13-16 minutes 17.06.2023


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Villainous Zombie King (9)

Song Xu Yi’s mind went blank for a moment, and then a pang of anguish squeezed her heart. In that instant, it was as if someone had given it a painful twist.

She had always pictured Ye Shuiyu as someone who would remain eternally joyful, just like when she was four or five years old.

Perhaps it was her preconceived notions that had deceived her. Ye Shuiyu, at that tender age, was an adorable little girl, like a clingy, lovable cherub that warmed everyone’s heart. Song Xu Yi had always believed that she would grow up carefree, transforming into a radiant and kind-hearted young lady who would dazzle the world.

Never in her wildest dreams had Song Xu Yi anticipated that, at the age of six, Ye Shuiyu would already be confronted with the harsh realities of separation and loss, which even grown-ups found hard to bear.

“Mommy had been sick for as long as I could remember. I used to visit her every single day, keeping her company while we watched TV together. But Mommy’s mental state started declining, and her memory faded away little by little. She could only watch a fragment before dozing off. So, I would act out scenes for her, bringing a smile to her face…”

“Mommy said she wanted to witness my entrance into university. I pushed myself to skip grades, hoping to make her proud. But in the end, Mommy never got the chance to witness me stepping into a college campus…”


Afterward, from the words that came out of Ye Shuiyu’s mouth, such as “Daddy said Mommy turned into a star and went to heaven” and “Daddy drinks every day, and Grandpa’s advice falls on deaf ears,” Song Xu Yi pieced together the situation that occurred when Ye Shuiyu was six years old. Her deep sense of heartache for Ye Shuiyu grew even stronger.

Song Xu Yi didn’t know how to comfort Ye Shuiyu, so she could only coax her by saying they would have something delicious to eat. She coaxed Ye Shuiyu into the living room and then went to the kitchen to prepare a meal for her.

This time, Song Xu Yi discovered that Ye Shuiyu only liked to eat meat and refused to touch vegetables. Although Song Xu Yi wanted to persuade her to voluntarily eat her greens, Ye Shuiyu lowered her head and said that eating anything else would give her an upset stomach. She told Song Xu Yi that on her first day, her stomach had ached all afternoon because she had eaten the chocolate Song Xu Yi had given her. But in the end, Ye Shuiyu looked at Song Xu Yi, tangled and conflicted, and said, “If you’re willing to feed me again, I’m not unwilling to take the risk of a stomachache and eat vegetables.”

Song Xu Yi didn’t believe Ye Shuiyu’s words. She thought it was just an excuse Ye Shuiyu came up with to avoid eating vegetables. However, now there were other people in the villa, and Song Xu Yi didn’t have the face to feed Ye Shuiyu in front of them. Moreover, Ye Shuiyu was currently going through the memories of losing her mother at the age of six, and Song Xu Yi couldn’t force herself to be strict and make Ye Shuiyu do something she didn’t like.

She could only correct Ye Shuiyu’s eating habits another time!

In the afternoon, after several days of rain, it finally stopped.

Song Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief and planned to depart for the capital city early the next morning.

Perhaps due to the loss of her mother, Ye Shuiyu clung to Song Xu Yi more than usual that day. Song Xu Yi looked at her with pity and was even more indulgent than usual. Even when she practiced her supernatural abilities in the afternoon, she allowed Ye Shuiyu to stay by her side.

At first, Ye Shuiyu sat quietly on the side, observing Song Xu Yi and the books she kept handing her. Song Xu Yi could sense Ye Shuiyu’s gaze occasionally falling on her. However, after a while, Song Xu Yi no longer heard the sound of Ye Shuiyu flipping through the pages.


Song Xu Yi was fully immersed in her practice of supernatural abilities and initially didn’t pay attention to Ye Shuiyu’s distress. When she finally raised her head after finishing her practice, she saw Ye Shuiyu’s beautiful face already covered in tears.

Ye Shuiyu’s tears were silent. They wetted her face, her nose slightly reddened, and her expression of grievance softened the coldness on her face. She looked like a pear blossom after rain, evoking a sense of pity from anyone who laid eyes upon her.

Song Xu Yi looked at Ye Shuiyu in this state and immediately panicked—

“Shuiyu, are you… missing your mom?” It was the only reason Song Xu Yi could think of for Ye Shuiyu’s tear-stained face—to be reminded of her deceased mother once again.

But Song Xu Yi couldn’t think of any way to comfort Ye Shuiyu—after all, some wounds can only be healed with time, and it wasn’t something Song Xu Yi could easily soothe with a few words.

However, Song Xu Yi didn’t expect Ye Shuiyu to shake her head.

“Then… are you missing your dad, Shuiyu?” If it wasn’t her mom, it could only be her dad that she missed.

Song Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief and recalled the address of Ye Shuiyu’s home that she had mentioned earlier. She gently reassured her, “We’re going to find your dad right away. Shuiyu, you’ll see your dad very soon.”

But Song Xu Yi didn’t anticipate what happened next: Ye Shuiyu looked up at Song Xu Yi with tear-filled eyes, and once again, she shook her head.


Song Xu Yi was at a loss for words.

Unable to figure out the reason behind Ye Shuiyu’s tears, Song Xu Yi decided to be straightforward and directly asked Ye Shuiyu, “Then why are you feeling unhappy, Shuiyu?”

Upon hearing this question, Ye Shuiyu’s tears flowed even more fiercely!

“Xu Yi, do you dislike me? Do you want to abandon me?” Ye Shuiyu’s beautiful eyes were filled with tears as she accused Song Xu Yi.

“No, I don’t!” Song Xu Yi widened her eyes and instinctively denied it.

“Then… why aren’t you using the crystal nucleus I gave you and instead choosing a more difficult way to enhance your abilities?” Ye Shuiyu sniffled, frustrated with Song Xu Yi’s reaction.

Oh no!

It was at this moment that Song Xu Yi remembered this issue.

She looked at Ye Shuiyu’s teary eyes, at a loss for words. She couldn’t reveal her true thoughts. Song Xu Yi had a sense that if she were to mention her intention to return the crystal nucleus to Ye Shuiyu in the future, Ye Shuiyu would definitely cry for three days and three nights.

Seeing the tears welling up in Ye Shuiyu’s eyes again, Song Xu Yi took a deep breath and came up with a quick response: “It’s because I’ve already used up the crystal nucleus!”

Song Xu Yi initially thought that this explanation would pacify Ye Shuiyu. However, Ye Shuiyu looked at Song Xu Yi with disbelief, and tears once again streamed down her face. Her voice sounded even more heartbroken.

“Xu Yi, you lied to me. You actually lied to me!”

“You didn’t use up the crystal nucleus at all. I can sense that the crystal nucleus is still in your backpack. You really want to abandon me…”

Song Xu Yi never expected that Ye Shuiyu could sense the presence of the crystal nucleus.

In the end, as if she had thought through all the possible requests, Ye Shuiyu finally stopped her tears. However, she continued to gaze at Song Xu Yi with teary eyes.

“I still want Xu Yi to promise me one small condition…”

“What condition? Kissing or anything like that is definitely not allowed,” Song Xu Yi finally regained some sanity and confidently spoke up. “Shuiyu, you’re a six-year-old young lady now. You can’t be so clingy.”

Ye Shuiyu pursed her lips, clearly disagreeing with Song Xu Yi’s words, but she didn’t argue. She spoke in a low voice, “It’s a reasonable condition, but I haven’t thought it through yet…”

Song Xu Yi nodded and agreed.

By now, it was already dusk, with the sun setting in the west. The scenery around the villa was beautiful. To help Ye Shuiyu take her mind off things, Song Xu Yi took her for a stroll around the area. At this time, the women, elders, and children outside were all busy. Since learning that Song Xu Yi didn’t plan to stay in the villa anymore, those women decided to make the villa their base and settle down here. They were now enthusiastically arranging defense measures around the villa.

As Song Xu Yi walked past, people stopped and greeted her with smiles on their faces. Seeing the smiles on their faces, Song Xu Yi felt a sense of satisfaction in her heart…

“Look, they’re all grateful to you,” Song Xu Yi wanted to cheer up Ye Shuiyu and console her. “Because of you, they have the life they have now…”

“It was you who saved them,” Ye Shuiyu replied. “Dad told me about survival of the fittest, that I shouldn’t sympathize with the weak.”

“I’ll step in to help, but I just wanted to assist you, Xu Yi.”

“However, if you weren’t by my side, I probably would’ve killed Wang Xi and his gang. I don’t know why, but I really don’t like them.”

“That’s because they are bad people.” Song Xu Yi was taken aback by Ye Shuiyu’s father instilling such thoughts in her. After a momentary pause, she dryly responded, determined to correct Ye Shuiyu’s mindset. “Moreover, your father’s views are too absolute. The weak also have the right to survive. We should strive to be good people.”

“I’ll listen to Xu Yi.” Unexpectedly, Ye Shuiyu agreed readily, catching Song Xu Yi off guard. She took a step forward, holding Song Xu Yi’s hand, her clear eyes fixed on her without wavering. “But I want Xu Yi to teach me. Without someone guiding me, I don’t know how to be a good person.”

Who in the world doesn’t know how to be a good person?

Song Xu Yi felt that Ye Shuiyu was deliberately trying to remind her not to abandon her and deepen their bond.

“Of course, I’m willing to teach you,” Song Xu Yi sighed softly. While she comforted Ye Shuiyu, who seemed reassured, deep down she felt the risk of her own demise would increase once Ye Shuiyu regained all her memories. Witnessing so many vulnerable moments of Ye Shuiyu’s immaturity, could she really escape unscathed?

With Song Xu Yi’s deliberate reassurance, Ye Shuiyu’s emotions gradually recovered, and Song Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

After having dinner, Song Xu Yi practiced for a while. When she finished showering and entered her room, she saw Ye Shuiyu standing there. Song Xu Yi finally understood what the little condition Ye Shuiyu mentioned earlier was.

Ye Shuiyu had brought her own blanket and pillow to Song Xu Yi’s room, saying that she wanted to sleep together.

Initially, Song Xu Yi wanted to refuse, but when she saw Ye Shuiyu’s eyes brimming with tears once again, and heard her plea, saying, “I used to stay like this with Mommy,” memories of a young Ye Shuiyu caring for her sick mother came flooding back. Song Xu Yi couldn’t bring herself to refuse anymore.

Song Xu Yi thought she wouldn’t be able to sleep.

She had made up her mind to wait until Ye Shuiyu fell asleep and then quietly slip away to another room to rest. However, she didn’t expect that she would unknowingly drift off to sleep. And before long, a hint of red light flashed through Ye Shuiyu’s eyes. When she lifted her head again, her whole demeanor had undergone a drastic change.

Ye Shuiyu looked at Song Xu Yi with a complex gaze, and her eyes fell on Song Xu Yi’s slender neck. Finally, she gritted her teeth, pinched Song Xu Yi’s face, and then got up and went downstairs.

Most of the elderly and children downstairs were still busy and awake. Upon seeing Ye Shuiyu, who emanated a chilling aura, they fell silent and bowed their heads.

“Do you know how old the famous biologist Yu Song is now? Is he married?” Ye Shuiyu asked.

People didn’t understand why she asked this question, but under the oppressive coldness radiating from Ye Shuiyu, a young girl spoke up, “He is fifty-two years old. He married a high-ranking official’s daughter who is twenty years younger than him last year. Because he takes good care of himself, they appear to be of the same age and even trended online. However, many people feel sympathetic towards his marriage. After all, Expert Yu Song is very handsome. His wife passed away twenty years ago, and his daughter also died in a car accident two years ago. It’s about time for him to find a companion…”

“Died in a car accident?” Ye Shuiyu repeated those words, a cold smile appearing on her lips as her face turned icy. However, she didn’t dwell on the topic but continued to ask, “Did Wang Xi mention anything about his relationship with Yu Song before he died…?”

Among the crowd, an elderly person trembled, and as their eyes met Ye Shuiyu’s gaze, their expression suddenly turned vacant. They knelt down on the ground mechanically and spoke, “Wang Xi said that he and Expert Yu Song were longtime friends. Yu Song sent him here, asking him to dispose of a coffin in the deep sea. Wang Xi also mentioned that Yu Song has been researching superpowers for over a decade. He promised that if I spared him, he would persuade Yu Song to grant me superpowers as well. He even recited Yu Song’s expert identification number…”

“But how could I let him go? They, along with him, have tormented my daughter for so long. I wish I could devour him raw!”

The author has something to say:

Tomorrow is Sunday, hoping that this FLAG won’t topple~