Chapter 2022: Monk is blocking the way

The team re-entered the road and moved slowly in the night.

The deserters thought they were finally free, but soon after that they discovered that the carriage started to detour and head towards Danyang County.

"Aren't you heading to Sands County? The direction is wrong!" Some people questioned.

"That's right in this direction!" The team leader didn't look back.

The deserters immediately noticed something was wrong and wanted to jump off.

"Uh!!!" At the next moment, all team members pulled out their sabers and placed them directly on their necks.

"If you don't want to die, stay honest!" The team leader chuckled and walked ahead.

Diao Jun was also placed around his neck with a knife, and he didn’t understand that he was a fool.

I thought that if I escaped, I would be free immediately. Who could have imagined that this convoy had anything to do with Danyang and deceived all the deserters.

But why are they here? It is impossible to know ahead of time that everyone will escape today?

Why is it so unlucky? Originally thinking about going to Jinsha County, I went back to Qimu Town to find Brother Shao and Xi'er, and discussed what to do afterwards. As a result, I had to be caught back to the deadly barracks.

I really hope that the generals and Danyang soldiers in the barracks are all eaten by the demon wolves and the wolves, so that they can be free.

Just thinking, the team stopped suddenly.

All the team members raised their swords vigilantly, and the team leader took the lead, watching the end of the road ahead at night.

what happened?

Diao Jun and the other deserters under control looked at them one after another, and at the same time tried to avoid being cut by the blade on his neck.

At the end of the road, a monk wearing a grey monk's robe holding a zen stick stood with his eyes closed and his meditation silent in his mouth.

When the convoy approached, the monk suddenly opened his eyes, inserted the Zen stick into the soil with his right hand, and folded his hands together: "Amitabha! Where is the evildoer here? Don't you leave quickly?"

Hearing this, the team leader frowned: "Where is the stinky monk? Give me a break, don't get in the way!"

"Amitabha!" The monk's eyes widened, and he suddenly lifted a heavy zen stick and waved a circle in front of him.

"Huh!" As soon as the words fell, he suddenly stepped on the pedal, and the whole person ran like a gust of wind, and instantly came to the team leader, smashing his zen stick.

The team leader raised his sword and fought against the horse.

The monk walked under the horse, shuttled left and right, and his caduceus cried in his hand.

The team leader immediately raised his knife and chopped, not slow.

Weapons on both sides were staggered, constantly making a loud noise.

After a few rounds, the monk made a trick, suddenly opened his mouth and screamed: "Zha -!!!"

Like the lion roar, the leader was shaken by the sudden roar, and he was instantly enchanted.

Taking advantage of his enchanting moment, the monk threw his Zen stick and smashed it hard, hitting the leader's left shoulder.

The tremendous force overturned the team leader, and fell heavily.

When he landed, a female ghost in a white dress flew out of him, screaming angrily at the monk in the air: "Smelly monk, looking for death?!"

Monk Zen stick pulled the ground and dragged the team leader who fainted to the side. He looked up and stared at the white dress female ghost: "Demon, come to life!"

"Look at whether you have this skill!" The female ghost in the white dress is Yu Wanniang. She was forced to do things for Jia Zhengjin, and she was upset. She also knew that Nu Wa had been monitoring herself. If she did not follow the order, she would definitely lose her freedom and be locked up again. Now the good thing was destroyed by this monk, and he became more angry, transferring all his anger to him.

When Yu Wanniang used black magic, countless corpses came out of the monk's body and shouted at the siege.

This caused the deserters under control on the carriage to flee. They thought it was a convoy of ordinary people. As a result, the leader was possessed by a female ghost and was able to summon dead bodies.

The other members of the team were indifferent to seeing this scene, and it was clear that they were all possessed by ghosts like the leader.

That being said, the general Zhanchong Yucheng colluded with the ghosts?

In this case, why fight with the demon wolf?

Aren't demon and ghosts the same camp?

Those who knew the convoy were possessed by ghosts, and the deserters felt even more fear and despair.

But when he saw the monk who suddenly appeared, he lifted up his Zen stick and was not afraid of the dense corpse.

If a monk could defeat these ghosts, he might have a chance to escape.

As if hearing their wishes, the monk suddenly became very fierce, and the Zen stick danced tightly, only to see the body flying in the sky.

Soon, he easily broke through the siege of the corpse, kicked high with his feet, and smashed a stick into the white skirt female ghost Yu Wannian.

Yu Wannian waved her hands and released a black wind in her sleeves. The monk was blown out of balance in the face. She turned three times in the air and fell back several times after falling on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, countless zombies broke out and roared and besieged the monk.

The monk stood firm and did not feel nervous in the face of the zombies, lifted his zen stick and flew up and down.

Suddenly the corpses flew around, forcing him to break through a way out, and rushed to Yu Wannian again, lifting the zen stick and hitting.

Yu Wanniang snorted, disappeared in front of him instantly, and appeared to the team next moment.

With a wave of hands, most of the team members rushed forward to cooperate with the zombie group to siege the monk. A small group of members remained to guard the deserters.

I really can't think of it. So many zombies and convoy members could not beat the monk when they were besieging together.

The monk is the same as the unparalleled mode, wherever he rushes, wherever a zombie or a team member is shot.

The fallen team member fell into a syncope, and the overwhelming ghost would come out.

Basically, they hadn't responded yet, and the monk lifted the zen stick and smashed it down, instantly overpowering it.

After a while, all the zombies and the members of the team who stepped up to the front fell. Only Wan Niang and a few members of the guards leaving the scene remained.

The deserters showed their faces, including Diao Jun, who saw hope.

Yu Wanniang frowned tightly Unpleasant expression appeared on her face.

"Amitabha!" The monk blushed without panting, even without sweating, as if the battle was just effortless.

"Damn monk!" Although Yu Wanniang claimed to be a ghost king, it was actually a demon-level combat power. The monk in front of him showed his strength, at least there was a spirit overflowing into the realm of the realm, and it could be indistinguishable from the real monster king.

In other words, the other party has reservations, and if you take it seriously, you can easily kill yourself.

It seems impossible to beat the monk alone, but neither the stink Taoist nor the strange banshee beside the stink Taoist has intervened.

She wants to give up the task and leave, she can know that the odor Taoist and Banshee will not let themselves go.

Do they deliberately watch and want to try their full strength? Or is there no idea to intervene at all, ready to let yourself die?

Anyway, at least for sure, they will never let themselves give up the task and escape.

No way, only to fight!