Chapter 246

Name:Boss's Death Guide Author:决绝
At the moment, what do you really agree with the idea of work

"I want them to make this." Qi Jingchen took out a picture book full of white paper and gave it to old Norman.

Old Norman turned over the book curiously and asked, "what is this for?"

"Draw things, write." Qi Jingchen also took out a picture book, which he used to draw the western district design drawings and write plans. Now he has drawn some drawings in several colors, and has written many things in yere's language.

Old Norman took a few eyes and knew what Qi Jingchen had written. He looked through the book and asked in surprise, "can you give me a pen?" He is very clear that the pen Qi Jingchen uses to write things is definitely not the bone pen they often use.

Qi Jingchen of course can not disagree, in the old Norman request, he immediately took out a blue pen to old Norman.

Old Norman took a pen and wrote his beautiful flower name on the book Qi Jingchen gave him. Then he thought about it and drew a unicorn horse in three or two strokes.

Old Norman's paintings are very beautiful and real. Qi Jingchen was surprised that the old man had such a talent.

"Good thing! You have so many good things in your hand Old Norman said that he didn't have many hobbies. He liked painting and drinking. When he was young, he practiced painting murals for churches. But when he was high-level and it was not easy to paint again, he would not draw any more No way. Parchment is not very suitable for painting.

"Lord Norman likes painting?" Qi Jingchen said with a smile, and then took out a box of watercolor pens to old Norman: "that this is more suitable for you."

Old Norman, as a person who didn't get much painting tools, didn't dislike Qi Jingchen's giving him a few yuan to buy a box of watercolor pens with only 12 colors. On the contrary, he was very surprised.

He took a pen and began to doodle on his book, and soon drew a beautiful bird.

"Qi Jingchen, would you like to be my student?" Old Norman suddenly said, "if you will, I will teach you all I know, and you will be my successor."

"Of course I will, but the six elders may not." Qi Jingchen said that old Norman was a mage, and his strength was not bad, but he felt that the pope would not want himself to be a student of old Norman.

Old Norman suddenly thought that it seemed that Qi Jingchen was coming, and the six elders drove him away from the central branch. Qi Jingchen's identity must be unusual With a sigh, old Norman stopped mentioning the students and said, "if you don't understand something, just ask me."

"I will. Thank you, Lord Norman." Qi Jingchen said.

"In that case, let's continue to study how to make it." Said old Norman, pointing to his book.

Papermaking is relatively simple, that is, papermaking workshops can not be built in the Western District, but must be built by the river.

There are several big rivers near the holy city. You can see one of them from the west side Qi Jingchen plans to build the paper mill there.

After briefly introducing his plan to old Norman, he quickly nodded: "that's it! You can do the specific things, and I will let the people below cooperate with you. "

Thank you very much Qi Jingchen thanks.

Qi Jingchen plans to recruit in the Western District, and the first thing he wants to do is to register all the people in the western district.

There are nearly 100000 people here. As a result, they don't even have a household registration. Many children don't even have names

One hundred thousand people have to register. This is definitely a huge project. In order to complete it as soon as possible, Qi Jingchen specially hired some ordinary people who are literate to help with the registration.

The registration was made on parchment paper in duplicate, one for the people in the western district and the other for their record.

This kind of registration is very common, at least the people in the holy city have household registration, but the people in the western district are very excited with the parchment with their names and ages written on them. However, most of them do not know the above words.

These people are illiterate, which is not conducive to their own management Qi Jingchen felt that the first thing he had to do was to let the children in the Western District read books.

Orphans or families with children are registered first, and all the children are arranged with people responsible for taking care of them. Basically, an old man takes care of a child and a big child. Then Qi Jingchen tells these children that in the future, all the school-age children will go to school to study, and their three meals a day will be given to them by the school.

In short, if they don't go to school, they'll have no food to eat.

Qi Jingchen said that school is a place where you can learn something, so no one in the West District feels bad about his requirement, and even very happy.

When Qi Jingchen went to see the construction progress of the school, he also saw some parents with their children coming over. Then he looked at the newly built school and said, "if you can learn one skill, such as how to make shoes, I don't have to worry about your starvation in the future."The orphans also gathered around the new school and looked at it with interest: "it's beautiful here! Can I learn how to build a house here? "

Qi Jingchen touched one of the children's head: "you can learn anything you want, but the first thing to learn is not these."

There are still many literate ordinary people, but they all have jobs or have signed contracts with people for a long time. It is impossible for them to come to work in the western district. Moreover, Qi Jingchen has already found a lot of people to register their household registration before, so they can hardly find any people now.

Fortunately, at this time, old Norman lent his servants to him and asked for some servants from others.

The servants who served the sorcerer were basically literate. The servants of old Norman knew words, and they were very willing to teach the children to read.

What they have been doing is serving others, or for the first time they can be teachers for others!

There are a lot of children in the west district. The youngest of them doesn't have to go to school. Those over 13 years old are regarded as adults in yere. Finally, Qi Jingchen stipulated that all children aged from seven to twelve should go to study, and those from thirteen to fifteen years old can go to study if they want.

At last, there were about 5000 children to study. Qi Jingchen finally divided them into 100 classes, each with 50 students.

The household registration has not been fully registered, and the papermaking workshop has not been opened, so the people in the western district are quite empty. Children in the age group can enter the classroom and have seats. The older children can also listen in. Other adults stay outside the classroom, waiting to see what these children can learn.

"Learn in the house, you should learn carpentry?"

"Why no tools?"

"What's the teacher sending? Is that parchment? "

"Parchment is very expensive. What do you do with parchment for these rabbits?"


Adults outside the classroom were puzzled to see the situation inside, and then saw the teacher on the platform suddenly wrote a few words on the black wall.

While the audience was still wondering what the wall was, the teacher asked, "do you know these words?"

Of course not. The people here are illiterate.

All of them were in a daze, and finally a teenager sitting in the back of the room raised a hand.

"Tell me, what is this word?" The teacher called the boy up.

"It's light!" The young man stood up and said, "I have seen the Reverend write it before!"

"Yes, it's light," said the teacher. "Today, I'm here to teach you to read, and the first thing I want to teach you is these words."

Read? The teacher did not teach these children carpentry, but to teach them to read?

The adults who looked out of the window at what was going on inside were stunned.

Before they came to the holy city, they were all people living at the bottom of the earth. They could not do anything except farming. In their opinion, it was a very, very lucky thing to learn a craft, such as carpentry. They could not even think of literacy.

If these children can read, they can find very good jobs in the future, and may even become the servants of the adults!

In the holy city, it is absolutely the best way for ordinary people to become a soldier or a servant of a magician!

Even if they can't become the servants of the adults, they can still find a good job after they read. It can be said that as long as they can read, their future life is doomed to earth shaking changes, and they will no longer have to rely on relief.

People outside the window began to envy those children sitting in the classroom. However, they were jealous. At this time, they did not dare to speak any more. Instead, they quietly looked at the direction of the blackboard and wanted to learn to read.

The whole school, then suddenly quiet down.

In yere, there are no teaching materials for character recognition. Some big families have special methods to teach their children. But for ordinary people, reading is basically how the teacher teaches them.

In the holy city, because the image of religion is too large, most of the teachers learned the words "light" and "God of light" on the first day of teaching children to read.

The students looked at the blackboard and carefully drew the word "bright" in the corner of their parchment. The parents outside also traced it on their own hands.

For those who have learned Chinese characters, learning these words is very simple, but the people here have never recognized the characters before, and they are learning very slowly. Fortunately, those teachers also know this point, and they are not forced to learn to draw with their fingers on the desk. Parchment is not cheap, neither teachers nor students can use it more.

After all, it was the first day of class, and both teachers and students did not adapt to their own province, so a class soon ended. There were no other people today. We just need to learn a few words on the blackboard.Qi Jingchen came to visit, and he was helpless to see the situation. In his opinion, such a class is really boring However, there is no suitable textbook here

However, he found it boring. The students and parents who came to read and even the onlookers did not feel bored at all. Instead, he was very excited: "I can write! When I play with Dora later, I can write to her

"You are stupid! Dora has come to learn to write, but she is not in our class



"Boy, you must study hard. If you learn well, you may become the follower of Lord Qi Jingchen in the future."


"You must work hard! Teach me when I go home, so I can read. "


Of course, some people are full of interest in reading, while others sneer at it. At least those lazy men who were forced to work by Nie Yi before are now lazy again and feel that it is useless to read.

When Qi Jingchen came to the West District, the guy who first attacked Qi Jingchen said to others, "what's the use of reading? Can you get more food if you recognize the words? Can we have meat? "

He was talking to a woman who came here with her daughter. She couldn't say anything to refute. At last, she took her daughter away and said to the woman, "you must read well. If you can read, you may become a maid in the future and marry a person from the North District, so that we can live in the holy city." For those of them who have fled here, the holy city is really a beautiful place that can't be better.

Qi Jingchen couldn't help laughing when he heard such a dialogue. Then he became more and more determined to clean up the western district. He didn't want the people here to become like those lazy people, totally relying on the relief of the light God.

Of course, the top priority is that he should write some textbooks, and Arabic numerals can also be popularized.

There are also numbers here, but it is difficult to write and it is not convenient to use them. In Qi Jingchen's opinion, Arabic numerals are the best.

But it may be just his psychological function.

Qi Jingchen went to old Norman and asked if there were any simple and clear nursery rhymes.

Old Norman thought about it for a while, then he said a few songs. Qi Jingchen wrote them down, and then asked, "do you think it's appropriate to teach children's songs like this in schools?"

Old Norman was a little puzzled at first, but then he quickly said, "yes! If it is such a nursery rhyme, those children should also like to learn it! "

On the afternoon of the first day of school, the students went home. Qi Jingchen simply took all the teachers to the classroom and taught them a children's song. He asked them to teach them a children's song tomorrow.

These servants did not have the slightest arrogance. They only felt that it was a great honor to be taught by a noble priest. At present, they all said that they must teach them well tomorrow. When Qi Jingchen said that they could tell some stories to the children, they all said that they would do well.

"I can tell them magic lights!"

"I'm a coach driver. I've been in contact with a lot of Warcraft. They must like it."

"I'm in the kitchen. There's a magic oven there. I've told people many times that it's no better!"

"My master's fireplace is so beautiful that it can bring us warmth without lighting!"


Er Well, it's not bad to talk about it.

After finishing these teachers, Qi Jingchen plans to train some math teachers.

However, there are not enough people Qi Jingchen also wanted to look for slaves. However, with the brand of slaves engraved, that person would no longer be a human being, but just an object. The people in the western district would look down on them, and now there are many restrictions on slaves. At least, they must not engage in such work as teaching others.

"When I took those people to work, I thought that some young people had very flexible brains. Help you find out some. Then let Yu Yuehui teach them mathematics, and then they can go to class." Nie Yi gives Qi Jingchen an idea.

Qi Jingchen nodded at the moment, but Yu Yuehui couldn't believe it.

When she used to study, her math scores were really poor! As a result, she is so poor in math that she can be a math teacher? No, she's not just a math teacher. She's going to train a group of math teachers!

The world is too mysterious.

Yu Yuehui, who always thought the math teacher was unattainable, stepped onto the platform and taught a group of children, who were not 17 or 18 years old, to teach them 12345, to count, and then to learn how to add and subtract within ten.

Yu Yuehui, who used to recite the multiplication formula, suddenly became confident when he looked at those people who counted the addition and subtraction within ten and even counted their fingers.

She's one of the top math people in the world now!

When Yu Yuehui's students followed Yuehui for two days and were able to teach their children how to learn ten numbers, the paper mill began to build.Qi Jingchen recruited a lot of workers, and then took them to dig the foundation outside the city to build factories, and began to buy some raw materials.

The holy city is so prosperous that it is very expensive to buy wood or other things. However, with the money printing machine of Chenguang restaurant, Qi Jingchen can buy whatever he wants without being soft hearted.

Because they are busy with the construction of the paper mill, Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi have been living in the west district almost all the time. They have no idea of the Central University. In the villa next to their villa, there is a couple of brothers and sisters who have been struggling for several days.

Louise took the whip and angrily whipped the seven year old child on the ground, sobbing: "why! Why

Louise always likes to make others more miserable when she feels pain. Now when she uses the whip, she is not merciless. Prince Eric and Jon are used to it. The man who once sympathized with Lois and gave her advice is very ugly.

He thought Louise was very poor at the beginning, but after he gave Louise the idea of buying drinks, he lost a lot of money and lost a few magic crystals of general level. However, he felt the horror of Louise.

Originally, Lois threw things and pinched people. He thought it was all girls who made a fuss. Anyway, he was a soldier. It didn't hurt to be pinched, so he didn't take it seriously. However How can the only two ways of Lois tossing people around?

Even if he was a soldier, before Eric arrived, he was very upset and even forced to eat terrible food Fortunately Eric came and Louise let him go.

Now, as he watched Lois beat the child, he couldn't bear to help him speak.

"Lois, stop fighting. Aren't you tired?" Eric looked at his sister tenderly.

Louise threw herself into Eric's arms: "brother! Why is it Qi Jingchen

"Maybe there's something special about him." Eric soothes Lois.

"I don't want to beg him! Not at all. " Louise.

"I'll do something for you." Eric said, quickly smiling. "There's a way."

Eric looks at the child lying on the ground and suddenly says,

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