Chapter 1409: Battle Queen

The soldiers searched for the hive, and the large teams of Jia Zhengjin, Gu Lei, and White Beard officers were not idle, constantly searching everywhere in the mountains.

During this period, there are often beasts, but they are basically not a threat in front of their team. Even before they are close to the team, they are shot or expelled by the archer and the magician.

After a period of searching, the first tiger nest was successfully found near the mountainside.

"Pastor Martin, bother you!" Officer White Beard stopped at a distance from the lair and turned around and whispered, "Please apply defensive magic to our soldiers and adventurers for a while!"

"Hmm!" Jia Zhengjin looked at Tina and Christina. "Conte, Chris, how is the magic value recovered?"

"Drinking the magic potion, it is now full!" The two wives responded almost in unison.

These words made Gu Lei envy them again, and the magicians under the officer of the White Beard felt some emotion. After all, after their magic power is used up, they can only meditate to rest and slowly recover. It's really luxury to drink potions to enchant magic!

"Then let's go!" The officer with a white beard pulled out his sword and rushed ahead. The soldiers he brought immediately swarmed up.

Gu Lei also led his team of adventurers toward the hive.

The officer with white beard did not dispatch all the troops this time, only brought two or three hundred people. Most are archers, the rest are magicians. After all, there are only queen bees and guard bees in the hive, and if there are too many people, Tina's defensive magic cannot protect everyone.

Jia Zhengjin actually feels a bit strange, since the tiger bee is also one of the insects who hate themselves, and can be attacked directly by a large army at a distance. Why didn't I take the initiative to come out so close to the nest?

But when I think about it, the queen's size is probably not suitable for leaving the hive. The main task of guarding the bee soldiers is to protect the queen bee, so even if you know that you are close, you will never leave the hive easily.

He also quickly brought Perrin, Vanessa, and Apple to keep up with the team, and quickly approached the Tiger's Nest.

"Defense magic!" the white-beard officer shouted before the battle.

Tina and Christina's eyes with Jia Zhengjin's consent immediately began to mantra and released the boulder shield and the light guardian, protecting everyone on the scene.

"Rocket is ready!" The white-bearded officer ordered again, the archers in the team pulled bows through the gaps and caught the ignited rocket.

"Shoot!" With the order of the white-bearded officer, countless rockets "shoot" shot at the tiger's nest, immediately hit the outer layer of the nest, and the nest began to burn quickly.

"Magician, fireball is ready! Shoot!" The white-bearded officer ordered again, the magicians in the team chanted spells, and then threw out fireballs to attack the nest.

"Oh~!!!" At the next moment, hundreds of guard bees suddenly appeared in the tiger's hive. The body size of these guard bees and soldiers is similar to that of ordinary tiger bees, but the body lines are slightly different and the color is darker. At the same time, the huge queen queen who had to come out of the nest because of the temperature of the flame also appeared in front of everyone with some anger.

"All ready!" Officer Baibei raised his arms cautiously, "Fight!"

"Swoosh!" The archers of Domasan Yuuki and the archers in the team of Gulei kept shooting arrows.

The magicians continue to shoot fireball attacks through the gap 6.

The guard bee soldiers moved flexibly in the air, and some of them were hit by arrows, but even directly blocked the arrows with a hard shell, and were not hurt. As for the queen bee, the fat body can fly, but it is very slow. The problem is that she is more powerful than guarding the bee soldiers' defense, and the arrow hit can't pose any threat at all.

It seems stronger than Luluto! Seeing this scene, Jia Zhengjin secretly said.

"The queen bee and the guard bee guard are very strong, using rockets and fireballs!" The white-bearded officer saw this scene and immediately ordered loudly.

"Booming!" The guard beesmen began to madly hit the boulder shield, which made Tina feel the loss of magic power, indicating that the attack was also terrible.

At the same time, the queen bee began to lay eggs directly in front of everyone. In addition, the eggs produced by it gleamed strangely before landing, and then quickly hatched into a large number of tiger bees, densely surrounded by the boulder shield.

This is completely different from when dealing with Luruto. Tiger Bee is really stronger than Luruto! It's just not as common as Ruruto.

Under the protection of the boulder shield, Jia Zhengjin and others also participated in the battle. Gu Lei's other men used the gap of the boulder shield as a fortress, constantly attacking the nearby Tigerweed.

The archer desperately shoots the rocket, and the magician constantly uses fireballs.

Ordinary tiger pattern bees are effective for all attacks, while guarding bees and queens only rocket arrows and fireballs can cause a certain degree of damage.

The battle situation became fierce all at once Especially when the queen bee keeps laying eggs, and an amazing number of tiger bees quickly hatched.

"This is too shameless!" Ten minutes after the fierce battle, not only did the Tiger Bees not decrease, but more and more. Gu Lei sweated out of his forehead. "Will we not be able to hold on to this? The queen bee has been hatching the larvae. This trick is completely unsolvable!"

"Don't worry!" said the white-bearded officer immediately. "This is just an emergency hatching of the queen bee of the tiger pattern. It can't last too long. Under normal circumstances, the queen will never use this trick unless it is urgent. Because Emergency hatching is at the expense of the life force of the queen bee, plus the hatching progress of the larvae, forcibly spawning. The tiger bee produced in this way will not live for a few days, and the queen bee will also be damaged. Because of this ability, we The band strongly urged Pastor Martin to assist. Without this magical protection, even the entire army would be seriously damaged!"

"The queen bee queen also has this ability?" Gu Lei was surprised, "but when will it be?"

"Don't worry, hold on again!" The white-bearded officer responded loudly while fighting. "The faster it spawns, the shorter it can last. We can win if we survive it!"

Jia Zhengjin was a little surprised. This white-bearded officer's knowledge is quite broad. However, it seems that he is at least 70 or 80 years old, and his life experience is estimated to be very rich. It is not surprising to know these news.

Sure enough, as the white-bearded officer said, after another ten minutes, the queen queen finally stopped spawning, and then forcibly attacked the team protected by the boulder shield under the protection of the guard bee soldiers.

"Everyone will work harder to eliminate them all!" Seeing this scene, the white-bearded officer determined that the queen queen was already at the end of the crossbow, so he excitedly ordered.

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