Chapter 373

Name:Boss So Fierce Author:Qi Wu
When I woke up the next day, I was in a surprisingly good mood, dressed neatly and went to the ski resort with high spirits.

When I got to the ski resort, I couldn't help saying two words: Damn!

Damn it! Is the ski resort free of charge? It's a bit too common to describe it as a sea of people! I seriously doubt if James Cameron is making a big TV series here, so many people are here to be mass actors?

I have been awarded "Oscar for best performance" by lily many times, so I naturally sneer at these characters. I drag my heavy double skis to the top of the mountain.

Of course, I won't tell you that the reason why I want to avoid crowded areas is because I don't want to be ridiculed for my clumsy skiing skills, although I see most people wrestling hard!

Baa ha ha! At the foot of the mountain, there was a vast area of people crowding around like ants. Suddenly, I had a lofty ambition of "looking at the small mountains". After putting on my skis, I began to slide slowly with my snowstick.

Although my skill is not good, I can definitely slide straight without falling because I've experienced several times. Of course, at this time, I hate those cool people who wear veneers, don't use snowsticks, and act fancy!

It's just skiing! Do you need to show off like that? Don't you know that it's much less likely to have an accident if you keep a low profile?

For fear of sliding down the middle snow path, even if you can avoid the people in front, but because you are very slow, you will be knocked over by some swaggering and reckless people behind, so you still choose the right most snow path and slide down slowly.

However, in my low-key just glided less than 300 meters, the accident still happened!

While humming a ditty, I watched and listened to the safe gliding of the six roads. Several elegant figures flied past me from my left side. I was immediately attracted by the handsome movements and natural somersault of those boys. When I saw those experts far away with envious and envious eyes, when I looked back, I saw myself Just in front of the place less than 20 meters, a man actually stopped and squatted as if he was tidying up his skis.

The cat is a cat! I don't know. I haven't learned how to change direction?

When I was in a hurry, I pressed my snowstick hard on both sides to slow down quickly, and instinctively yelled at the front: "get out of the way! Get out of the way! I can't stop! "

Unfortunately, I met a guy whose reaction was at least three times slower. When he turned around when he heard my pig like warning signal, I just jumped on him because I didn't have time to stop.

After a standard action of "hungry wolf pouncing on sheep", the guy with super slow reaction was firmly pressed under me.

I press on that slow response guy, only feel soft below, there is not much pain on the body. I was about to get up when I thought that I didn't hurt. Maybe the people underneath hurt

"Hello! What's the matter with you? Didn't you see me coming? " I got up with my snowstick, touched my ass, bared my teeth and turned to question him, "my ass has fallen four petals for me!"

"Miss, you've pressed me. Should it be my butt that's hurting?" The guy actually sat in the snow, took off his ski glasses, looked up at me, frowned, and seemed very dissatisfied with my "thief yelling to catch a thief" behavior.

Hey, he's a handsome guy!

Those bright eyes are very clear in the snow. I wonder if she just washed her eyes with the pure snow water from the top of the mountain. Otherwise, how could she have clean eyes. And that pair of long eyelashes, with the inquiry eyes, blinked lazily at me, which made me a hundred percent of women jealous to death.

The cat is a cat!

If not for his voice is still within the normal range of a man's voice, I almost doubt the gender of this guy who looks at least 1.83 meters tall!

"That, that what..." I'm a bit of a coward. I'm not afraid of anything. But I stutter when I see a handsome guy. Especially when I think that I just knocked down such a beautiful and sunny monster, my little heart starts to "plop plop" without stopping. But on second thought, I Jiang Yufei is also a little beauty. I can't lose my aura in front of a stranger. So I moved my hand to my ankle and sat down in the snow. I said: "what, what are you doing on the way? Didn't you see me sliding down? That's good. I've lost my butt and twisted my ankle. I'm killing myself! "

As I groaned painlessly, I quietly turned my eyes to peep at the man. He supported himself with his hands. After the thick snow on both sides of his body "creak creak" two times, the two long legs and a beautiful curving knee got up, he easily sat up from the ground, patted the snow on his gloves, and stretched out a hand to me: "excuse me, I should be five years old From ten meters away, prominent roadblocks were set up on the road. Let's get up first and check where we fell. If necessary, I'll take you to the hospital at the foot of the mountain. "Although this sounds a little unpleasant, when he leaned over and stretched out his hand, her mouth was smiling. For the sake of being a gentleman, I don't care about him for the time being. She grinned twice and asked him to pull me up.

Behind me was the vast snow. In front of me, this man with a head and a half higher than me stood in front of me in his blue and white ski suit, which made me a little at a loss. I patted the snow on my body, gave him a bad look, and muttered: "today is really bad luck. It's really bad luck to wrestle before I start skating!"

"Ha ha, are you just learning to ski? How can you see someone in front of you and not know how to turn the corner? " He glanced at the snowboarding version under my feet and asked me.

He made fun of me!

Nonsense! If I'm a master, can I fall and hold you together in full view? However, the novice should wrestle and be teased?

"I just started learning. What's the matter? Why not? " I was unconvinced to curl my mouth, hating to slap the snow on my leg and stare at him.

"Of course He even looked at me a little funny, shrugged, and stretched out a hand to me: "come on, I'll take you down to check."

"No! The novice shouldered the fall I angrily shake off his hand, "you should go to check, I see your technology is not good, so slow reaction!"

"Ha ha, it's ok?" He still smiles with a good temper.