Chapter 1131: Negotiate in secret

It must be said that the nationals of the coastal countries have no affection for the king of Heltis.

Something happened that the king was killed by the general in the palace, the prince who had run away came back to retake power, and then he might soon be crowned king. When the civil, military and military officials announced the country through various forms, they did not make much waves.

With the exception of a small group of Hertiz’s officials and die-hard generals who fought in anger and wanted to avenge him, the country was peaceful, and even many people did not care about it.

The servants and die-hard generals who tried to avenge were killed by the regular army overnight, and the last wave directly disappeared.

As for the family of Hertiz, some ministers persuaded them to be executed together so as to avoid endless troubles.

The entire family of Haldonai died in the hands of Haltiz. It stands to reason that he most desperately wants to slaughter each other's family to vent his inner hatred. But he chose to let go of the other party, but sent someone to deport all people related to Heltis, and never to return to the coastal country.

Of course, the Minister of Culture and Martial Arts immediately praised him and praised him as a benevolent king.

All this has nothing to do with Jia Zhengjin and others.

After the banquet, under the arrangement of Xermi, Jia Zhengjin and his party were arranged to stay in the capital's most luxurious hotel. This is also impossible. After all, the palaces of the coastal countries are different from the Holy Dragon City. There are not many dormitory palaces, and they cannot be allocated at all.

Of course, all members of the Wallace family also stayed in the hotel, but they were separated from Jia Zhengjin by one floor.

What happened in the palace today clearly made them worry, so just after staying, Abram, Bertha and Calder got together.

"Hey~ I'm really worried!" Abram glanced at the brother in front of him, then turned to the wife next to him. "Allen now becomes completely unrecognizable. I can't help but wonder if he is attached by the devil. body……"

"How do you think so?" Bertha said quickly.

"Then do you think you can do such a thing with Allen's character?" Abram sighed. "Indiscriminately, only doing things according to your own preferences. And pressing people to force a national general to kill the deputy King of the Kingdom, to support another person in power. This kind of behavior is to be scolded by the world!"

"Brother, you think too much!" Calder shrugged. "With Alan's current strength, it is too late for the world to stab him. Who dares to scold? Besides, if he really stops the dark dragon, saves the world and In the water and fire, it is too late for all the ethnic groups in this world to worship him as a god! Small defects like this, no one will care at all!"

"No, it's not right. Our Wallace family used to be the guardian camp anyway. It is the embodiment of justice. What he does now has nothing to do with justice!"

"Can't be so determined? What if he didn't make a mistake?" Calder said, "Brother, we can't determine the intricate relationship between the uncles and nephews of the coastal countries, and judge Allen's behavior on this basis. Right or wrong, what is the difference between him and me? I have sent people to inquire about the information to see if the two uncles and nephews did not tell the truth. If the murder was indeed a rebel power grabber who murdered a relative or even his family, then There will be more than one death, and Allen is absolutely right! If the Prince Haildona really framed his uncle, it is also an internal matter. In fact, we don’t care."

"You are too principled!" Abram frowned.

"So what?" Calder spread his hands. "You want to teach Alan? With his strength, all of our family together, not opponents. Not to mention the followers around him, each one is not simple! Besides, he is your own son, shouldn’t you be on his side?"

"Because he is on his side, he has to correct his mistakes!" Abram said frowning. "As long as his behavior is improper, he must find a way to help him correct it and avoid putting him on the wrong path. The stronger the strength People, the easier it is to take the wrong path. If our Wallace family cultivates a descendant who has embarked on an evil path, will there still be faces to worship ancestors?"

"It's easy to say," Calder smiled. "It's the problem that first came up with a solution to Allen! He didn't take our party's family at all, and it was completely stranger's attitude along the way. Let's say here It’s hilarious, and he really wants to teach him. I don’t know if he will be taught in reverse!

"He dares..." Abram's words have no confidence, after all, with the current attitude of "Allen", he really does not have any respect for his father and Bertha's mother. Even worse than strangers!

"Okay." Bertha whispered to the side. "Allen, the child, has also suffered a lot! The reason why we are like this is that we have a lot of responsibilities. You don't want to think about what your child does wrong all day long. , Thinking about how to pick his sting. Now he can’t remember what happened before, and he doesn’t seem to like us very much, so he has to be cautious. What if you have the same attitude towards him in the past, if the relationship is getting stiff We stay with the child and have the opportunity to slowly help him recover his memory, and then correct his behavior little by little. But if he is annoying him, the chances are slim! In short, no matter what you think, Now I’m honestly not looking for faults! What we should do is to narrow the relationship with the children, not to make the relationship worse!"

"Yes!" Calder nodded and agreed Brother, Allen is in a special situation now, you need to be more considerate of him. What we have to do now is to try to help him find his memory. Don't get rid of things that happen outside the festival. You don’t want him to repel us more, or even never want to recall the past? "

"This..." Abram heard silence suddenly.

"In short, the people I sent out will inquire about the ins and outs of the matter and find out whether it was when the king’s uncle killed his brother and usurped the throne, or his prince and nephew framed good people. But no matter what the result, let us not arbitrarily intervene in this matter. Calder reminded, "Compared to this matter, we should discuss the matter of the dark dragon three days later. Allen wants to fight such a powerful enemy, all we can do is to support him with all our strength. Although none of us Inheriting the power of ancestor Daniel, but his achievements in sealing magic still come in handy. I think, since Allen can’t get through here, we can try to attack from the side!"

"Attack from the side? Do you mean..." Abram asked as he hurriedly looked at his brother.

"Of course Alan's apprentice, the little girl of the Dragon Clan!" Calder said, "we can point her to the magic of the seal, and have a good relationship with her first..."