Chapter 1794: Aqua

?Weeds are like a mysterious exotic jungle. Can you imagine dog-tail grass like tall buildings? Although not sure if the species are the same, at least they look similar.

Various other plants and flowers are also ridiculously large.

Flowers and grass are still the same, not to mention the real trees. At least seeing the towering giants in the grass is absolutely shocking.

"Quick, this way!" The dragonfly landed on a wet land by the pond. The mouse jumped down with Jia Zhengjin, turned away the wild grass and appeared in front of a cave. "This was accidentally discovered when I was hunting before. Hurry in!"

"Hide in this hole?" Jia Zhengjin glanced at the big hole in front of him, as if formed naturally.

"You wait!" The mouse nodded, quickly leaned down in front of the hole, and then probed inside with his head, turned around and looked at him, "I'm fine, you can enter! What do you do? Entered this hole..."

Does Jia Zhengjin really want to say that you are stupid? What is my eye for?

Although the mouse was funny, he took a step forward and jumped directly into the hole.

"Huh? Okay! That's fine..." The mouse apparently breathed a sigh of relief, then pulled the dragonfly into the hole quickly. Turn back and cover the hole with a huge fallen leaf, lowering the voice, "This will not be found! I hope the cockroach and the aquarium will go quickly, otherwise today’s hunting will have soup, fathers and mothers who have not eaten, and mothers’ stomachs. The brothers and sisters in here are hungry..."

What is the situation now?

Although the cave is dark, there is at least some light.

After the system was reset, Jia Zhengjin's night vision skills disappeared, but the **** characteristics allowed him to see the internal structure without any obstacles.

"When will you hide?" he asked, looking at the mouse.

"Unclear." The mouse was quite nervous, holding the dragonfly to look at the hole. "But at least for a long time, I'm sure it's safe."

"You are so scared of what cockroach and aquarium?"

"Of course!" The mouse nodded again and again. "If I were caught by them, I would become food."

"They eat mice?"

"Eat anything!" the mouse replied, "shall we go to the deepest part of this cave? It is relatively safe to hide inside."

Jia Zhengjin didn't think it was necessary, because of the characteristics of the gods and the immortality totem, he couldn't die if he wanted to die. Moreover, in the previous world for more than a thousand years, there was a lot of knowledge inadvertently, including a lot of combat experience.

Even if the system is reset, the level is zero and there is no skill, he is no longer the otaku who only played games when he first traversed. Even with bare hands, he is quite capable.

But he was still pulled by the mouse, and walked along the curved passage of the cave together, walked through the maze-like terrain, and finally reached a relatively empty circular basement.

It is very spacious, with mud on top, bottom, left, and right, and a large number of giant plant roots hanging out through the soil, which is relatively dry.

"Huh~ It should be safe here!" After the mouse came in, he placed the giant dragonfly in the corner, removed the carapace cushion from it and spread it on the ground, "Kean, shall we sit down and rest for a while?"

"What's this?" Jia Zhengjin squatted down to look at the carapace. The dark brown was shining. The leather looked very strong, but it seemed quite soft.

"This? The cockroach's back shell." The mouse replied proudly. "When my father was young, he hunted a loot from a cockroach. This is an honor. Now it's passed to me!"

"..." Jia Zhengjin was a little speechless. "It looks like some kind of crustacean insect. Cockroach... Is it a cockroach?"

"What is a cockroach?" the mouse asked curiously.

"Uh~ don't say this first." Jia Zhengjin looked at the mouse. "Are we just waiting for this silly?"

"Otherwise what? The cockroach and the aquarium are very cruel," the mouse replied, "we'd better not go out. Especially if you are an alien, they know they will definitely take it back to do research, and then eat it! It is best to let them Fight yourself."

"Don't you want to know what happened outside?"

"Think, but you can't go out." The mouse nodded and shook his head violently. "My father repeatedly told me that one older brother didn't listen, but he was curious that the probe went out and was caught and killed by the cockroach. Its meat was caught by the cockroach After eating, the skin was pulled out and became the clothes of a cockroach..."

Isn't it the same as your carapace? Jia Zhengjin glanced at the cockroach carapace where the mouse was sitting and thought to himself.

It seems that the creatures of this world, although they seem to be wise, still maintain the instinct of animals and regard each other as their prey.

"Nuwa, share images!" He still cares more about this cockroach and aquarium, and wants to see what it is. So the instruction is issued directly.

"Command received!" Nu Wa's voice sounded, and a virtual screen immediately appeared in the cave.

Jia Zhengjin has a nano-receiving system implanted by Nu Wa, which can be contacted anytime and anywhere, and can also receive image information like this.

In the picture, Nuwa is presented with a 360-degree viewing angle, that is, the area where the lotus leaf is docked.

"Huh! Why can you see the outside? How did you do it?" The mouse stood up in surprise, ran to the front of the image, reached out curiously, and penetrated directly.

"This is technology." Jia Zhengjin responded indifferently, "Through it, you can see what's going on outside. You come over a little and don't destroy the picture."

"Oh!" The mouse backed obediently, standing next to Jia Zhengjin with emotion, "You are so powerful! Worthy of being an alien~ What else can you do? Also, what does your companion Nuwa look like? Starman?"

This mouse has many problems. UU reading books

"Hush~" Jia Zhengjin raised a finger and put a mute gesture on his mouth, prompting him not to speak, and looked at the picture quietly.

Confused, the mouse picked up his right paw and tried to reach out and put it on his mouth, then sighed gently. Blinking, it seemed to be particularly curious about Jia Zhengjin's gesture.

"Look!" At this moment, the empty lotus leaf surface in the picture suddenly had something leaping from below and falling lightly. The mouse reacted and hurriedly pointed at the picture and said, "It's an aquarium!"

Jia Zhengjin's eyes have always been focused on the picture, which has naturally been discovered for the first time.

The aquarium appeared in the picture, with a prawn head with a long beard, a bowed body, and a cyan hard shell like a armor. Its appearance is a bit similar to the shrimp in the image, but it looks different. The point is that this so-called aquarium is similar to the abnormity variant of lobster, and can stand and walk like a human. Even in addition to a bunch of huge pliers, two pairs of empty hands in the abdomen, each holding a huge shell, as if the existence of a shield, and some kind of spiky weapons.