
As long as it's one of them, it's fine as long as they repay each other with their bodies?

Yu Shuiling rolled her eyes at him, not knowing how to describe Liu Lang. She was also used to Liu Lang's flowery mouth, so she didn't pay any attention to his words.

But it had to be said that Liu Lang had brought her too many surprises along the way.

It was hard for her to imagine that such a boy that looked younger than her was actually rich, responsible, and quite handsome … That's right, he was a hooligan.

Yu Shuiling looked down upon those boys who could speak with enthusiasm and do things unreliably.

In her impression, all the reliable boys were very calm, and their entire bodies emitted the air of a gentleman.

Although Liu Lang could run trains with his mouth wide open, he was able to do it. He seemed to be very calm, but he was not a gentleman at all.

Just like this, Liu Lang, who had integrated most of the flaws of the other two seemed to be able to perfectly display his strengths, becoming even more dazzling and brilliant.

The car drove slowly along the rugged mountain road. It didn't have much bumps or bumps.

Yu Shuiling looked at the side of Liu Lang's face, as though she thought that Liu Lang was a good person, and even said that he would donate money to repair the road. Dad would be happy.

And when dad gets happy, maybe...

Thinking about that, Yu Shuiling could not help but blush. Yu Shuiling, oh Yu Shuiling, what are you thinking about? This is the first time you have met him.

This was something that had never happened before. Other than her father, who was in her twenties, she had never talked so much with a boy before, let alone come into contact with him physically.

The two of them seemed to have known each other for many years. There wasn't much estrangement between them that only strangers could have.

"Sister Shuiling, is big bro handsome with his profile?"

Just as Yu Shuiling was deep in thought, Liu Lang suddenly turned his head and looked at her, grinning.


The good image of Liu Lang that Yu Shuiling had just simulated in her mind, in this second, no … In that 0.01 second, it instantly collapsed.

"There's a village up ahead. Are we there yet?"

Yu Shuiling originally wanted to say something, but she suddenly said this.

She was slightly stunned. It had only been a short period of time, shouldn't they have already arrived?

Following Liu Lang's line of sight, there was indeed the shadow of a small village in front. But what made Yu Shuiling surprised was that before she left the Lotus Mountain, she did not seem to have come from this village.

Had it been built in the year or two after she left?

"The wheels seem to have sunk in. I'll go down and take a look. You stay in the car." Liu Lang rolled up the window and looked at the wheels. The left side of the tire had entered into a pit, it was muddy and slippery, unable to get out.

He didn't mind the dirt. He jumped straight into the mud pit and walked to the back of the car. Then, he placed his big hand on the back of the car and prepared to use his strength.

Yu Shuiling who was on the carriage was in a daze, what was this fellow trying to do?

You want to push the car off by yourself?

Yu Shuiling wasn't the only one who was stunned, the three people who were hiding in the middle of the forest were also stunned.

They dug holes in the road so that the cars could get stuck when they passed, and then they could come out and make some money.

Originally, when they saw Liu Lang getting off the car, they had already prepared to go over.

However, unexpectedly, Liu Lang did not have any expression of worry, and went around to the back of the carriage, as if he was... You want to push the cart by yourself?

"Holy sh * t!" Are you for real? " The person on the left glared at him.

"Boss …" Do you think he can really push the car away by himself? " The person on the right, Little Chou Min, asked doubtfully.

"What nonsense is this!" If he can push it away, my name will be written upside down! " The one on the left said in disdain.

"Swish!" Woof woof, your name is upside down, and you're doing it right now. What's the difference? You've been playing this game for more than ten years now, haven't you had enough? " The person on the right sneered.

"Enough, stop arguing!" The man in the middle frowned and scolded. It seemed like he was the boss of the trio, "This kid has thin arms and thin legs. If you were talking about pushing a second-hand Ao Tuo, I would believe you. F * ck, even if the three of us were to push him, it would be extremely difficult.

"Yes, yes, yes. The boss is right. In the end, we still have to make a move …"

At this moment, the person on the right, Little Chou Min, didn't even finish talking and could no longer continue.

That was because his boss and the people on the left all opened their eyes wide, shouting out vulgarities.

F * ck!

This man was stunned and also followed their line of sight. He immediately opened his eyes wide and cursed out.

F * ck!

"This... What did I see? "

"Did he really f * cking push it away?"

"Could this car be a model?"

"How is this possible?"

On the other side, Liu Lang clapped his hands, and glanced at the forest in the distance without leaving a trace. Of course he had noticed these three people long ago, as he looked at the potholes on the road in front of him, he also understood what was going on.

Although he was very rich, he didn't want to be tricked by others.

As to what to do next, Liu Lang smiled faintly, he had his own ways.

The three people in the forest looked at each other. When Liu Lang's gaze landed on them, they suddenly felt like they were being stared at by a wild beast.

Fortunately, Liu Lang didn't look at it for too long. They only had about three seconds before they dispersed.

However, even if they retreated in three seconds, the lingering charm that this feeling brought to them caused them to be unable to move for a moment, and their bodies trembled like they were sifting through chaff.

"Old... Boss, could it be that we were... Did you find out? " The one on the left said.

"Woof woof, don't talk nonsense. We've been hiding here all this time, how could he see us?" The person on the right said.

"It's no use talking about it now. Let's go to the next spot and continue squatting. There are hundreds of meters of potholes. Laozi doesn't believe that he will be able to get away safely." The small tricky person in the middle coldly snorted and then turned around to directly enter the forest.

The two little noobs looked at each other and followed.


When Liu Lang returned to the carriage, he could not help but ask, "You … Just now … Just one person was enough to push the car up? "

Liu Lang blinked his eyes: "What's wrong?"

The corner of Yu Shuiling's mouth widened into a smile: "No, nothing."

Seeing how Liu Lang spoke so matter-of-factly, Yu Shuiling felt that she would be very stupid to ask this question.

Thinking about it, Liu Lang was so powerful when fighting, that it was easy for him to fight against twenty-one bullies by himself.

He must have also had a lot of strength.

Pushing a car, of course, was only a matter of minutes.

Thinking about it, Yu Shuiling also felt that it wasn't anything strange.