Chapter 567: Minister of Education

The military position is relatively simple, and it is directly divided into the navy, land and air forces.

The commander of the Air Force is Buddy. Although his ability is not very strong, he is one of the first generals to surrender Jia Zhengjin. Doing things is conscientious and never complains, and often gives some constructive suggestions. At the same time, he also has some experience in leading soldiers to fight wars.

All Luruto lairs in the Air Force’s combat forces are under Buddy’s management. Of course it includes kobold slingers and all town guards. The entire army is responsible for airspace operations, specifically training soldiers and kobolds to adapt to the ability to ride Ruruto and air reconnaissance, mine throwing, archery, and shooting.

The deputy commander of the Air Force, Rabbi, is of average ability but wins loyalty. He is in charge of assisting Zopadi to control the air force.

One commander and two commanders have the right to mobilize and command all personnel within the Air Force and are directly responsible to General Wolf.

Both Buddy and Rabbi were pleasantly surprised.

Especially Buddy, this is what he has been looking forward to!

As for the principle of choosing the best, they all bear in mind. At the same time, I secretly swear in my heart that I must strive to improve my abilities, and absolutely not let others have the opportunity!

The commander of the army is Varian, and there is no objection! Among the generals in the Saint Dragon City, Varian is one of the strongest.

The deputy commander was General Dolma, who was far away in the Principality of Heyers, and his outstanding military performance was no objection.

The Army is responsible for coordinating and commanding all the troops on the ground, including the Elves Shooter Regiment.

Philip and Fiora were appointed army commanders and deputy commanders, second only to the two commanders. As for the race that is different from humans, they didn't expect much from the beginning, but they didn't expect to be able to hold such an important military position.

Gunter was appointed by Jia Zhengjin as commander of the navy because of the credit for the rescue of the Dragon Warrior and his sister.

However, no one was aware of this credit except Jia Zhengjin, so most people actually have great opinions about the inexplicable Gunter as the navy commander. Even many people have already thought about challenging him according to the law of merit.

For the post of deputy navy commander, Jia Zhengjin gave Amber.

Amber's strength is really weak, but after all, he is also his own, and training with the Saint Dragon Guard is very hard.

The navy is actually meaningless now, because even the ship has not been built, the presence of this army is not very great, so others are not so opposed.

Among the remaining generals, Carl and Mia served as the Air Force Commander and Deputy Commander; Vera served as the Navy Commander, and Alvin, who followed Dolma to the Principality of Hayes, was appointed Deputy Navy Commander.

And Eden was appointed as the Air Force Division Commander, and Leo, Moses, and Migao, who were also on the expedition, were also assigned to the position of Division Commander. Jia Zhengjin will manufacture military uniforms next. All officers and soldiers in the Holy Dragon City will wear uniforms. Generals stationed in the Principality of Heyers will also receive military uniforms and letters of appointment.

Of course, at present they are all vacant, and the army may not even be able to get a division. Therefore, it is necessary to select strong and strong soldiers from the Mirtai people. Jia Zhengjin will also use the gold coins to hire a large number of imperial soldiers, and strive to make the navy, land and air forces truly become troops!

After the military chief is determined, the following brigadiers, regiment commanders, battalion commanders, company commanders, and even platoon commanders are selected and appointed by themselves. Anyway, it is responsible one level at a time. Jia Zhengjin only issues orders to the general.

It is so convenient to copy the military post of the previous life. Of course, he is too lazy to think about it and set it one by one.

The civil service system is mainly divided into the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Finance.

The Minister of the Ministry of the Interior is headed by Bakla, the head of the Mirtai tribe. He is in charge of the internal and external affairs of the Holy Dragon City. In fact, his rights are still above other departments, mainly responsible for politics, economy, culture, society, diplomacy, etc. Aspects. Although several other departments have the same superficial rights as the Ministry of the Interior, many important policies need to be approved by the Ministry of the Interior before they can be implemented.

The Minister of Agriculture is served by Jia Zhengjin's father-in-law Bolint, responsible for the agriculture of Shenglong City.

The Minister of Personnel is headed by Amber’s father, Old Harlem, and is responsible for the search and distribution of human resources in various departments of Shenglong City.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs is the head of the church, Joan. It is relatively easy to deal with other countries and cities under the name of the Bright Church.

As for the Minister of Finance, there is actually no suitable candidate. So Jia Zhengjin simply handed over to Amber's wife, Maggie the elven. In fact, this department has little effect, because the finance of Shenglong City is controlled by Jia Zhengjin himself, and generally does not give it to others casually. So this position is just a virtual job, basically there is nothing to do. Unless Jia Zhengjin announced that he would start collecting taxes from all the citizens! But for now, tax collection is impossible.

First of all, the current mode of Shenglong City is to share, farming and hunting to support all the city residents. Everyone has the same things with each other, unless they can open up business exchanges with the outside world and allow more industries and shops to enter Shenglong City. Citizens earn money from work, or sell goods to get enough money to be able to pay him taxes.

Or, Jia Zhengjin himself made rules in Shenglong City, and made a lot of unique currencies belonging to Shenglong City, and developed enough industries to allow the people in the city to work to earn these currencies. . But for Jia Zhengjin, he is a dead nerd who knows nothing about himself, and he is still playing games until he is dead, very self-knowledge. Let him do this, it will definitely get messy!

Therefore, he will not consider these before the emergence of professionals. Anyway, the number of people in the city can be maintained intact with the sharing system!

In addition to these major positions, almost all departments have large and small positions that are vacant, and there are countless talents. However, these require the appointed ministers to search for and promote themselves. It is impossible for Jia Zhengjin to control everything without details, otherwise there is no need to establish official positions.

After declaring all official positions, Jia Zhengjin saw that most people were very satisfied, so he scanned the week and asked: "Then, if there are any objections on the spot, you can raise them, and everyone will discuss them here. If there are no objections, today's meeting is here. So far! Everyone will take up their posts and start working immediately!"

"Sir Keane!" As soon as the words fell, I saw Eden stood up directly, "Challenge General Gunter to seize the position of commander of the Navy!"

"Oh?" Jia Zhengjin was not surprised. After all, few people knew about Gunter's strength and credit except himself.

"Master Keane, I also want to challenge General Gunter's naval commander position!" Amber even stood up and said loudly.

Even if Eden was not satisfied when he saw Amber as deputy commander, he even wanted to challenge the commander. Jia Zhengjin said that you really don’t know how many pounds you have, and you are not greedy!

But since he had said that before, he must not refuse, and nodded: "Is there anyone else challenging?"

There was no sound below, and no one stood up again.

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