Chapter 156: Fireworks celebration

Unexpectedly, the power of gunpowder was so great that anyone who clearly wanted to make fireworks turned into a bomb!

Moreover, Jia Zhengjin only put a portion of gunpowder. If it is added a few points, wouldn't the power blow up the factory?

In other words, is this a good thing to strengthen the military? If you make more bombs and ignite them when the enemy is attacking the city, how happy should they be?

But now the main purpose is to make fireworks. Jia Zhengjin reduced the weight. This time, he put a half of the gunpowder in the empty tube.

Of course he did not dare to try it in the past, so he called another kobold miner and let it light up with a fire.

The kobolds recruited had no IQ, and the companions who had just been killed did not affect them.

The second kobold ignited the fireworks placed by Jia Zhengjin, and then stood beside him foolishly.

"Bang!" This time the power was reduced, but it was still not a firework, but a firecracker. After the explosion, fortunately no one was hurt.

"That's too much?" Jia Zhengjin immediately made the third firework, this time only putting a third of the amount.

Finally succeeded after three trials!

After the fireworks were ignited, they immediately sprayed into the sky.

"The problem now is that although the fireworks were successful, there was only one shot!" Jia Zhengjin frowned and suddenly clapped his hands.

He made a dozen fireworks in one-third of a breath, then placed them together and tied them tightly with rope. Immediately afterwards, plant fibers were used to prepare the leads that were connected to each firework in sequence and tucked into the gunpowder.

"Kean!" When he was working hard to produce fireworks, Tina didn't know when to appear at the factory gate. "Everyone is already gathered near the stage, come here!"

"Oh, immediately!" Jia Zhengjin began to fill the last few fireworks.

"What are you doing?" Tina came over and asked curiously.

"Good thing!" Jia Zhengjin replied with a smile, and continued the production without raising his head. "Wait a moment, I will come over immediately!"

"it is good!"

Tina went back first, Jia Zhengjin took the time to fill up the last few fireworks, and then tied it into a bundle of virtual backpacks.

After finishing his work, he immediately left the factory building and rushed to the open space in front of the stage.

Good guy! There are already many people in front of the stage, just like any big star holding an open-air concert, the level of excitement is simply amazing!

The sun had set completely, and the villagers lit a bonfire in the dark city, illuminating the whole area.

Every household puts the prepared gold and silver cakes on the table they occupy, just like the food festival in the outside world, except that the only food is the gold and silver cake, which should be called the gold and silver cake festival. !

"Happy Lan Lan Festival!"

"Happy Lan Lan Festival!!!"

People continued to congratulate each other with joy and laughter, and some eager children had already danced happily around the campfire.

"Kean!" Tina came out from the crowd, grabbed Jia Zhengjin in emotion, and took him to the place occupied by her home. "This is our home."

"Oh!" Jia Zhengjin glanced at his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Perin and Christina, and picked up a piece of gold and silver cake in his mouth.

The taste is not so good! It seems that in addition to the taste of the filling and the taste of honey, this cake is so-so...

Probably after seeing Jia Zhengjin’s expression, his father-in-law Bollint explained with a smile: "The gold and silver cake was originally a memory of human heroes against demons, and experience the food in the army at that time. Everyone will feel delicious, but it is because eating is a kind of miss Feelings! In fact, this kind of gold and silver cake will not feel how good it is for the first time. Only after eating habits will it feel good."

"Oh~~" Jia Zhengjin smiled and nodded when he received instructions from his father-in-law.

"I think it's delicious!" Christina squeezed gold and silver pancakes in her mouth. "And the ingredients of this pancake are similar to bread. I think the ascetic pastor can try this pancake and replace it with bread!" "

"Isn't this a demon?" Jia Zhengjin laughed.

"The so-called heart demons are the ones that make people want to stop, and eventually fall!" Christina replied seriously, "the gold and silver cakes are not enough, even my teacher will agree to this!"

"It's okay." Perrin also bite the pie bitelessly and said blankly.

"Kean," Tina took the pie in one hand and held his hand in the other. "The show is about to begin! Let's sit down and watch while eating!"

Jia Zhengjin looked around and found that more than a thousand people were sitting in front of their respective tables. The scene was quite spectacular.

Everyone was eating gold and silver cakes quietly, while their eyes stayed on the stage.

The adults called back the children playing by the campfire and told them to sit around and eat the cake.

"Peng Peng Peng Peng..." The performance finally began. First, four or five elderly people walked onto the stage, each with a snare drum wrapped in animal fur. They beat the drums, rocked their bodies in a rhythmic voice, and sat on the corners of the stage one after another, and then just hit one.

Soon, a group of young people dressed in ancient style cloth, holding wooden swords, wooden knives, wooden shields and other props, also lined up to dance on the stage. Their faces are full of seriousness, and they really act like soldiers.

As the drums continued, a group of black clothes came up from the stage to play the demonic villagers. The two met on the stage, and then began to dance awkwardly in the sound of drums, as if they were fighting.

This is actually a different song and dance show, it seems quite interesting!

The choreographed dance time is not long, it is exactly the time when Jia Zhengjin eats a gold and silver cake.

After the musical, the village chief elected by Jia Zhengjin came up, began to give a speech one by one, and told the story of the human army fighting the demon. All the villagers in the city are in high spirits, cheering continuously in the speech of the village chief.

After the village chief's speech ended, before dancing around the campfire, there was about an hour for everyone to slowly enjoy the gold and silver cake.

Jia Zhengjin took advantage of this free time to stand up.

"Kean, where are you going?" Tina asked quickly when she saw her husband standing up.

"The event is not lively enough, let me add a fire!" Jia Zhengjin said with a smile, "You are here waiting!"


Jia Zhengjin is on the stage, UU reading www. shouted: "Happy Lanlan Festival!"

"Master Keane, Happy Lan Lan Festival!!!" All the villagers responded loudly, and the atmosphere was quite warm.

"To celebrate this memorable day, I specially prepared a new commemorative event! Come!" Jia Zhengjin ordered the town guards to come over immediately.

"Place these around the stage!" He took out all the fireworks he had made from the virtual backpack and asked the town guards to put them in order.

The villagers curiously looked at the bundled empty tree tube brought out by Master Keen and guessed what it was.

Because it has been tested by kobolds, it is now certain that these fireworks are safe. Therefore, Jia Zhengjin immediately ordered that the town guards put on torches after they were placed: "Now, the holiday celebration begins! Fireworks!"

The town guard received the order and hurriedly ignited the lead according to Jia Zhengjin's instructions.

"Boom! Boom! Boom—" Beautiful fireworks rose into the sky, making the night view of the city even more beautiful!