Although the master of the vast world is very good and his miraculous skills are extremely mysterious, his accomplishments are still too low after all. He is not the opponent of Xuankong and xuanjue after all

The hidden Zijian is like a poisonous snake, which makes it hard for the world leader to resist. Some people feel sorry and shake their heads. It seems that they have seen Liu Lang's death, and some people begin to feel relieved, As long as Liu Lang dies, they don't have to worry about being settled in the autumn.

Jin Jiao's eyes were full of hard choices.

Liu Lang's performance just now has made him really love his talents, but Xuankong and xuanjue have suffered such a big loss this time, and they are about to pull back a game. At this time, if Immortal Jinjiao makes a move, I'm afraid Xuankong will even hate him in a rage.

But if he doesn't, Jin Jiaozhen worries that Xuankong won't just stop hurting Liu Lang, but will take the opportunity to kill him. At that time, if Jin Jiaozhen wants to stop him again, it will be too late.

On the one hand, he is a talented man with deep potential. If he can recruit his subordinates, he will surely make Jinchen Jiefu stronger and have a more stable position in the future.

On the other side, they are the second largest force in the Jinchen world. Their power is huge. If they hate him, even if he is the first person in the Jinchen world, his power will be impacted by the Zhenyi religion.

Just when Jin Jiao was hesitant and the spectators were in different moods, Xuankong and xuanjue were proud and arrogant, Liu Lang suddenly said with a cold smile, "Xuankong, xuanjue, you are too happy early."

As he spoke, four lights, green, white, red and black, suddenly lit up from all directions, Dragon singing, tiger roaring, bird chirping and low strange sound rang out between heaven and earth.

Then a huge ancient four elephant beast appeared in the southeast, northwest, and all directions, a torrential flame, the ancient flavor of vicissitudes pervaded the whole world.

After many wars, Liu Lang is no longer a young man in the world who lived carefree on earth. Since Liu Lang is not ready to expose his sorcery, he still can't fight against Xuankong and xuanjue even though he is in the early stage of tongxuan. The only way to defeat them is to use the sword array.

The array contains the mysterious changes of heaven and earth. With the help of the power of heaven and earth, it can turn decay into magic. The powerful array can exert the power far beyond the strength of the array controller.

Sixiang Xiaozhu magic sword array is evolved from the incomplete ancient Sixiang Xiaozhu magic sword array. The power of nature is not comparable to that of ordinary sword array.

Just now Liu Lang left Xuankong and three of them stepped into the level of vigorous wind. He had already quietly placed the four four four elephant small Zhumo sword pills under the level of vigorous wind.

At that time, everyone thought that Liu Lang was arrogant and would die in this battle. Looking at him as if he were a dead man, who would notice his little action. Even if I noticed it, I'm afraid I would only secretly laugh at him for overstepping his capacity and doing too much, instead of taking it seriously.

After all, a powerful monk who had been famous for a long time in the later period of tongxuan was the first person in Jinchen world. The leader of Jinchen world had to give way to three people. The other was a name that had never been heard of in the early period of tongxuan.

There is no comparison between the two. As long as people with normal brain know, it must be Xuankong daoren, the leader of Zhenyi sect in the later period of tongxuan, who won.

Just now, Liu Lang broke xuanjue's arm with a sword. When they lost their temper and burst out, they quietly summoned the four sword pills to the wind layer.

Xuankong and xuanjue were furious with themselves at that time. They only wanted to kill Liu Lang, but they didn't notice that there were four sword balls sneaking into the strong wind quietly, restraining the sword and murderous Qi, dormant.

The spectators' attention was attracted by the terrible momentum of Xuankong and xuanjue. They also didn't notice that four sword balls were quietly sneaking into the wind, dormant, just like Xuankong's invisible sword, hidden in the dark, ready to give a fatal blow at any time.

Later, with one blow, Gu Dao and Zichen sword fall. But Liu Lang shows that the enemy is weak and wants them to take it lightly. Otherwise, if Liu Lang really tries his best with Zhenyuan magic power, even if Gu Dao falls, Zichen sword will not fall with xuanjue.

As for Xuankong's invisible sword, Liu Lang was a bull who had once entered the realm of harmony between man and nature. He was even more sensitive to the changes in the atmosphere of heaven and earth than those who were strong in juxia realm, and his mental power was also extremely strong. Xuankong's invisible sword could hide from other people who were strong in xuanjing realm, and how could it hide from Liu Lang.

It's just that Liu Lang wants to paralyze the other party and deliberately takes it as ignorance.

Sure enough, Xuankong and xuanjue saw the fall of the bone sword and Zichen sword, and Liu Lang's approach to the invisible son and mother's sword was not known at all. They thought that they had the chance to win. They were arrogant and proud, and no longer had the heart of vigilance.

At this time, Liu Lang finally launched the four sword pills dormant in the wind layer.The sword is exposed, and the murderous spirit rises to the sky. The ancient four elephants and beasts appear

"Sword array" xuanjue felt the fierce flame and the ancient flavor of the vicissitudes that people were afraid of. His face suddenly changed and he exclaimed.

"It's sword formation! I didn't expect that Liu Jiezhu had already made an ambush move! When did he move his hand? " All the spectators exclaimed, and Liu Lang's eyes suddenly changed, showing a trace of fear.

They all thought that Liu Lang would be seriously injured even if he didn't die in this battle. There was no suspense. They didn't expect that the situation would suddenly change again. The leader of the boundless world had already buried his killing moves. This ingenuity, this prudence, there was no arrogance and ignorance.

And this ambush move is arranged under their eyes, and they are so imperceptible!

It's funny that they even laughed at that boundless world leader who was stupid, arrogant and ignorant. Now I think it's for the stupid and stupid, but it's for themselves.

Jin Jiao's face changed a little, and he looked at Liu Lang with a trace of vigilance.

Immortal Jinjiao is not only the leader of Jinchen Kingdom, but also the recognized overlord of the 22 kingdoms in Jinchen kingdom. Everyone only takes him as the leader and respects him.

Over the years, immortal Jinjiao was always on guard against the influence of all parties to shake his hegemonic position. Therefore, he stipulated that all parties in the Jinchen world should not fight to annex others, unless they moved out of the Jinchen world. However, all forces in the boundary fight each other according to their own abilities. Under normal circumstances, Jinchen Jiefu will not interfere.

It's also this rule. Although the boundless world is only a product world, ranking at the bottom and weak in strength, it can still maintain its independence over the years and has not been swallowed by other big circles. At the beginning, zhenyijiao, the second largest force in Jinchen world, wanted to use a circuitous way to find an excuse to plot the boundless world slowly, but it was finally blocked by Jinjiao