As soon as Taoist Qingli was locked by Liu Lang's sight, she woke up in a hurry and said, "well, our people have been staring at the members of Shankou group. They can't fly even if they insert wings, but it's very strange. We don't know what's going on. It's just a blink of an eye that people disappear and can't be found everywhere, It's like the world has evaporated. "

"Is there anything else to pay attention to? For example, something has blocked your vision, or for example, there have been two people wearing the same clothes who confused their vision? " Liu Lang frowned and thought for a moment.

"This..." Qingli Taoist nun is pretty and slightly frowning, but she can't seem to remember for a moment.

In fact, her heart is very anxious, because people slip away under her eyes, she has to take full responsibility. But there are a lot of pedestrians on the street, so she can't answer immediately.

Liang Zixin is more anxious, urged: "this what this, all when, also sell the key, think of what you say."

"Elder martial sister Zixin, it's not that I don't say it, but that you don't know the situation at that time. It's really chaotic, and you really don't pay attention to it..." Taoist Qingli's face looked embarrassed and said helplessly.

"It's up to you now. I don't know this or that. What do you know?" Liang Zixin said a little stuffy.

Hearing this, Taoist Qingli's face became more and more embarrassed. She buried her head in shame and couldn't lift it up any more. Moreover, seeing her shoulder twitch, she seemed to be ready to cry again.

Liu Lang said quickly: "OK, now that everything has developed to this point, we should say less. No matter how much we say now, we can't solve any problem. It's better to sit down and think about what to do next."

"It can only be like this..." Liang Zixin nodded dejectedly, with a sad face. He didn't know how to explain to the leader when he went back. Before she came here, she was confident and assured that she would definitely get things done, but she didn't expect such a thing to happen. It's really hard to predict.

After sitting down, Taoist Qingli felt a little sorry, so she took the initiative to pour tea for them, and then stood by carefully, looking like a pupil who had done something wrong. She didn't even dare to sit down with them.

"Come and sit down, too. There are many people and great power. We can work together to solve the problem faster... Oh, by the way, what's your name?" Liu Lang looked at Taoist Qingli and took the initiative to say.

With grateful eyes, Taoist Qingli immediately said, "my name is Liu Xiaoshi."

"Liu Xiaoshi, well, it's a nice name. Come and sit down. " Liu Lang nodded and said again.

"No, it's still not. After all, it's my reason that makes things like this..." Liu Xiaoshi waves her hand and refuses Liu Lang's proposal. Then she takes a careful glance at Liang Zixin. It seems that only Liang Zixin speaks can she take a seat.

In fact, Liang Zixin didn't mean to reprimand Liu Xiaoshi. It's just that Liu Xiaoshi's character is too soft and weak. He is always scared and cautious. He treats everyone like this, which makes people feel like bullying.

There are many new disciples who can ride on her head and instruct her to do this and that. Liang Zixin really can't stand it. Liu Xiaoshi and she are the first group of disciples of the 56th sect of Emei. How can they let the new disciples bully her like this.

But because of Liu Xiaoshi's personality, good words and good advice are just a smile. Liang Zixin can't help it, so she can't help it. Maybe the effect will be better.

It's said that strict teachers produce excellent students. Since ancient times, the students taught by strict teachers are not only obedient, but also have good academic performance. After Liang Zixin's practice, Liu Xiaoshi did have a qualitative change. Although her character is still like this, she will not be asked to be a servant girl by her new disciples.

Everything has two sides. It is relative. It has a good side, that is, it has a bad side.

Liu Xiaoshi is no longer ordered by his new disciples, but Liang Zixin is used to scolding Liu Xiaoshi. When he comes back, he has already finished.

Rao is Liang Zixin. Every time he tells himself to pay attention, but the habit he has formed for a long time can not be changed overnight.

In addition, Liu Xiaoshi has never resisted, so she often forgets this stubble and thinks it's a normal thing.

"You... Forget it, little poem. You've worked hard too. Come and sit down." Liang Zixin subconsciously wants to reprimand two more sentences, but the words still stop, swallow all the words he wants to say, and let Liu Xiaoshi sit down.

"Oh..." Liu Xiaoshi didn't come back at the beginning. She looked up at Liang Zixin in surprise, as if she was wondering why this was different from what she had expected. Maybe Liang Zixin was used to scolding him. Suddenly, he was so kind to himself that he felt like the pie was falling from the sky. He was so dizzy that he couldn't help feeling a little excited.This is also the Stockholm effect.

What's the matter? I've explained it before.

All in all, now that everyone is seated, the topic is easy to start.

"Do you know where they're going next?" Liu Lang asked.

Now that people have lost their company and there is a vast sea of people, it's not a good way to look for them blindly. If you can know their next destination, you can wait for each other in advance.

"I know that." Liu Xiaoshi said: "the next place they want to go is to Ping'an County. Only in Ping'an County can they get on the boat and go along the Yangtze River to the East China Sea and finally to the island country."

"By water? Are you sure? " Liu Lang's eyes suddenly brightened, staring at Liu xiaoshidao.

If they take international flights, there are restrictions of international aviation law. Even the senior officials in Yanjing can't do whatever they want. It's impossible to intercept them and let them land nearby.

But if it's by water, it's much simpler.

Especially in the Yangtze River area near the Emei sect, foreign ships can't come in, nor can they come here. Therefore, the ships here can be simply and rudely intercepted and searched.

There are no obstacles.

"Should be... Should be..." by Liu Lang this burning eyes looking at, Liu Xiaoshi a moment some flustered, brain also instant can't think, just subconsciously nodded.

"What is supposed to be? Yes, no, No. we are discussing solutions. Your answer is so vague. Who can guess? "