Chapter 1741: Strange phenomenon

"You are really living impatiently!" Gu Louluo was even more angry when he saw him, "Dare to betray me and make you look and feel!"

"Betrayal? You and I have never been together, what kind of betrayal?" Jia Zhengjin raised his trident. "I just don't want to continue to be a chess piece. You are used to the end, and you will be pulled out of the soul without any benefit!"

"Are you ready to die?" Gu Louluo just stared at Jia Zhengjin at the moment.

"Come on! Who's afraid of who!" Jia Zhengjin blocked Gaia Aegis in front of him, "It's not so easy to kill me!"

"As ants, at least have self-knowledge!" Gu Lou Luo snorted, and the copper mirror above his head irradiated instantly, just covering Jia Zhengjin. Immediately after raising the gourd, Jin Chong shot out.

"Kean!!" Aipal wanted to stop in the past.

"Retreat!!" Jia Zhengjin shouted loudly, rushing directly towards Jin Cone.

Aipal failed to stop, so he turned to the surrounding gods and shouted, "What are you still doing? All come up with their own strength!!"

"Oh, uh!!" The gods immediately used the chain of divine power to shoot from all directions, hoping to catch Gu Lou Luo.

Right now there is no time to control why Jia Zhengjin is coming out, and the only hope to win is to delay Ju Lou.

The chain of divine power still didn't catch people, and Gu Louluo flashed easily to other places. His eyes completely ignored the surrounding gods and completely gathered on Jia Zhengjin.

Facing the golden cone, Jia Zhengjin took a deep breath and lifted the trident across the air: "Block!"

It is a physical attack, you can stop it!

"Boom!" Jin Cone really hit the trident, making a deafening sound.

It's just that Jia Zhengjin wants to miss a bit. Blocking can indeed withstand all physical attacks. The problem is that when the strength gap is too large, it is troublesome!

Although successfully resisted, Jia Zhengjin's head instantly jumped to the red tens of millions of astronomical figures.

Even if Golden Cone didn't hit the body, the aftershock directly killed him instantly.

"Boom!" He fell from the sky and fell into the corpses of countless gods, instantly breathless.

This was expected, and no one was surprised.

Just the next moment, Jia Zhengjin, who had just died, sat up in the strange light, and his right hand holding the trident trembling just now.

The rebirth amulet is consumed once, and he is brought back to life.

Gu Louluo frowned slightly when he saw him, and immediately teleported to Jia Zhengjin in the next moment.

Looking up and seeing the appearance of Gu Lou Luo, Jia Zhengjin fled quickly.

His purpose is to delay time, not to die continuously.

The amulet of rebirth actually works, so there are four chances of resurrection. As long as you use your skills to continue to escape, you may be able to support the cooling of the angel guardian, and then use the angel guardian, plus the delay of time in exchange for the cooldown of flash skills. .

The idea is beautiful, but just appeared in a new location, Gu Lou Luo still stands in front of him.

Scared that he hurriedly used the dark flashes, but the result was still hitting Gu Lou Luo.

The opponent's teleport is faster than himself, and does not even require a cooldown.

Faced with such a situation, quickly pull back a distance and instantly summon psychedelic avatars and ghoul overlords.

As soon as the ghoul overlord appeared, he rushed directly to Gu Lou Luo.

Just before approaching, he was instantly absorbed by Gulou Luoling gourd.

The psychedelic avatar blasted a flash from the rear, and was also slapped by Gu Lou Luo, slammed into the distance and landed heavily, and disappeared because of too much damage.

It is not a level at all, and it has no resistance at all!

Jia Zhengjin overestimated himself and underestimated Gu Louluo.

At the next moment, Gu Lou Luo lifted his left hand and moved to him in front of him, grabbed his neck, and easily lifted the person into the air.

"I surrendered... I surrendered..." Jia Zhengjin felt suffocated, desperately struggling for a few times and wasted his efforts to beg for mercy.

But the Trident suddenly stabbed down.

"Slap!" Gu Lou Luo put away the gourd without any hassle, grabbed the trident with his right hand, and snatched it directly. Cold face, in turn pierced Jia Zhengjin's body.

Another spike.

The body was dropped on the ground and resurrected a few seconds later.

Before Jia Zhengjin stood up, Gu Lou Luo stepped on his chest and looked down: "You can still be resurrected a few times! Then I want to die, I will let you die enough. You will be resurrected a few times, I will kill you a few Times. Then draw your soul together with Ruyi Baoyu!"

"You don't have to do that?" Jia Zhengjin couldn't get up. "Let's discuss, can you spare me? You see, it takes time to find other pieces, and I will help you if I continue to help you."

"You think I'm stupid?" Gu Lou Luo narrowed his eyes. "Although I don't know what you are thinking, but from the betrayal, I don't believe every word you say!"

"Wow! Brother, do you want to be so smart? Or should we chat first?" Jia Zhengjin deliberately said nonsense, but actually delayed the time. "I just didn't know that you are so powerful! Now that I know it is wrong, you will spare. It’s me this time! I promise, I’ll help you honestly...”

"Humph!" Gu Louluo pressed hard, Jia Zhengjin hadn't finished talking, and astronomical figures jumped out of his head and hung up directly.

The chance to resurrect three times in an instant is gone, leaving only the last two chances to regenerate the amulet.

Jia Zhengjin, who has come back to life again, feels quite depressed, but there is no way: "Brother, why don't you change the way? It's embarrassing to be trampled to death. Ah..."

Before I finished, I hung up again.

"Boss, you're wrong! Ah..."

Gu Louluo was also decisive, and he was a kick before he finished talking.

In the blink of an eye, all five resurrection opportunities were used up.

The resurrected Jia Zhengjin was quite nervous.

The amulet of rebirth has lost its function. God knows that the next immortal totem can protect itself and successfully resurrect under the attack of Gu Lou Luo?

In case Lou Luo can ignore the rejuvenation of the immortal totem and directly destroy himself permanently, that's a trouble...

Just as Gu Louluo was about to stamp Jia Zhengjin on one foot, the magic locks thrown by Aipal and several other gods finally succeeded in capturing them, pulling him back a few steps.

The main reason is that Gu Lou Luo's attention is all on Jia Zhengjin, and he is even too lazy to dodge.

After escaping, Jia Zhengjin quickly got up and flashed to the distance, looking left and right to find a target that could restore the soul of the reborn talisman.

"Boom!!" As a result, the chains of the gods' powers were directly broken by Gu Lou Luo The next moment he appeared in front of Jia Zhengjin, knocking it on the ground with one foot.

Too late to react, Jia Zhengjin died for the sixth time.

This time, he did not stand up immediately.

After being trampled to death by Gu Lou Luo, the body lay cold and stiff near the corpses of the gods.

"Aren't we as good as a ant?!" Aipar roared, and lifted the Titan Power Hammer to rush over.

Seeing other gods, they also condensed their greatest strength, cast divine magic from all directions, and attacked Gu Lou Luo crazy.

Gu Lou Luo frowned slightly, and was forced to retreat a few steps by this violent attack, taking out the spirit gourd to absorb the other's magic.

At this moment, Jia Zhengjin's cold body moved, and strange light appeared in the heart, forming a small spiral.

A powerful suction swept away, and the blood of the surrounding **** corpses swirled and rushed to his corpse.
