Chapter 1014

Hearing my reminder, Lin Rou nodded to me even though she was confused.

After all, now is the critical moment, especially when Wen Zhenjiang asked her to cooperate with me, she would have to consider my opinions more.

"Yes, next, I can focus on your opinions. Moreover, the staff of Nanyun have reached the location near where they met, but they haven't found any targets yet. What should I do next? Keep waiting or search nearby? "

"Don't act rashly. If you can, I suggest you reduce the staff by half, because there are no people to use now."

This is my answer after thinking about it. Although I don't know how many people Lin Rou has prepared, I'm sure that there will be enough people in Nanyun.

Although I don't know if the mysterious man's guide will show up at the appointed time, I do know that the more people there are, the more influence on the plan, so I have to ask her to withdraw first.

As a result, Lin Rou was not only surprised, but also asked questions, which surprised me.

"There are not many people on the other side of Nanyun. If you want to reduce it by half, what about luoan? Still need to be reduced? "

"Luo'an, Wen Zhenjiang is also handed over to you?" I am very surprised that Lin Rou's answer did not respond first, but was surprised.

Although Lin Rou didn't expect me to ask this question, she still nodded to me for sure because of my doubts.

"Yes, the Wen team said that because it involved simultaneous action on both sides, he gave me the command of both sides at the same time!"

I was surprised by the result, but I was happy for Lin rou.

Because the more so, the more Wen Zhenjiang attaches importance to her, so I immediately nodded when I saw her seriousness.

"There is no need to reduce the number here, but there is no need to get close to it. Because there are a Biao on the manor side, everything should not be a problem. Therefore, the problems on luo'an side are not big. Now it is mainly on Nanyun side."

Ruo Yun just heard this, and then she nodded to the south. She contacted her through encryption.

Although I was surprised by this scene, but seeing that the time was coming, I couldn't help but send a message to the fifth.

After all, I haven't received any feedback for such a long time, which makes me worry a little, so I'll ask the situation first.

As a result, no half a minute after the news was sent out, old five not only followed the reply, but also made a prediction of the result in advance.

, "my people will reach the designated location in two minutes, but with my eye view, the other side has not yet appeared. It should be ready to change the venue of the meeting. You need to prepare yourself first."

"Change the meeting place? Is he worried about an ambush here? " I was surprised to respond, but then I thought of the people in Nanyun.

Although I don't know if the mysterious people have found them, I don't care too much because this method is very common.

After all, if he really had no guard, he would not have lived now.

"That's right. Even if I found out your people five minutes ago, let alone each other. Of course, this is not the main problem. The main problem is that he is still worried about the tail behind him, because he wants to make sure everything is safe, so he has to change places frequently."

The fifth one certainly surprised me, but I didn't suggest anything to Lin rou.

After all, the personnel have been in place, even if the mysterious person found out, this is also reasonable.

Especially when I think that the other party is familiar with my identity, I am even more afraid that he will find out. Even so, I am worried that he will cancel the meeting today, so it makes me frown subconsciously.

"OK, I see. I'll keep in touch with you at any time. Your people will go over and have a look. There must be a reply in half an hour this time."

With this, the fifth didn't say anything, but Lin Rou next to him said something, and doubted me.

"Chen an, is there something wrong with you? Why do you look worried? "

"The other party's person hasn't shown up yet. I think he is going to change his address, so you should be ready to evacuate later." I didn't hide it from Lin Rou, but told her the truth directly.

As a result, she not only thought of the problem instantly, but also raised doubts again.

"Did they find us? In that case, we need to evacuate completely? "

"We can't evacuate completely. There are more people than we have. Moreover, we don't need to be in the car now. Instead, we need the other party to change their mind before they act. After that, you leave a small group of people to watch. We will know what happens at the first time." I denied Lin Rou's doubts and arranged with him.

Although Lin Rou did not expect things to change, but because this situation is common, she immediately let Nan Yun get ready.

"Well, the order has been given. I'll wait for your message. If it's true, most people will evacuate."

Hearing this, I said nothing more, nodded and continued to wait for the news.

Because it's less than five minutes away from half an hour, if the mysterious person doesn't want to break the appointment, I'm sure he will give me new news in half an hour.Although I don't know what his plan is, I will continue to wait for the last few minutes in the light of our agreement.

Sure enough, just two minutes after I thought about it, my cell phone rang immediately, and then I got through.

"What do you mean? It's almost time. I haven't seen your people either? Are you kidding me

I didn't give him a chance to talk. Instead, I met him first.

After all, this guy can call me at this time, which indicates that the plan has changed, so I took the lead in putting pressure on him.

As a result, this guy not only hesitated at once, but also explained to me and told me his plan for the future.

"I have some problems here. I'm afraid the meeting place needs to be changed. Well, I'll give you a new address, and you can ask your people to rush there immediately, because my people have already arrived. As long as your people go, they can take your people to verify. What do you think?"

The answer of the mysterious man was expected. Even if I could not believe that his man was in place, I could not refute it now.

Because before I saw the woman in Nan Yun, everything could only be led by him. So thinking of this, although I had a lot of discomfort, I still followed the opening promise.

"I can understand your worries. I can even give you another chance to change your mind. But you should understand that many things have a bottom line. Once again and again, we can't do it again. I hope you don't fool me, otherwise after today, I will not give you any more opportunities for sophistry. If you don't believe me, we will try it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!