"It's a stone gate. It's so hidden." Bad old man tut tut exclaimed, "next time I set up a clan, I'll go to the mountains and open up a small world. Even if the bombers came, it would be true. Ha ha!"

Poor poor old man, even he has to worry about whether he will be blown up by his apprentice when he establishes a clan.

"Open up a small world?" When Hongling heard that, the point was different, and she looked at the old man in surprise. He even said that he wanted to open up a small world, and he said it so easily. Is his cultivation already in the realm of opening up a small world?

Behind the stone gate is only an ordinary secret road. There are kerosene lamps on both sides of the secret road to illuminate the secret Road, but it's also very dim and can't see clearly.


After walking for a while, the poor old man was surprised and said, "there is still a maze. No wonder the young man outside said that someone should lead the way, otherwise ordinary people can't really get in. "

"In that case, what he said before was nonsense?" Lin Xiaoyi said: "it's said that if you open the mechanism outside, there won't be any problems? In fact, he wants to bring us in, and then use the mechanism to get rid of us and trap us here? "

"You're not stupid." Liu Lang nodded and said, "what Yang Ganglie said is half true and half false. We are new here and don't know him. How can he believe us? So kind as to show us the way? "

"So you won't let him come with you, because the effect is the same?" Lin Xiaoyi's eyes brightened, and then darkened, showing a touch of worry, "then what should we do now?"

"There's only one step to go and one step to see. There's no other way." Liu Lang shook his head. "No matter whether Yang Ganglie believes it or not, we are not against the miaojiang faction in this trip, and we have never thought of stealing their classics. However, we just saw his reaction that no one else has come here yet. In order to take precautions, it is the best choice to leave him outside to guard."

"Well said, no confidence..." Lin Xiaoyi said, "if we really get lost here, we can't get to the Miao school, and we can't get out, isn't it bad?"

"It's not impossible, but it's very low. It's not easy to catch such a maze with an old man in it? " Liu Lang said with a smile.

Although the Miao school has a long history, it is also far from Xuanyuan Huangdi, the ancestor of human beings.

Strictly speaking, the Miao school is also a descendant of Xuanyuan's family, which can't be changed without the inheritance of Huangdi.

"Don't place all your hopes on me. It's you, not me, who get the complete inheritance. It's not me, but you, who really have a way out of the maze. " Poor old man light way.

All of a sudden, he was raised by the bad old man. All of a sudden, they all cast their eyes on Liu Lang.

Hongling is in doubt. As a senior, this old man must not be a man with no purpose. He says that Liu Lang is the one who can solve the puzzle, and that is Liu Lang. What made her curious was what he called "inheritance"?

"Maybe, you don't know. I've only opened less than one percent of the inherited memory. There are many things I don't know... Wait a minute. What do you mean?" Liu Lang shook his head and said, his face changed. He looked at the old man and said, "don't tell me, you can't see through the maze here?"

The old man coughed and said, "well, you guessed it right. I really can't see through it. Otherwise, why did I just sigh that the next time I set up a clan, I would have to learn from the Miao school, wouldn't I? "

Liu Lang's eyes beat hard, and he was also drunk. He was so confident because of the bad old man. He thought that no matter what happened next, he would be able to solve it. Unexpectedly, he was helpless.

In this way, how can he break it?

push one 's way by shoving or humping?

Don't be kidding. Don't let the maze go unanswered. If the troops are here, it won't be fun.


Liu Lang looked at the bad old man and asked tentatively.

"What else can I do?"

The poor old man put out his hand, with a look of "what can I do? I'm desperate too." since we've all come here, can't we go back halfway

"When it comes to turning back..." Hongling suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem, looked back, changed his face and said: "the way back seems to be gone..."

"You see that." The poor old man said with a smile, "now we don't even have a choice. There is only one choice in front of us, which is to move on."

"Let's go." Liu Lang snorted and said coldly.It's all his own choice. No wonder the bad old man. He can only blame himself. He places too much hope on the bad old man.

"At the critical moment, it doesn't work at all. What's the use of you..." Liu Lang murmured and continued to move forward.

"You have no conscience when you say that. I'm in danger with you. What else do you want?" The bad old man was not happy at that time, so he caught up with Liu Lang and made a gesture to have a good fight with him.

In fact, the most innocent one is Lin Xiaoyi. Well, she had never been in touch with the cultivation world before. Now she just came here and encountered this kind of thing. Is there anything more unjust than her?

However, just because this is her first time, she is full of curiosity about everything.

It's also because Liu Lang is here. She doesn't think too much. She just feels that everything she has met so far is so fresh. She doesn't feel wronged or afraid at all.

"To the left or to the right?"

It didn't take long for the party to meet the first problem.

There is a fork in the road ahead. There are two passageways, one is a way to live, the other is a dead end.

What's your choice?

"I think we should go to the left."

"Go right."

Bad old man and Hongling hold different opinions. They are in a stalemate. Who says who is right.

"Little girl, why don't you know anything about respecting the old and loving the young, so that I can't?" "No," said the old man.

"Oh, now that we are in danger, what should we do if we let each other die? What do you want to pay for Hongling sneers. She thinks she is too innocent. Since she met Liu Lang, her life has been hanging. In order to survive, she is also trying to find a way.

After spending a lot of saliva, they turned their eyes on Liu Lang and asked him to make a decision.

"Xiaoyi, which side do you think you should go?"

Liu Lang didn't know how to choose, so he looked at Lin Xiaoyi and asked.

Previously, Lin Xiaoyi was accurate and subconscious based on her experience in TV dramas. Liu Lang thought that in this case, we should ask someone who has experience.

Although it's only seen from TV series, it's much better than their blind guessing here.

Anyway, it's all guesswork. It's better to gamble. Maybe you've chosen the right one.

"Ah? Me

Lin Xiaoyi pointed to her nose in disbelief. She never thought that Liu Lang would ask her for advice at this time. She was confused for a moment