"Listen to me, of course, these not excessive things don't include breaking your limbs. You can rest assured. " The old man shook his head and said.

Yes, he did not stop Yu Liang from committing suicide, but Liu Lang's eyes looked at him at that time. The meaning in his eyes was very obvious, and he knew it instantly, that is, he did it.

Of course, he is not unable to understand Liu Lang's approach.

From the beginning, Liu Lang just wanted to frighten Yu Liang, let him know that he was wrong, and then change it. But what he didn't expect was that Yu Liang started to commit suicide without saying a word, which they didn't expect.

In this way, there is no need to continue.

They still have business to deal with when they come here. Even Yu Liang has always been like this in the future, which has little to do with them.

It's just looking at Miao Xiaomiao's face and helping Yu Liang.

Because of his low understanding, they naturally have no responsibility and obligation to continue.

"Really... Really?" Yu Liang's eyes suddenly brightened when he heard the speech. He looked up at the old man and nodded when he saw him. But he still didn't believe it. He turned his eyes to Liu Lang, but Liu Lang didn't look at him. He was angry.

Even a pig should understand his intention.

But Yu Liang still doesn't understand. Do you really think it's Liu Lang who is so kind-hearted that he let you go?

Whatever. He doesn't care. Spicy is next door.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

All of a sudden, there was a continuous steel sound outside, which made the earth shake for a moment. The beam creaked and fell wood dust.

"What's the matter?"

"What happened?"

The Miao headmaster and the elder's face changed, and they were shocked subconsciously.

"It's mortars." Liu Lang said faintly that he didn't know how many times he had heard the sound. Now just listening to the sound, he could distinguish the mortar model, specification, firing distance, explosion range and other data.

"What is a mortar?" The leader of Miao, the elder and other disciples of Miao were all in a daze.

They haven't heard of the name mortar at all. They are just shocked by its power. It's incredible that it can create the feeling of earthquake.

"Mortar is a kind of curved smooth bore gun with short barrel, large firing angle, high trajectory arc, bearing recoil force with seat plate, loading muzzle and firing projectile with tail. The gun loaded with ammunition from the muzzle, which is mainly a curved gun, has a short body, a short range, is light and flexible, and can shoot the target behind the shelter. "

Liu Lang simply stated the characteristics of the mortar, but just now, he looked up at the muddled expressions on the faces of the people of the miaojiang school. He couldn't help taking a hard look at the corners of his mouth. He had already said it very succinctly, but he still couldn't understand how backward you are.

Well, I think so. The Miao school still stays in the era of shotguns

All of a sudden, Liu Lang was in a daze, and so on. Isn't it right that Miao Xiaomiao all went back to Miao Jiang by helicopter? Even with helicopters and military aircraft, don't you know what mortars are?

"It's the gun!"

"But the mortar we bought doesn't seem to have such great power, does it?" After listening to Liu Lang's description, the elder thought of something, but then he was suspicious.

Liu Lang explained: "the loading method can be divided into front loaded mortar and rear loaded mortar; According to the gun body structure, it can be divided into smooth bore mortar and linear bore mortar; According to the sports mode, it can be divided into portable, camel carrying, vehicle carrying, traction and self-propelled

"Shells are divided into light, neutral and heavy."

"There are nearly 10 kinds of mortars with diameters of 51mm, 60mm, 120mm, 160mm and 240mm in various countries."

"Light mortar, with caliber less than 60mm, total mass less than 20kg, maximum range about 2600m, equipped with company, platoon or class."

"Medium sized mortars, with a caliber of 60-100 mm, a total mass of 34-68 kg and a maximum range of about 6000 m, are equipped with battalion and company levels."

"Heavy mortars, with a caliber of more than 100 mm, a total mass of more than 94 kg and a maximum range of about 8000 m, are equipped with regiments, battalions and higher."

"The one just now, obviously, was a medium-sized mortar. It was a Chinese w1987 81mm mortar developed according to the mortar caliber and ammunition specifications of western countries. The design was finalized in 1987, mainly to provide firepower suppression for infantry." Liu Lang talked about it.But the crowd was even more confused and dumbfounded.

Where do you know these things? It feels like they are very powerful

"You..." when the elder seemed to say something more, Liu Lang said again:

"The enemy is firing. You still have time to chat here. Why don't you go and have a look? The power of medium-sized mortar is very strong. Even the practitioners will be killed and injured severely. "

"Well, I've experienced it myself." The bad old man nodded deeply.

"..." the expression on the elder's face suddenly stagnated.

"Go Leader Miao also returned to his senses, and immediately waved his hand to all the Miao disciples, and they left the main hall.

And Liu Lang and others also looked at each other and followed.

"Now it's better not to be hard with each other. They have modern thermal weapons, and according to my estimation, there are at least five mortars alone!" While walking, Liu Lang listened to the sound of the mortar, estimated it in his heart and said.

"Five? So many? " The elder was surprised and said, "we Miao school have only got two mortars for so many years. What kind of mortars... The other party has five? By the way, master, I have a question. Can the seventh layer of refining gas resist the bombing of the next mortar? "

At the same time, the elder was stunned. He just remembered that the old man had said that he had experienced it himself. He also thought that this man's cultivation was very high. He must know what kind of cultivation he needs to achieve in order to be able to bear it.

In terms of weapons, they had no advantage, so they had to think that maybe they could pull back a little bit of the situation in terms of strength cultivation.

However, the bad old man just said lightly: "don't you go to get a shot yourself? Ask me, who do I ask? "

"..." the elder was speechless in an instant.

This... Where the hell is there a little bit of Super Master look? He couldn't find any adjectives to describe it. Some of them were poor.

At present, there is no valuable information to ask from the bad old man. He can only gather his old face and feel a little anxious.

"Why do you have to fight hard? Don't you know what wisdom is?" Liu Lang's voice sounded faintly