Chapter 1750: When will it end


The efficiency of the Athena battleship force is good. Under the operation of countless delivery vehicles, the entire population of Hailong City was also accommodated in the Nuwa, and individual accommodations were arranged one after another.

The military and civilians of Hailong City are participating in the exercise for the first time, which is similar to the first time of the people of Shenglong City. They are both worried and fresh.

When the people of Hailong City have boarded the ship, do you think the exercise should stop?

As a result, Nuwa began to broadcast again: "Hailong City's military and civilian boarding is successful, and the exercise project is all going smoothly! Start a new exercise project-to the capital of Bolivia, the principality of the Principality of Haiers, to greet the subsidiary Grand Prix and its capital.

"What?!" Originally thinking that after the people of Hailong City boarded the ship, the exercise was over, and I didn't expect to go to the Principality of Hals. Christina got up anxiously. "When will the exercise continue? When can we start to go to the assembly Earth? The oracle of the light god, can't go against it! Nuwa, I want to talk to Keane! Hurry up and contact me!"

"Huh, this exercise is really a bit weird!" Tina and others also showed their doubts and followed Christina around the communicator. "Nu Wa, what's going on? Can you contact Keane, let us Ask yourself."

"Nuwa, help me contact Keane quickly!" Christina is really anxious. As a devout and bright believer, the oracle must be taken seriously.

"We are currently in the exercise. Please ask some ladies to be restless!" Nu Wa replied with a smile. "Master Keen is carrying out more important exercises. Everything is for the sake of the people's safety. The exercise must not be lost!"

"Then at least tell us, how many exercise projects are there, and when will the exercise last?" Christina hurried, "When can we go to the assembly point?"

"Sorry! Insufficient authority to answer. Please ask Captain Keane after the exercise!" Nu Wa smiled and shook her head in response.

"Then you tell us when the exercise will end!" Christina asked hurriedly.

"Sorry! Insufficient permissions to answer."

"Help me get in touch with Keane, I must talk to him now!" Christina is really anxious. If you continue to do so, it will delay the time to go to the assembly point. That is the oracle of life who believes in the **** of light. You may only get the oracle once in your life. How can you not go?

However, Nu Wa still gave the same answer, and she needed to wait for the exercise to contact him.

To ask when the exercise ends, it means that the authority is insufficient and cannot be answered.

Seeing that Christina was really anxious, worried that she would affect the child in her stomach, Tina thought about it: "Nuwa, then you can at least let us move freely, can you meet other people in the ship?"

She wanted Christina and Master Leo, as well as other members of the Bright Church, to speak face-to-face, lest they should stand there alone.

Nu Wa thought for a while: "I'm sorry! The command of the captain is absolute. I don't have the authority to violate the order. But you can use the communicator to communicate with anyone in the ship. It is no different from meeting with a real person. Just need to stay in the room and not go around. It is regarded as combat during the exercise and no negligence is allowed."

"I want to see Keane!" Christina still had such anxious expression for the first time.

"Chris, at least you can talk to Master Leo about the situation now." Tina reached out and stopped her. "We are a little patient, the exercise should be over soon."

"Yes! Chris, don't be too emotional." Amy also came over and said softly, "Think about the baby in your stomach."

"Stay quiet." Perrin inserted a blank expression.

"What's wrong?" At this moment, another wall lifted up, and Olivia came over, looking a little sleepy. "The exercise is not over yet? Or should I go back to sleep?"

"Don't go to sleep first!" Tina said quickly, "Come and talk."

"Oh!" Olivia came over blankly without knowing what to talk about.

After the military and civilians of Bolivia successfully boarded the ship, it was already 18 o'clock in the evening.

Everyone's room automatically delivers a hot dinner. Nuwa also has this supply function, as long as the warehouse has enough ingredients.

This exercise is particularly long, and it is not limited to the Holy Dragon City, even the people of Hailong City and Bolivia.

Whatever comes is safe, most people think so.

It was a magical experience, after all, Nuwa was an unimaginable existence for them.

The vast majority of people are honest and honest, Nuwa is also humanized, allowing family rooms to communicate with each other, sitting around the family, watching TV, enjoying food, not having to work, regardless of high and low, nobles and civilians. All are treated the same.

What could be better?

After the exercise anyway, you can go home safely.

In fact, most people feel that this magical mobile castle, the cozy room they are assigned to, is more comfortable than home.

You can't enjoy this kind of food at home. In addition to the people of Shenglong City, other cities have not popularized TV sets, and they are even reluctant to leave when they see new things.

Not to mention, this is an exercise ordered by Keen, the owner of the Holy Dragon City, and their leaders personally lead the team, of course, to do their best.

In other words, the members of the light forces, Christina, Leo, and Saint Dragon City, who were cheated by Jia Zhengjin, were anxious because the exercise never ended, and they could not rush to the oracle rallying point and use communication devices to keep in touch. Everyone hopes that Christina can tell Master Keane to stop the exercise and let them rush to the assembly point.

That is the oracle issued by Lord Bright God himself!

It's a war about the survival of the world!

But Christina was helpless, no matter what she asked, Nu Wa said that the authority was insufficient.

Trying to use magic to break the door, Jia Zhengjin had instructed Stein to set up a forbidden field formation in the ship Even the ninth-order strong can only be honest and can't exert any strength.

Then you can only wait!

I hope that the exercise will end after the capital of the Principality of Hayes has been there.

However, while everyone calmed down to eat dinner and wait, Nu Wa began to issue the next exercise mission-to the storm empire of his country, to greet the storm empire king and his subjects.

Christina almost mad, how many projects are there in this exercise?

In addition, how many people should be installed in this aerial mobile castle named Nu Wa? When is the head?

Is it necessary to take over the people from the dependent countries to participate in the exercise?

Don’t you have to send them back separately after the exercise?

When she was more anxious, she probably wanted to appease her emotions. Nu Wa sent Tina's mother, Landis, and the Wallace family Bertha to let them look after the pregnant captain's wife.
