If you can directly assimilate Yu Shuiling's body into evil spirit, the other party must have done so for a long time, but if not, there is only one reason to explain.

The other side can't.

I just can't do that for the time being.

Sure enough, after Liu Lang finished his sentence, Yu Shuiling's face changed and became a little ugly.

"What if you're right? I can control my daughter's body to turn into evil spirit all the time. Can you stop it? "

"I didn't want to stop it. To be honest, sister Shuiling and I haven't known each other for a day, and nothing happened between us. What's the reason for me to stop it? What's more, as you said, it may be a good thing for her. It can help her get out of the misery as soon as possible. Why should I worry? Are you right? " Liu Lang shrugged his shoulders indifferently.


The other party can't help but feel a little surprised. What's the situation? It's not like he vowed to stop him the moment before. Why doesn't he seem to be planning to stop him at this time?

Which sentence is true and which is false?

Of course, whether it is true or not, it has nothing to do with him. Before long, he will become the God in the world, and no one can stop him.

"Ha ha!"

Thinking of this, Yu Shuiling couldn't help laughing.

However, this just smile to half, on the "amount..." ground a, stiffly stop, can't smile out.

Yu Shuiling's eyes are wide open. His neck is jammed by a powerful hand. He can't even breathe normally.

"No, I don't need oxygen. What else do I need to breathe?" The other side was stunned, obviously not completely out of human habits, but also retained the habit formed for decades, breathing normally.

But actually, it's not necessary.

"Well, do you think you can do anything for me if you get stuck in my neck? It's so naive! Look at me... "

As soon as Yu Shuiling's face changed, he realized that he was not only unable to breathe, he had no way to turn into Sha Qi. It seemed that Sha Qi was isolated from himself and completely out of his control!

"What's the matter! What have you done to me? " He was shocked.

"Guess what." Liu Lang showed a harmless smile, his hand strength gradually increased, the other side's face is also more ugly, but more is shocked, he did not know what happened in the end, why this situation.

It's totally beyond the other person's perception.

Liu Lang didn't explain his feelings. Although he seemed very relaxed, he didn't.

In fact, Sha Qi is also a kind of true Qi, and it is the most powerful one.

Because the way of cultivation is against humanity, so in ancient times, evil spirit was listed as taboo, and practitioners of evil spirit were listed as heretics.

Once the people of the right way meet the practitioners of evil spirit, they must attack them in groups, and they are bound to be killed.

I can't help it, because the evil spirit is really terrible and quick.

If you practice evil Qi for one year, you may be able to win over those who have practiced true Qi for more than ten or twenty years.

However, even if the practitioners of evil spirit become street mice and everyone is punished, there are many practitioners of evil spirit over the years.

Since it can't be eradicated, it's natural to come up with a palliative solution.

It's just like traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. Western medicine can cure patients in the shortest time.

While Liu Lang was talking just now, he was not idle.

When I first learned this move, I never thought that I would use it one day. Fortunately, the man forced him to learn it, otherwise I really don't know how to deal with it today.

"Xuan Yuan Jue breaks Sha!"


In Liu Lang's palm, there seemed to be countless flashes of lightning running by, making bursts of electric current sound.


"Yu Shuiling" suddenly cries out in pain. This "current" completely suppresses it. The evil spirit in Shuiling's body is being forced out of the body bit by bit!

"It took me the most time to learn this move, because there was no real target. With this time, I can learn a lot of other things, but fortunately, I finally learned... "

"The thunder of breaking evil spirit, for ordinary people, is just like tickling. It has no effect. But for the evil spirit, it is like the existence of heaven and earth. If you don't want to die, take the initiative to leave Shuiling's body. ""You... Count you cruel..."


The majestic evil spirit gushes out, and Yu Shuiling's painful expression instantly recovers calm. His body loses strength, and his soft couch is in Liu Lang's arms.

"I won't give up, you wait for me!"

Put down a cruel words, the evil spirit around flew away in an instant, as if it had never appeared.


"Water! Sister Shuiling! Wake up

Liu Lang put Yu Shuiling on the ground, patted her on the cheek and called softly.


With Liu Lang's true Qi crossing body, it didn't take long for Yu Shuiling to wake up. He opened his heavy eyelids tired.

"Good dazzling..." Yu Shuiling seems to be sleeping for a long time. When he opens his eyes, he can't even adapt to the outside light. Subconsciously, he turns his head and narrows his eyes, trying to adapt himself.

"Where am I?"

Yu Shuiling's first reaction is this. But at this moment, she suddenly feels that her whole body is held by another person. She is scared and wants to scream away.

But she's really powerless.

Opening her eyes is her limit.

However, when she saw Liu Lang's familiar face, she was unconsciously relieved and no longer afraid.

"It's OK, sister Shuiling. With me, Liu Lang, no one can force you to do anything, including your father." Liu Lang grins. It sounds like a bit of a slouch, but Yu Shuiling doesn't have any idea that he doesn't agree with.

Although she didn't remember what happened after her coma, she still remembered the scene before her coma.

"Dad, he..."

Yu Shuiling was shocked. Now Liu Lang is here intact. Doesn't that mean that her father has

"Liu Lang, my father, is he... OK?"

"Are you still worried about him? You'd better worry about yourself. " Liu Lang said, "your father is an immortal now. He wants to coexist with heaven and earth, and he wants to turn you into an immortal. Are you happy?"

"You are poor again!"

Yu Shuiling said angrily, "you said you were a miracle doctor. Why don't you cure me and put your hand on my chest?"

"Well, cough! This is a mistake, a mistake! "

Liu Lang is such a cheeky person. When the girl asked this kind of question seriously, he couldn't answer for a moment. Then he coughed and took his hand away. Of course, he didn't forget to pinch it before taking it away.

"But then again, it's really fragrant!" Liu Lang put his hand in front of his nose and took a deep breath, showing a very lewd and swaying expression, laughing