Chapter 80: Preliminaries

Name:Blossoming Path Author:
Chapter 80: Preliminaries

Ma Hualong, dressed in his blue robes, looked almost regal under the sunlight pouring through the high ceiling. Three stations each filled with hundreds of competitors! From where l could see, a symbol manifested on the epicenter of each station: a jagged rock in my station, a twisty stalk to the far right, and a paw print to my left.

"There are three sections. Minerals, herbs, and animal components. Each section will have a hundred ingredients assigned to them."

His crisp voice snapped my attention back to the present. With a flash worthy of an alchemist, he conjured a whirlwind of levitating plates into the air with a flick of his fingers. It seemed he was a formidable cultivator in his own right.

From my perspective, I could see the contents of each plate, a flicker of color and sparkle appearing upon each one. My heart did a flip. Amethyst? Beetle wings? A clump of...tree bark?

The hourglass on the podium lit up like a beacon, sand shimmering as it began its descent. "The first challenge: identification! You have one incense stick's worth of time to identify as many ingredients in your assigned section as possible. Remember, contestants, after the hourglass runs dry," Ma Hualong paused for emphasis, "the plates will rotate, but you won't. Only the top hundred scores will make it to the first round. Good luck, contestants!"

And with that, dozens of plates shot out from where he was and coalesced at our station. All of them gathered in a neat circular formation right above the jagged rock symbol, before settling in a paced orbit. I grabbed my brush and dipped it into the inkpot.

The noise of hundreds of pages being turned occurred simultaneously throughout the Marble Jade Arena. I could hear curses and mutters from the people closest to me, despite their faces being obscured by the walls of the booth.

Okay Kai, you got this. Think. I let out a sharp breath.

Eyes flitting from plate to plate what was that black, spiky crystal? That fist-sized stone was cinnabar that was easy enough. But the golden liquid... mercury? It looked too thick.

As the minutes passed, my brush moved faster and faster. Mostly standard ingredients, true, but a few were slipping through my grasp. That bluish-green rock... nothing in my recipe knowledge matched it. Jade, maybe, but the color was too vibrant, the luster

Jade? Wait a minute.

My mind raced through the Memory Palace, searching for an image, a snippet of a forgotten conversation. Then it hit me, a bolt from the blue. That's not an ingredient at all! That's Qinglian Jadeite!

"I should've known..." I muttered to myself, filling in the page before I forgot what it was.

The memory unfolded Elder Zhu lecturing about the Jade Alchemic Flame, the sect's prized treasure. This was the base material used to create it, the same prize the Silent Moon sect had demanded! A rush of excitement washed over the panic. So, it wasn't just identifying recipe ingredients. It was recognizing any material with alchemical potential, even those used indirectly!

This realization was a game-changer. My eyes swept across the plates with newfound purpose. Not just the potions, but the tools, the processes... What else was here that wasn't in a standard alchemist's toolkit?

There! Not some obscure ore, but a simple clay bowl. Yet, the texture... a touch of glimmer I'd seen only once, helping Elder Ming prepare a heat-resistant crucible back as a child. This wasn't ordinary clay, but a blend infused with refractory minerals. My brush scratched along the page: Refractory Clay Mix.

And that strange vial? Not an exotic liquid metal, but a simple jar of oil except it had the subtle sheen of firefly luminescence. Not some potion base, but the fuel for alchemical lamps! The ones with that barely-there, flickering light that wouldn't disturb sensitive reactions. My hand wrote swiftly: Alchemical Lamp Oil.

A sense of power filled me. This wasn't a test of rote memorization. It was a challenge to see beyond the obvious, to understand the wider world of alchemical practice. It was the difference between a recipe-follower and a true alchemist. This, this I could do!

"Time's up!" Ma Hualong declared, his voice reverberating throughout the venue. "Remember, contestants, the plates will now rotate. You have another incense stick's worth of time to identify the ingredients in your new section!"

I let out a defeated sigh. Seventy, maybe eighty identifications. Not bad, considering I was completely lost with the last thirty or so. Still, a gnawing frustration bubbled in my gut. Those last unknown minerals troubled me.

The world blurred as the plates whirred. One moment they were filled with gleaming stones and curious vials, the next a kaleidoscope of greens, browns, and vibrant reds filled my vision. Herbs and plants! Relief washed over me, followed by a surge of exhilaration.

This was my territoryyears spent scouring the forests, compounded by my experience at the Verdant Lotus sect, I had complete confidence here.

No time to waste. I dipped my brush before the plates even settled, my mind already racing. Moonlit Grace Lily, Breezesong Fruit, the rarest ingredients in the entire province! The Grand Alchemy Gauntlet was an opulent competition. It must've cost a generational fortune to procure all these items. Just the herbs alone must be astronomical.

My hand flew across the page, barely keeping pace with the frantic recognition flooding my mind. Skyreach Flower, Nightshade, Dragon's Breath Pepper, Mystic Mindroot...each name a familiar friend from countless concoctions. Only one remained unidentified as the sand in the hourglass dwindled to its final grains. A spindly, crimson flower with an unsettlingly pulsating core.

"The plates will now rotate once more!"

The plates whirred into place, and my eyes widened. A flash of grey, Wind Serpent scales! A rush of affection surged through me. I'd never forget the day I'd found Windy. Although his scales were pure white, the ones of his parents were a greyish-silver hue, and the size of my fist.

Beside the scales, a mound of shimmering white fur Snow Hare, no doubt. But that curled, iridescent horn...? Likely an antelope variant from the far north with medicinal properties. My mind searched the depths of my Memory Palace, grasping for a name. It came to me like a spark: Frostbreath Antelope Horn.

The plates were a whirlwind of claws, feathers, and glistening vials of unidentified fluids. It was overwhelming, a stark contrast to the familiarity of the herbs. But I pushed on.

Claw of the Mountain Drake, Feather of the Azure Sunbird... With each name, I recalled fragments of animal lore, their habitats, their uses. My brush raced against the draining hourglass, leaving smudges of ink as I tried to match my memories to the bizarre specimens before me. Some of these weren't even from our province! How'd they get these?

Despite my efforts, I couldn't name them all. I was sure I did worse here compared to any of the other sections; maybe only half of which I identified correctly.

"And that concludes it! Don't move from your seats, officials will be picking up your papers, ensure it is labeled properly with the number on your entry token and your name. If you don't adhere to these instructions, your papers will be thrown out and you'll be automatically disqualified!"

I swallowed, double-checking and turning over every page to do so. The venue was silent, save for the turning of pages. Slowly but surely, officials came by and collected my work.

If you discover this tale on Amazon, be aware that it has been stolen. Please report the violation.

With a relieved sigh, I leaned back in my chair. It was done. Regardless of the outcome, I'd given it my all. A quick mental calculation reassured me I was confident at least two hundred of my identifications were correct, likely more in herbs. Even with the lackluster animal component round, that should place me comfortably within the top hundred.

The tension bled from my shoulders as I watched other contestants anxiously awaiting the collection of their papers. Sighs, groans, and even a few muffled sobs echoed through the booths. The Grand Alchemy Gauntlet, it seemed, wasn't for the faint of heart.

A puzzled look crossed his face. "Bookstores? Certainly. But Liang Feng? Never heard of him." He shrugged. "Perhaps a regional author from your area?"

My disappointment was clear. So my favorite writer wasn't a renowned author. Maybe I could still find his works somewhere...

As we turned down a narrower street, a sign caught my eye The Scroll and Tome, it proclaimed in elegant calligraphy. "Feng Wu, wait! Let's check this place out first. Maybe they have what I'm looking for."

Feng Wu hesitated, avoiding eye contact with me. "Kai, about that... it's mostly...well..." He trailed off.

I tilted my head, utterly confused. It was rare to see the usually eloquent man at a loss for words.

"Mostly what? That's nonsense! I can see all the books in there! There'll be something in there."

Before he could answer, my curiosity propelled me into the store. Immediately, the change in atmosphere became apparent. The air hummed with an almost tangible feminine energy, and the scent of floral perfumes, much like the one Bai Hua wore, hung heavy in the air.

And the clientele were almost exclusively women, their gazes flitting over the vibrant covers of the books that lined the shelves.

My eyes landed on a particularly flamboyant title, The Dragon Tamer and His Feisty Concubine.


Below was another - The CEO of the Immortal Sect Falls for Me!

Such unique titles...I don't think I've seen anything quite like them.

Something in my brain was warning me, screaming at me that something was off. But the titles...they were so grand, so full of promise and intrigue. Perhaps, just perhaps, there was more to them than met the eye?

"One peek wouldn't hurt" I muttered, reaching out to a book whose title practically screamed adventure: The Peasant Who Stole the Demonic Senior Disciple's Heart. A romance! No wonder there were so many women, I suppose it didn't hurt to broaden my horizons!

As I flipped open the book, realization struck me like a lightning bolt.

It wasn't just an adventure.

It wasn't just a romance.

And this romancewas between two men.

A flicker of curiosity pierced through my frantic attempts to compose myself. Surely thisthis wasn't just some tale of forbidden passion? No, it must be a heroic tale of adventure! With shaking hands, I cracked the book open, my eyes skimming the first few paragraphs.

"Li Wei, the humble tea seller, shivered as rain lashed his meager stall. The mountain pass was deserted, the usual flow of travelers halted by the torrential downpour. A bolt of lightning rent the sky, illuminating a figure standing amidst the storm."

My heart skipped a beat. This sounded more promising already! It was an adventure!

"The stranger's robes, a vibrant crimson against the backdrop of the tempest, bespoke membership in the illustrious Crimson Lotus Sect. His eyes, pools of molten rubies, held an unreadable intensity. A sword of exquisite craftsmanship gleamed at his hip, promising prowess in the martial arts."

Interesting. So, this was a cultivator, a member of a renowned sect meeting a humble villager? Why did it sound so familiar?

I dared a glance upwards, my gaze landing on the chapter title:

The Crimson Demon and His Captivating Tea Merchant

My jaw hung open in astonishment. Captivating? Oh my. This was definitely not Elder Ming's sort of reading material. He would undergo Qi Deviation on the spot if I bought this for him!

"I seek shelter," the cultivator's voice boomed, deep and resonant like distant thunder. "What price for your tea?"

Li Wei, though intimidated, found his voice. "For a cultivator of your stature, this humble one offers his finest brew as a gift."

The man paused, a flicker of surprise crossing his handsome features. "A gift? You understand the implications, mortal?"

A defiant spark ignited within Li Wei's eyes. "Of course, my lord. But kindness knows no cultivation level. A simple cup of tea is the least I can offer to one who braves the storm."

The demon lords gaze softened, the barest hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "Very well. Your courage intrigues me, tea merchant. I shall accept your offering."

And so, the demon lord's blood-red lips neared closer and closer, until

Panic flooded my veins. I slammed the book shut and whirled around, scanning the room frantically for an escape route. My eyes met those of an elderly woman adorned in jewels. Her expression was unreadable. I left the store as fast as my legs could take me. Unable to meet Feng Wu's gaze, I could make out the faint tremors wracking his body, as well as the faint sound of snickering.

"Ahem, I was just...I think I must be feeling ill, Feng Wu." I stammered, my voice reaching a fever pitch. "The forbidden scriptures. They've given me some sort of...heart demon? Qi deviation?"

Feng Wu didn't even try to hide his laughter. His shoulders shook as he grabbed my arm and all but dragged me to the next stop.