Xue Ninglu screamed and woke up first. She quickly called Su Yanchen and song Yunjian, "it's raining, ah, the leaves are falling!"

Su Yanchen and song Yunjian were startled by her. When they opened their eyes, they saw that all the leaves on their heads were shaking. Before they knew what had happened, a gust of wind blew over. The flimsy vines suddenly pulled out of the soil and threw them up. The leaves on the vines naturally flew.

Their tent was vulnerable to the storm and collapsed in an instant.

Big raindrops crackled in their faces, and the three quickly got up and ran to the staff, shouting in panic. The director got up ahead of them. Seeing this, he immediately asked the staff to stop them and said in a loud voice, "this is survival in the wild. You have to find your own way. You can't ask us for help. I'm sorry."

Su Yanchen opened his mouth and wanted to scold. Seeing so many cameras and closing his mouth, he said angrily, "what should I do now?"

Three people have been all wet, Xue Ninglu ran to the wooden house and patted the vine wall, "brother Chen, brother Yi, the youngest! Our tent is broken. Can we go in and hide from the rain? "

Xu Zifan and his three camera flying machines are all in the cabin, taking panoramic pictures from three different angles.

Xu Zifan lies quietly with his eyes closed. He doesn't sleep. After drinking the spirit spring, he has been quietly guiding the spiritual cultivation in his body. But he doesn't need to move now, because before he goes to sleep, he weaves earplugs with fine straw and gives them to Chen Zai min and Yi Xiao.

The sound insulation effect of earplugs is very good. If Shaohua did not project the pictures outside onto the virtual screen, he would not have heard the shouting outside.

What's more, Chen Zai min and Yi Xiao have done too much work today than usual. They are tired. Those who are dead asleep are still snoring. The voice of the three people is covered by the sound of rainstorm. It is difficult to wake them up by the regular rainstorm sound. Naturally, he can ignore it.

Xue Ninglu squatted down to push the baffle, did not push, anxious to look back at Su Yanchen, "how to do? Why don't they talk? "

Su Yanchen yelled at the baffle, "brother Chen, let's go in. Brother Chen, brother Chen? Yi Ge? Younger martial brother? "

He was so angry that he couldn't show his anger. He could only say, "what can I do? I don't know when the heavy rain will stop. If we can't get in, we'll have to water here. Have a cold and a fever

Song Yunjian was so regretful that he thought about recording the program and said, "they may have died of sleep and didn't hear it. Do you want to stop knocking?"

Xue Ninglu clapped again. Xu Zifan tied the vine wall too tightly, which made her palm red and hurt badly. She covered her hand, aggrieved voice choked, "so loud can't you hear it?"

"I must be dead. Let's try to get in first." Su Yanchen deliberately said this, and suddenly kicked on the baffle of the entrance and exit of the wooden house. He first said that they were dead asleep, and no one said he was impolite?

As a result, he didn't kick him? Three people looked at the solid wooden house, standing in the rainstorm were silent, do not know what to do for a moment.

The director asked the cameraman to film them from different angles in his thick raincoat. After watching them stop, he reminded them: "the three of them have earplugs and can't hear the sound outside. Xu Zifan took all the things into the wooden house just in case. Because the place in the wooden house was small, and he was afraid that the wind would blow the board open, he inserted the board into the ground and piled all the things behind the board. Therefore, it is not possible to break through hard. You can try to avoid the rain again. "

Su Yanchen's three people were all stupid. They had seen Xu Zifan's caution, but they didn't expect him to be so cautious that they couldn't even break in if they wanted to break in. Unless they destroyed the board violently, but they were filming the program, it was not the enemy. They said nothing could be too drastic. It was too ugly.

What's more, during the day, Xu Zifan said that it rained several times, but they just didn't believe it. Xu Zifan also said twice that they had to make tents to live in. Now they have to destroy the wooden houses to shelter from the rain. It's a shame. What they should do at the moment is to think of another way as the director said. If it is done, it will show that they have survived the crisis.

They gritted their teeth and looked around, shivering with cold. In the camp, there is a headlight for the director to shoot. It is very bright, but everything in the camp is in the wooden house. All they can use is the things they carry with them, vines and leaves.

They ran to the tent to get things. Xue Ninglu's tools were watch and backpack. The watch was useless at the moment. She opened her backpack as a hat to cover her face, but she was still hard hit by the rain.

Su Yanchen brought a dagger and a pot. The pot was in the wooden house. He used a dagger to cut off the vines tied to the tree. The leaves on the vines were so heavy that they were almost blown away by the strong wind. He wasted the power of nine oxen and two tigers to pull the vine down and press it on the ground. Then he quickly made two leaves on top of his head.

Song Yunjian takes a small tool knife. It's OK to peel fruit and cut meat. It's not necessary now. There is also a medicine box, which is useless at this time. However, after the rain stops, it is likely that they will take cold medicine and antipyretic medicine.

He also took two big leaves on top of his head, and the three people sat on the leeward side of the tree and squeezed together. Xue Ninglu is sitting in the middle. Su Yanchen and song Yunjian pull one end of the vine on both sides. In this way, a row of large leaves tied on the vine cover the three of them like a quilt, which almost avoids the pain of the rainstorm.But the leaves were wet. They were stuck on their bodies and on top of their heads. They felt like they were huddled in a refrigerator. They were shivering with cold. The more they were squeezed, the more they were squeezed, the more embarrassed they were.

The director was happy to watch the screen in the tent. He thought about it. Although the current development is quite opposite to what was expected at the beginning, none of the guests they invited had a big head. Is it what the program group said?

He was not afraid to offend people at all. He immediately held a small meeting. He did not give any help to any of them. He cancelled the previous agreement. Anyway, it was an oral agreement. It was the most important thing to shoot the program well.

Su Yanchen over there has been unable to hold on. The three of them hid behind the leaves and discussed for a long time without any good results. Xue Ninglu has never been so embarrassed when she thinks that all these things have been photographed. She is so flustered that she can't help saying, "I wish I could listen to Xu Zifan's, and now I can live comfortably in a wooden house."

It was su Yanchen who said that the wooden house was no good and wanted to set up a tent. As soon as he heard it, he held his breath: "there is no regret medicine in the world, and it's too late to regret now."

The three people were silent, and the atmosphere was tense. If it wasn't for the cameras, they might complain and quarrel with each other, because it's too hard and too cold!

Just quiet less than a few minutes, suddenly a thunder ring, the three people scared a shiver, did not speak is another thunder, Xue Ninglu pushed them away and ran to the director, "thunder will be split under the tree, run quickly!"

Su Yanchen and song Yunjian immediately catch up with him. They can't stand it. They run to the director's tent door in a panic, but they are blocked by the staff.

Su Yanchen angry, "don't shoot! No filming! Director, what do you mean? Before we came, we agreed. Now it's such a heavy rain, do you want us to be outside? You want to kill us? "

Xue Ninglu said in a hurry: "let's go in and record it tomorrow. You can't make fun of your body. Or you can find a way to call Xu Zifan up. "

Song Yunjian pressed down his urgency and urged him, "director, if the three of us fall ill, the program will not go on, right? Just now, there should be enough material. Tomorrow morning, we will take another picture of us hiding there. It will not affect anything if we hide all night. "

The director discussed with the staff around him, and the staff quietly gave an idea, "they hid in silence for a night. They didn't have much to look forward to. Let them wake up three people in the wooden house, and six people crowded in it to shelter themselves from the rain. It's good-looking, and they'll have more conflicts in their hearts."

The director nodded and firmly said, "the program is a live shot. You can't fake it. You can't help you. If you want to escape from the rain, you can find your own way or find Chen Zhimin to enter the wooden house. That's it. Don't quarrel. It's the same for as long as you fight. "

In order to protect their safety, the program team has invited professional field experts and bodyguards to come here. They can't break through even if they want to.

Su Yanchen scolded a dirty word, turned around and ran to the wooden house, sat on the ground and kicked the board with both feet.

Xue Ninglu squatted beside him and yelled, "brother Chen, brother Yi, Xu Zifan! Help

Xu Zifan looked as if he had been woken up. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. He saw the wood move vigorously. He climbed over and took off his ear plugs. He said, "elder martial brother? What's the matter with you? "

Xue Ninglu was relieved when she heard his voice and cried anxiously, "it's raining heavily. Let's go in quickly."

Chen zainin and Yi Xiao also heard the sound and sat up. They quickly removed the things at the door and took the boards out of the deep pit. Xue Ning Lu can't wait to get into the wooden house, and Su Yanchen and song Yunjian follow in.

Xu Zifan looked out and quickly restored the plank. The rain only wet the door, but not the cabin.

Chen zainin was shocked to see three drowned birds: "how did you make this happen?"

Su Yanchen was just angry by the director, the tone is very bad, "we knock for a long time, shout for a long time, you do not open the door, we pour into this."

Chen Zaimen opened his hand to show them the earplug in his hand. His expression was very surprised. "We wore earplugs, but we didn't hear it at all. And today I was so sleepy that I didn't even hear the rain. I woke up just now when the thunder struck. It's also confusing. Have you been knocking for a long time? Your tent is broken? "

Xue Ninglu couldn't help crying out, "the tent was completely destroyed, we were drenched for nearly half an hour, almost frozen to death."

Several people were silent for a moment, Xu Zifan said: "did you bring the medicine box? You can't make a fire here, and you can't change your clothes. Take cold medicine to prevent it. "

Song Yunjian a Leng, "just ran too fast, forget to take."

Xu Zifan's eyes flashed, turned around from the grass basket to find a collection of herbs handed to them, "this directly chew can prevent cold, but the taste is not very good, you for the sake of the body to bear with it."

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