"Well..." Chen Zizi covers his stomach painfully and curls up slowly.

Obviously, the pain Liu Lang brought him was worse than killing him.

"What did you... Do to me..." Chen Zizi can't believe why this guy can make him feel so painful. It's impossible. Why?

"Don't you find that you are just an ordinary person now?"

Liu Lang's words suddenly changed Chen Zizi's face!

"What's the matter? What about the real Qi in my Dantian? No... where's my Dantian? Have you destroyed my Dantian Chen Zizi was shocked.

At this moment, he can't feel the connection between himself and Dantian. Naturally, he can't mobilize a trace of true Qi. After decades of cultivation, it seems that at this moment, the true Qi suddenly disappears, just like a dream, so unreal.

"In fact, it's not impossible for me to destroy your Dantian. For example, now, an ordinary person with no power to bind a chicken can kill you, let alone me. "

Liu Lang said faintly, "you must be very strange, right? But unfortunately, I don't have much spare time to explain to you what caused you to lose contact with Dantian. You just need to know that you're going to die. "

"You! How dare you

Chen Zizi said: "if you dare to kill me, liangyizong will never let you go, absolutely!"

"You don't have to threaten me. It's no use. If I was really not sure to deal with you two Yizong, I would not have killed your two apprentices just now. And now that I've done it, there's no turning back, right? Even if I can't deal with liangyizong, I can only kill you now. Are you right

Liu Lang jokingly said: "so, no matter whether I'm afraid of liangyizong or not, you only have to die. Why do you have to struggle meaninglessly? Everyone is so busy, you go to death, also save everyone's time! Time is money


Chen Zizi suddenly has a stuffy chest and a sweet throat. At this moment, he is going to vomit blood because of Liu Lang's words.

Are you a Taobao seller?

Still pro?

Why don't you kiss!

However, Liu Lang didn't give him any chance to open his mouth. With a puff of his hand, he heard the sound of a knife tearing his skin, but there was no wound.

Chen Zizi's eyes glared, his body suddenly became stiff, and then fell to the ground in free fall.

His eyes were wide open and he didn't die.

And the direction of his line of sight, is aimed at the water spirit not far away.

Even though Chen Zizi is dead, Yu Shuiling screams with fright, shivers and bristles.

"Don't be afraid, he's dead." Liu Lang came to Yu Shuiling, patted her on the head and comforted her softly.

"Really, really... But then you will have a complete feud with them..." where did Yu Shuiling see such bloody scenes as today? In such a short period of time, three people died in a row, and they were all in front of her.

But no matter how scared and uneasy she was, what she thought of for the first time was Liu Lang's safety.

Yu Shuiling still doesn't want to implicate Liu Lang, but she also knows that she has already implicated Liu Lang, and she has no way to retreat.

"One more is not much, one less is not much. By the time the first guy died, he was dead. If I don't wipe out all the people of liangyizong here, there will be endless troubles. So, I'm just delaying for a while. Don't you think I'm a killer? " Liu Lang said with a smile.

Yu Shuiling shook his head: "I know, I know. It's just, it's just... "

"Just hard to accept?"

Liu Lang sighed, but it was also his negligence. After all, an hour ago, Yu Shuiling was completely outside the circle, but in such a short time, he came into contact with things inside the circle.

No ordinary person can accept it for a moment.

But there is no way. Yu Shuiling can't stay out of the trouble. Let her contact her in advance, so as not to encounter this situation in the future and make mistakes at the critical moment.

However, Yu Shuiling's reaction is to let Liu Lang some praise, this girl's adaptability is also a little bit strong.

Most girls have to faint when they see this kind of scene, right?

But Yu Shuiling's face is only a little pale. In addition, he is well with normal people."No," Yu Shuiling shook his head. "Before that, if I just imagined that I would encounter this kind of situation, I might find it difficult to accept it. But after I personally experienced it, it's not that I can't accept it."

"When I was very young, I had a feeling that my father was different from other people and had seen many strange scenes..."

"For example, let the mountain stream go against the current, the black blind man die suddenly, light a coal-fired oil lamp with a wave of his hand, and so on... At that time, I thought anyone could do it, but when I went to school in the city, I talked about it with my classmates, But I was ridiculed by them, and I knew that... These are not what ordinary people can do. "

"Although my father has always told me that these are magic, but I understand that these are not. Because my father brought me up from a young age, the children of poor families are precocious, and I know that these will definitely bring trouble to my father, so since then, I have never mentioned these things in front of anyone again.... "

"But I didn't expect... Didn't expect..." speaking of this, Yu Shuiling couldn't help sobbing and couldn't go on.

Liu Lang suddenly, with a glimmer of insight, so it is.

Suddenly, he looked up in a direction. A hundred meters away, there was a cluster of dark evil spirit beating faintly, but there was no tendency to dive down, so Liu Lang didn't move.

"Since more than ten years ago, Shuiling's father knew how to practice, he must still have a trace of reason."

Liu Lang thought about how to make Yu Shuiling's father return to the original state, and then shook his head.

Now he can't do it. Maybe he can do it on the day when his cultivation reaches the fifth level of refining Qi and Xuanyuan Jue opens the second level.

Therefore, it is imperative to find ways to improve cultivation.

"Sister Shuiling, don't worry. Don't think about these things for the time being. When the sky falls, there's a tall man on top of it. What's more, don't you have me?"

Liu Lang said with a smile: "we exchange a contact information. After we go back to Jianghai City, we will continue to live according to the previous days. If things make new progress, I will tell you at the first time... Of course, if the people of liangyizong come to you for trouble, remember to call me at the first time, and I will arrive as soon as possible, OK?"


Yu Shuiling looks at Liu Lang in a dazed way. I don't know why. When she sees the sunny smile on Liu Lang's face, she suddenly feels warm in her heart, as if she is lying on the beach, enjoying the sunshine.

Maybe it's too long since I've felt this kind of care. Yu Shuiling broke tears into a smile and nodded solemnly