Chapter 380

Name:Boss So Fierce Author:Qi Wu
I was suddenly happy, standing at the door and laughing unethically. One of the expectant mothers and several family members in the maternal clinic looked at me with schadenfreude and looked at me with neurotic eyes.

Of course I'm not crazy! The reason why that child's cry attracted me so much is that I cherish each other in my heart!

Since I've been with my new year's father, when I'm not happy, I don't cry, make trouble or smash things. The most common ways to express my dissatisfaction are fasting, committing suicide and running away from home. At worst, I will lock myself in my bedroom without saying a word. Even if someone drives a tank to the door of my room and threatens me to demolish it, I won't take the initiative to open the door when I'm not happy. So my grandmother always advised me: "Feifei, when you were a child, you loved crying most. When you just took it out of your mother's stomach, your crying almost overturned the roof of the delivery room. How come you don't like to say it now whether you are happy or not? In fact, it's better for you to say it. "

"When I was a child, I had enough tears. Now I have no strength." I said to her, of course.

I ignored the lines of vision that were either unidentified or unimaginable or red, naked and naked, but it was really like a neuropathy. I said to the parents who were around the crying children: "it's a good thing that a child can cry. When she grows up, she must be promising!"

This time, with four more pairs of neurotic eyes looking at me, I had to stick out my tongue and turn away.

Out of the hospital, looking at the endless flow of traffic, suddenly feel like a Phoenix Nirvana reborn, every cell is like a new general, full of energy and confidence.

That's right. I can't continue to do so much evil. I must be a promising child! No parents, I jiangyufei is not the wind and rain came, lost a once loved man is what? Which woman didn't love a few scum when she was young?

Ah, yes! I, Jiang Yufei, want to change my mind and be a powerful woman in the workplace. I don't want to do it for anyone!

Thinking of this, I took a deep breath seriously, like a real psycho, hopping to the company.

It's more than two months since I saw Xiang Ming again.

The post arranged for me by the elderly is a clerical post in the office of the petition office. After one or two months' work, I met too many petitioners. Every time they come, like Dou E, they will rub their noses and wipe their tears and complain to me about the difficulties at home and the inhumanity of the unit's policies My goodness factor, which was not very prosperous in human nature, was inspired by their touching stories. But when the leaders showed their real situation and the real purpose of petition, I had to admire the acting skills of those employees and their eloquence which could be compared with those of the world's top speakers

At the beginning, I didn't know if the great annals of annals deliberately let me watch so many warm and cold people and listen to so many true and false stories here every day. Later, I finally realized that he just wanted me to improve my ability to distinguish people and things! Wake up to this point, I have a very strong interest in this work, I began to feel full because of the work.

Xiang Ming would occasionally greet me on QQ, and I would talk with him about some funny things I met in my work.

I found a problem. It's much easier to chat with a male friend on the Internet without any distractions than to chat with a man who doesn't love himself but is dogged all the time!

In front of the computer, I asked Xiang Ming on QQ: where to play on May Day?

Xiang Ming: several colleagues are discussing going rafting. I'm still thinking about it.

Me: what else to think about?

Xiang Ming:??

Me: go decisively! Take me with you!

I've been waiting for a long time, but Xiang Ming's news hasn't come back. I'm in a bit of a hurry. This guy is not thinking about what reason to prevaricate and refuse me, is he?

I suddenly feel the heart blocked flustered, bitterly typed a line of words "joking, I don't have time."

Just about to send it, his message came over. It was a picture.

I am busy double-click the picture to open it. It's actually the schedule of the May 13 day tour!

My excited heart is not yet in full bloom, "diddidi" sound, Xiang Ming sent a text message: how do you feel? I'll name us first if I can.

I suppressed a sudden ecstasy in my heart, deleted the sentence that I didn't send out just now, and typed two words in the past: We?

Xiang Ming: why don't you go?

Me: go! Of course! You have to go!

Baa ha ha! Why do I have a kind of complacency about the success of treacherous schemes?

Wow, a wonderful holiday is coming!

As the place where Xiang Ming and his family are going to drift is also in J city near Q City, I flew directly from X city to J city the day before the festival, and the next day I took a bus to the place where they were going to drift to meet Xiang Ming and his family.

Although I have been working in Q city for two or three years, I have been eating, drinking, whoring, gambling and smoking with Liu Xiaodan's brothers and sisters, but I have never been to J city. Bah! I mean, I've been having a lot of fun with them, but I didn't even have a good time in the mountains and water. I left the great rivers and mountains, and then I flew back for a holiday. It's really ironic.In the evening, I went to the famous snack street of J city to fill my stomach. Then I wandered along the ancient street of Qingshiban alone for a while. Thinking of saving energy for the next day's journey, I went back to the hotel in a good mood.

In the middle of the night, I was awakened by a gust of cool wind. I subconsciously gathered my quilt, turned over and went on sleeping.

When I woke up again, I was woken up by my mobile phone. I wanted to open my eyes, but I found that my eyelids were super heavy, and then the heavy feeling instantly transferred to my head! How does the head hurt so much? It's like being pricked by several needles in turn. There's a throbbing pain in the temple.

Maybe I was sleeping too much. I tried to open my eyes and touch my mobile phone. When I got the mobile phone, I couldn't open my eyes completely, so I had to feel my way and slide it. Then I put my mobile phone on my ear and groaned, "hello..."

Why? Clearly a word "hello" came out of my throat. I couldn't hear it. Moreover, it seemed that there was a thorn in my throat. When I opened my mouth, I felt that my whole throat was torn and painful as if I had been pulled

I'll go! This is a very bad sign. Is it because I've been eating all my life? Is my body so fragrant and vigorous?

Fortunately, consciousness is clear, I am busy with a splitting headache, struggling to get up, but I hear Xiang Ming's voice from my mobile phone, "Yufei? Are you still sleeping? "

"Well..." My head was too heavy, like the roof was pressed down, and my body moved a little, and I felt dizzy, like I had just come down from the pirate ship. I made another sound. It was not that I couldn't hear my voice, but that my throat was blocked, and I couldn't make a sound at all.

I had to lie down and say, "Xiang Ming What time is it? "

This time I heard my own voice, hoarse as if I had a mouthful of gravel in my mouth. I completely lost my girl's usual graceful and beautiful voice like Oriole singing and green willow What a failure!