Chapter 463

Name:Boundless Sky Author:朝不保夕
A jade carving, still a spacious hall, Chenghao holding the small day sitting in the guest seat.

As for liruolan, who has been sent to the guest room by Chen family, there will be special people to heal her.

"Haotian, chennan told me that you died in the eternal forest. I didn't expect that today, you are not only intact, but also your strength has reached the level we can't imagine!"

As in the past, the dream of Qing Dynasty is very beautiful. Keer sits on the main seat, and receives Chenghao as a hostess. Beside mengke'er, he also follows a child of the same size as Xiaotian. He is very clever to stay on the side, and looks at Chenghao with curious colors.

"These years, there are some strange events. I just went out of the customs and caught up with the invasion of the fifth world black rising demon king. I think it's time. Brother chennan, should fight against heiqi?" Cheng Hao drank tea and asked with a smile.

"Well, Chen Nan left the heaven yesterday and went to the world to fight against black. Now life and death are unknown. Chen family is very nervous!" Dream can face to show worry color, then look at Cheng Hao with gratitude: "if you are not Haotian today to break the siege, it is estimated that the whole Chen family, the loss will be very huge!"

Chenghao smiled and put his hand at hand. "Just do it with your hands. Thank you for your Chen family's care for the mother and son of the little day!"

During the conversation, Chenghao turned to look at the little boy beside mengke'er.

"Is this your son and brother chennan?"

"Well!" Dream can be a little shy, after all, she and chennan are happy friends, and as a result, she killed for so many years, no one killed each other, but also had children, I don't know how to describe this evil relationship.

Chenghao smiled, then he thought about it, and then he felt like a moment. In the empty space of Chen family, there was a rolling thunder sound. In a moment, in the frightened sight of countless Chen family disciples, three nine color Lei dragons were born out of the sky.

The huge faucet, overlooking the earth, and destroying all the breath spread, and looked at the Chen family for a few breath, and then the body shape continued to shrink, like a nine color snake, and disappeared into the hall where Chenghao was located.

With a move, three nine color Lei long did not enter Chenghao's index finger, and turned into a nine color Lei long mark.

Step out, Chenghao came to dream can son side, looked down at the little boy nestled beside his mother, smiling: "little fellow, tell Uncle, what's your name?"

"My name is dragon!" The little guy's mental perception seems to be very strong. For Chenghao's restrained breath, there is still a little sense. At a young age, he has already understood that the person in front of him is not the existence that Chen family can provoke.

So for uncle Haotian, Long'er is very clever.

"Dragon... Good name." Chenghao stooped down and pinched the face of the dragon. "Uncle gave you a gift. Would you like to?"

Long er did not immediately answer, but turned to quietly look at the mother, see the dream can son nod, he only showed a sweet smile: "thank you uncle!"

Chenghao laughed, and then he pointed to longer's eyebrow heart. In a moment, he left a nine color Lei long mark in his eyebrow heart.

"This mark contains my way of lightning, and can protect the Dragon when there is a life crisis. It is the wedding gift I gave you to chennan."

Dream can son hears the words to show the surprise color, even if Cheng Hao just saved Chen family, she also did not lose her state. For a mother, Cheng Hao gave longer this gift, more than the previous rescue grace, more heavy.

"Haotian, thank you. I will let him express his gratitude to you personally when Chen Nan returns!"

Chenghao put his hand at his disposal. "I don't need to thank Chen Nan for my relationship!"

During the conversation, Chenghao put the little day on the ground, nodded to the dream Keer. "The little day is here for you. I will go to the world to see the situation first. The fifth world invaded in a large scale. Chen Nan is not able to live!"

"Dad, are you going again?" Little day some reluctant to pull Cheng Hao's robe, do not want him to leave.

"Stay here honestly, dad will get the trouble out and will be back soon!"

Smile ha knead the small head of the little day, Chenghao nodded to the dream Keer, then took a step forward, the body shape disappeared instantly, blinking, has left Chen family moon.

Walking in the void, Chenghao rubbed his forehead. After just exploring the small day, he had learned about the specific situation of the other party.

Generally speaking, today's small days, and some similar to the girl.

This little fellow is the slave seal that Chenghao had left in the spirit of liruolan. It should be regarded as a separation of his divine thoughts.

It is only possible that liruolan had some unexpected changes after stripping the slave seal. All the memories of Chenghao in this slave seal disappeared. Instead, after the slave printing, a new personality was born and a new spirit was born.

The girl and the girl who were transformed with Lin Xi Tao Guo have independent personality. As a child, she is also a newly born personality. She has her own independent consciousness. It is only the psychological age of this personality consciousness, which is still in childhood.Although there is no memory of the past, Xiaotian, after all, is the hallmark of Cheng Hao. Subconsciously, he naturally takes Cheng Hao as his father.

"Lin Xi and I haven't been married yet. As a result, we both have sons and daughters. It's hard to say anything about it."

As a single dog for ten thousand years, he has both children and children unconsciously. This indescribable feeling makes him quite speechless.

"Now that I have my sons and daughters, should I comfort myself and find a place to support my life?"

With a helpless smile, Cheng Hao tore the barrier between the heaven and the world, and stepped into the human world directly.

Overlooking the earth of the human world, the original magnificent mountains and rivers, at this time, scorching, everywhere are corpses, blood, a cruel mess. Even if Cheng Hao is standing at a height of 10000 meters, he can still smell it clearly.

His eyes stayed on the earth for a moment, and then Cheng Hao's divine consciousness was scattered, and he soon found the trace of chennan.

At this time, chennan had already started a battle with the peerless God Hei. The battle between them was dark, and the evil wind swept through the sky and the earth, making the sun and the moon dim and the stars pale.

At the same time, mountain after mountain sprang up, rushed to the sky, then danced, and then burst into pieces. There were rivers that went up against the sky like a silver dragon straight through the sky, and the waves swept across the ten directions.

This is simply a catastrophe, the two great masters straight to the sky, the murderous spirit straight through the Big Dipper!

Instead of fighting heiqi immediately, Cheng Hao raised his hand and pointed to the void. After a while, nine colored thunder dragons appeared in the sky, dragging their huge bodies one by one, emitting terrible thunderbolts that could destroy all things. He swayed and swayed in the void and pursued the evil stars remaining in the human world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!