Chapter 154: Saltpeter mine

Direct the kobolds to decorate the stage and set up a campfire. Jia Zhengjin always feels that there is something missing.

What is missing from a grand party?

Inspiration suddenly came to mind-fireworks!

He immediately ran to the grocery store and found the lady boss: "Is there any fireworks here?"

"What are fireworks?" Winnie, the proprietress of the grocery store, shook her head. "The goods bought here are different every day, and I can't even figure it out myself!"

Jia Zhengjin took a closer look at all the commodities, and indeed could not find the fireworks. But it took 5 gold coins to buy a drawing of leather sofa furniture making.

Since it has not been sold, you can only do it yourself.

Last time I killed Tie Beiqiu, Jia Zhengjin had learned the gunpowder formula.

The materials of synthetic gunpowder are saltpeter and coal.

With so much coal, Jia Zhengjin's own residential building can gain a lot after cooking every day. Not to mention that more than a thousand villagers and town guards in the entire city kept their coal in their warehouses after their daily lives.

Then the only thing needed now is the saltpeter mine!

He left the city by himself and brought out the deformed monster stationed there at the mine.

There is no saltpetre in this mine, and he needs to search further afield.

Riding on the deformed monster, fluttering his wings and flying high into the sky began to hover in the forest.

There are many strange-shaped giant birds in the sky above the forest, and there are also pterosaur-like creatures soaring, and a winged fox is hunting pterosaurs.

Of course, these alien creatures will actively avoid the deformed monster, and they are convinced of its "Dragon" identity.

Jia Zhengjin started his skills of searching for mineral veins, and carefully searched every inch of land passing by. Iron and copper mines are everywhere in the forest, and then there are relatively few gold or silver mines, but they can also be seen.

In addition, other mineral veins are very rare.

After searching for a long time, when he felt that there was no hope, he finally saw a not so obvious saltpeter mine in front of him.

Excited, he hurriedly drove the deformer to land.

It is very far away from the city, and flying to high altitude can only vaguely see the traces of the city wall.

There are also many strange and dangerous creatures around, but in front of the fake dragon, these creatures will keep their distance and try to stay away!

But beside the saltpetre mine, there was also a wild kobold's den.

In the face of the counterfeit dragon that transformed into a monster, all the kobolds curled up and shivered in the nest, daring not to come out at all.

Mining is important, but kobolds are all experienced!

Seeing that they were hiding inside the cave and dared not to come out, Jia Zhengjin took out some stone bricks from his backpack and blocked most of the kobold’s lair into and out of the cave, leaving only one cave.

Because the inside of the nest is interconnected, he let the deformed monster spit fire inside the cave.

"Usu~~" the deformed monster got orders, and immediately walked to the nest, opened his mouth and spit out a hot pillar of fire.

As a result, the entire kobold's den was engulfed in flames and turned into a stove.

The kobolds were uncomfortably roasted in the nest, so they tried to escape. As a result, it was found that most of the holes were blocked by stone bricks, and they could only fumble to the only exit.

However, the deformed monster at the exit was waiting, and a kobold came out, and immediately a flame spewed out.

It was burnt to death inside, and burned to death when it ran outside. These kobolds had no ability to resist in the face of the deformed monster who had learned to breathe fire!

Jia Zhengjin keeps receiving message prompts, and it is difficult to count 30 empirical points on the screen. His experience bar is also rapidly rising, this brand-new way of leveling door-blocking monsters is so cool!

There were one or two thousand wild kobolds in the nest, and Jia Zhengjin unconsciously rose to level 11. This is really a surprise!

When finally receiving a message of 500 plus experience, you know that the kobolds in the entire lair have been emptied. However, he can't even enter it to search now, so he can just let it stand and wait for it to cool down!

Let Transformers guard nearby. Jia Zhengjin added skill points to unlock the Alchemy Lab, and then took an ordinary quality iron pick from his backpack and quickly digged the saltpetre mine.

The veins of the saltpeter mine are located in a cave terrain under a cliff.

The cave is dark and nothing can be seen. So Jia Zhengjin took out the torch lighting.

Finding the location of the saltpetre mine, and putting the torches all over again, he immediately lifted the iron pickaxe to mine.

[News] You got the saltpeter mine!

[News] You got the saltpeter mine...

Saltpeter mines are much easier to collect than other ores. Basically, each pick can get a piece.

Before long, more than 300 saltpetre mines near the cave entrance were hollowed out by him.

Unfinished Jia Zhengjin got on the torch and wanted to go further into the cave. However, at this moment, a dark shadow suddenly appeared and rushed head-on.

"Instant retreat!!" Jia Zhengjin felt wrong and immediately used his life-saving skills to move back quickly.

The black shadow fluttered empty, and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Although it was only a short moment, Jia Zhengjin clearly saw the outline of the shadow. If you want to describe it, is it like a black slime? And the body is very huge, and the movement is very flexible.

Unclear of the opponent's strength, he withdrew from the cave for safety.

The deformed monster is too big to enter the cave even with its head. Otherwise, do you have to worry about the black slime?

"Making fireworks, should these be enough?" After looking at the more than 300 saltpeter mines in the virtual backpack, Jia Zhengjin decided to give up mining more ore first. UU reading www.uukanshu. Com will come back next time, take Dolma, Buddy, Wolf and Karl with them, and then take the kobold troops to rush in, and do not believe that this black slime will not die!

However, before returning to the city, you need to search for loot in the kobold's den!

Finally, when the temperature in the kobold's den fell, Jia Zhengjin stooped down from the only entrance and exit.

The inside was full of burnt kobold corpses, and he groped one by one.

The low-level kobolds burst with some of the lowest-quality inferior wooden sticks, and of course there are some simple materials, such as iron ore, wood, rope, stones and the like. Even though the mosquito is small, it is meat. He never let it go.

Thousands of dog meat people also produced a perfect wooden stick, but it did not have any eggs!

Going through the labyrinthine caves, it took a lot of effort to finally find the body of the kobold leader in the deepest part, and the kobold leader's side is a golden treasure chest!

Just like the first kobold lair, the main loot is on the leader, or in the treasure chest!