual combat power was equal to that of the immortal tuzhuo, who concentrated the immortal Qi in Mingfu into Xianlu, regardless of the consequences.

In that battle, Liu Lang was finally forced to perform one of the ancient witchcraft, Houyi arrow.

Hou Yi can only shoot three arrows! After three arrows, he will no longer be able to fight.

From this, we can't imagine that the power of the golden bowl of swallowing the sea is greater than that of the golden Baxian sword.

Now, aoren's hand is the golden bowl of swallowing the sea. He thought that once the golden bowl was buckled, Liu Lang could be suppressed and captured. Fortunately, he showed his face in front of meiren'er and showed his powerful side. Unexpectedly, Liu Lang was so powerful that he not only exerted the physical power of the magic family, but also sacrificed the immortal sword, Leng is to cut a hole in the golden light, so that the speed of the golden bowl falling is blocked. Leng is unable to fall directly, so Liu Lang is suppressed and captured.

"Give it to the master of this little palace to suppress it!" Seeing that the golden bowl could not fall down for a long time, Ao Jian finally felt that he had lost face in front of the beauty. He was so angry that he let out a big green light, which showed a big rune. The rune was green and full of magic power and breath.

It's a congenital rune.

p Almost at the same time, Ao blade's momentum is like a rainbow, rising constantly, and a trace of immortal Qi is emitted from his body, with a very powerful breath. As soon as all the energy of heaven and earth and even the power of space approach, the immortal Qi is stirred to powder.

Another piece of auspicious spirit dropped from his golden crown, which set off his incomparable dignity and full of immortal family momentum.Ao blade wanted to suppress Liu Lang at the expense of a ray of the innate breath of the congenital Fuye. In a short time, the golden bowl of swallowing the sea suddenly grew four or five times bigger. The golden light poured down was as thick as the essence. All the forces could not get close to the golden light. As soon as they got close, they were crushed to powder.

"Click, click!" Liu Lang's tall body was suddenly pressed down. Sweat and blood oozed out of his skin. His body made the sound of bone being crushed. Jin Baxian Dao couldn't move forward any more.

The golden bowl of swallowing the sea began to fall at double speed, and Liu Lang's arms holding the golden knife began to bend and fall. It seems that it can no longer stop the golden bowl of swallowing sea from falling, and it is hard to escape the fate of being suppressed.

Looking at Liu Lang standing on the sea like a giant, holding the golden knife unyielding, her blood and sweat seeping out from her skin, Princess shuirou, who should be very happy, suddenly felt a trace of unbearable emotion. It seemed that she could not bear to see such a hero being directly suppressed by the golden bowl of swallowing the sea.

But soon she put away her impatience, biting her teeth and swearing in her heart: "let you ride on the princess, let you beat the princess, you deserve to be suppressed, you deserve it!"

"Boy, how dare you act wildly in our world? I'll see how the young palace master suppresses you!" Seeing that Liu Lang could no longer resist the power of the golden bowl of swallowing the sea, Ao blade could not help showing his proud and arrogant face. With a majestic shout, the golden bowl of swallowing the sky bloomed again and fell a lot.

After all, the realm is still a little lower. When you meet the immortal who has powerful magic weapon, you will have to perform the sorcery in the end! When Liu Lang saw that the golden bowl of swallowing heaven was more and more powerful, he sighed in his heart. His legs slowly opened up, and the sorcery in his body began to mobilize wildly.

At this time, the majestic man and his six subordinates, who were also riding the golden clear beast and were called the prince, appeared on the edge of the sky. One of them was a strong celestial