Chapter 1006

Hearing my words, Zhou yangleng for a moment, then nodded.

"I understand what you mean. Although the quantity is not very large, it will be at least one-third of today's, so it should be able to help you, but the location of the goods is difficult to find. You may need to work hard."

"Are you sure you can have 300 kilos? If you can have this number, it will definitely help me! "

I am very surprised that Zhou Yang's answer, especially the number of one-third, let me surprise again.

"Don't worry, the quantity is only a lot more, so you should understand how much I lost this time?"

"Yes, I know. Didn't you just say that this thing came by accident? Why is there a loss? " In the face of Zhou Yang's sale, I not only ignored, but also asked him a question.

Although I knew that this kind of question could not hold him back, I did not expect him to take it seriously and continue to explain to me.

"Even if it was unexpected, I spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, especially financial resources, which is almost astronomical."

"Is it? In that case, which do you think is more important than your life? Zhou Yang, Zhou Yang, I can understand why you just gave up. This thing is a hot potato for you now. Even if it's ok now, it will kill you in the future. So when you hear my trouble, you immediately think of this point and turn the adverse situation into a trend. Even if I find out, it will hinder my needs and directly avoid the right Your accountability can be described as killing two birds with one stone. "

I suddenly understood Zhou Yang's intention, but I didn't have much antipathy in my heart.

Although he calculated me again this time, I realized that he was also out of trouble, which made me admire his intelligence and his luck.

Because if I didn't happen to be in trouble, he would never have raised this point, so he was the biggest winner in this contest.

But Zhou Yang heard my bluff, not only did not feel embarrassed, but also brazen admitted, let me not help but also surprised again.

"what has the final say is not what I say, but when you can find out when you can find it. Of course, I do not deny that there is luck in it. But since I have decided to say goodbye to the past, I will come to a thorough one time, so you can still think that this is my help to you!"

Zhou Yang's explanation is very beautiful. I can't refute at least his mending for himself.

Although I didn't expect that he still had this kind of resources in his hand, I didn't care much about the quantity of 300 kg, but agreed to it directly.

After all, Zhou Yang's attitude is very clear now, that is, to protect himself, so he can have such an attitude, which can be regarded as indirectly helping me.

"OK, since you said it was a help, I will continue to look for you to play chess in the future, but you won't win me so easily in the future. I will fight you well until the day when you completely admit defeat!"

I gave Zhou Yang an answer. At the same time, I realized that he didn't really want to play chess with me just now, but he wanted to compete with me.

Especially on the issue of whether I should let him go, he reminded me through this abstract way, which made me understand that he not only had cards in his hand, but also surprised me.

I didn't think of any more questions, but I didn't think of any more questions.

As a result, Zhou Yang didn't hesitate to hear it, especially when he saw that I was in a certain attitude. He said the address directly.

"The location of storing goods is not in luo'an, but in a small mountain village not far from luo'an. Of course, the location of my goods is far away from the crowd, so I have some trouble finding them. But don't worry. If I provide you with coordinates and methods, you should find them soon."

Zhou Yang's reply was neat and neat, especially after finishing, he wrote me a coordinate directly, which surprised me even more.

Although I didn't expect that he would put the East Tibet so far away, the main reason why he kept it was that he didn't produce it and didn't sell it to the outside world. He only took it when he needed to use it. I understood why he did so.

After all, he didn't want to cause trouble, so he kept these things away from him as much as possible.

Although I didn't expect him to leave such a hand, I didn't hesitate to forward it to Wen Zhenjiang and ask him to arrange Lin Rou's action tomorrow.

Especially with today's experience, I was more straightforward in the end to make clear the meaning.

"Tomorrow's action will be similar to today's, but we don't need to send too many people. We only need three groups of people. At that time, Lin Rou will still be the main place to attack. But remember to make the news tomorrow, and then we can achieve the effect I want."

Wen Zhenjiang was surprised by my method, but what he didn't expect was the source of goods, so he came back to me in surprise.

"Where did you get your source information? You won't tell Zhou Yang? "

Hearing this, I subconsciously looked at the eye Zhou Yang.Although Zhou Yang couldn't hear Wen Zhenjiang's words, he could hear my answer, so he followed me without hesitation. He immediately found a reason and let him go.

"The news is from the fifth, but it should be reliable. You should be prepared tomorrow. This time, the quantity is not large, but it will be 300 kg at least, so it is enough to make some noise."

Hearing this, Wen Zhenjiang did not doubt anything.

Although he was very surprised that I could find the source information within one day, but because these were their primary goals, they agreed immediately instead of saying anything more.

"It's no problem, but what are you going to do next? Is that how you're going to show the mystery guy? "

"That's right. You can do what you want tomorrow. I'll do the rest. Of course, if you can find something, it's better." I didn't say the rest of the plan. It's not that I don't believe in Wen Zhenjiang, but I want to be surprised.

Especially when I expect the mysterious man to keep an eye on the operation of the police station, I would like to take this opportunity to test him.

After all, today's accident made me ignore him, but since the plan for tomorrow is aimed at him, it is impossible to make the same mistake again.

Just did not expect, although I have tried very hard to hide the plan, can still be heard Zhenjiang guess, and follow the reminder.

"Tomorrow I can ask your people to follow up the investigation, but you should also try to be more careful, because now the top attaches great importance to the action of Luo an. If you want to do another operation tomorrow, the battle will be much larger than when you did not prepare for it today. So if you don't want to fail, you should pay attention to this point." , the fastest update of the webnovel!