Chapter 191: Train an extra year

" I did all those things because I knew that I would not survive through our five years training if I didn't bring myself at a very high level above everyone. I deprived myself all those thing becase, I found a genuine reason why I should live and not die. As I was saying earlier, my master warned me sternly to stop punishing my body in such a cruel manner because my body would not be able to withstand those hellish training combined with sleepless nights my body was undergoing but I refused to listen to him. His fears came alive two weeks to the competition when I passed out while I was practicing. All the students were so happy when I didn't wake up one week after I passed out, they were happy because they thought that I wouldn't be able to join the competition. Master Mu was so afraid that all my efforts would go to waste when I didn't wake up in time. He blamed himself for not compelling me to practiced like every other students did. I later heard from some students after I woke up that the overall master made it a point of duty to visit me every day during the time I was sleeping.

I miraculously woke up to the awe of every one three days to the competition, I guess the one-week plus sleep I underwent did a lot of magic to my body because I didn't feel as if I was lying on a sickbed a few minutes ago instead I felt like I was about to fly. On the day of the competition I shocked the whole academy when I came out as the best student of the year both in martial arts and literary work. Everyone was awestruck, you should have seen the look of shock on everyone's face. All the masters thought that it was impossible for me to have attained that success in such a short period of time but my master didn't, I think he wasn't shocked like every other person because he saw just how hard I trained and study to achieve such a fantastic victory. I was so happy when my master congratulated me and shook my hand. I was all in smiles for a whole week after I won the competition but life didn't become any better because I won the competition instead all the students in the academy made me their mortal enemy, they hated me so much to the extent that they tried eliminating me numerous times, but they always failed. Do you know why? Because I was smarter than them, they were foolish to have unnecessarily made me their enemies when they were supposed to concentrate fully on their training. As I had told you before, the academy was the place where only the strongest survived, so I became even better through series of training and defeating all those who tried to eliminate me also became part of my training too since I used them to practice my newly learned skills in a very cruel manner. I became the master of schemes after watching them scheme against me consistently. I always turn all their evil schemes against them, and they always ended up being punished severely. I didn't forget to always remind them every time I thought them a serious lesson that I was not the Ge'er a year ago who was easily bullied and trampled upon without her fighting back, I told them that the old Ge'er was dead and that this evil one had replaced her. After severely dealing with every student in the academy, although they didn't like me one bit, they didn't have any choice but to learn to co-exist with me. Things went on like that for three years. Guess what, my master told me the reason why he chose me as his disciple three years after that forest incident on the day I came

" Yeah he is correct about the facts that your skills were special because even I thought that you couldn't have killed those wild dogs without having professional martial art skills, but I was shocked when you said you killed them all by yourself. I now understand why your master praised you for your exceptional skills but what did he mean by he took you in to give you a proper purpose to live?", Yi Lan said inquisitively.

" His statement was completely true because before I arrived at the academy, I didn't care about my life or what went on in my life. I didn't have a purpose for living. If you ask me why I fought with those wild dogs to save myself, I will tell you I didn't know why I fought so hard to live when I have always despised the fact that I was alive. I don't know what triggered my desire to live that night in the forest. I know he wasn't lying when he made that statement because I'm a hundred percent sure that I wouldn't have made it out of the academy alive had master Mu not chosen me as his disciple. Although he was a strict master, I'm so thankful to him for teaching me almost everything I know today. Do you know that I completed all my training and studies that most people normally used four to five years to complete in my third year? All the masters would not stop singing my praises when I passed all the tortuous test they gave me outstandingly? I became the apple of their eyes in my third year after passing all their test and in that same third year, I was on the same level with almost all my teachers in respect of martial arts and literary work but do you know the most painful part of my three years experience? It was the fact that almost all the student lost their lives before we got to year three.Those who were still alive did not meet the qualifications to graduate from the academy in their third year except me, so they had to stay behind to train some more. I was supposed to leave the school in my third year but I told my master that I wanted to train for an extra year, and he agreed after much contemplation. It was after my decision to stay in the academy for an extra year that my master taught me the advanced skills of an assassin. Within six months of training, I was ready to go out for my first mission as a professional assassin. My first mission was almost an impossible mission to accomplish since I was sent to assassinate world's number one terrorist who has been terrorizing so many countries. I had to take a flight to Paris where he was based to accomplish my mission but since his defense was almost impossible to break through just like that I needed to disguise myself to break through his heavily guarded house. An opportunity for me to enter into his heavily guarded villa came when the head of his security team employed a group of dancers to